Dragonflight Preview: A Closer Look at the Dracthyr

They look so sweet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Donā€™t care :man_shrugging:
Still ugly :person_shrugging:
Still evoker :woman_shrugging:


Seems thereā€™s some inconsistency with information regarding dracthyrs dragon form and its ability to wear armourā€¦ In an interview they said youā€™d maybe only be able to see tabards, shoulders, wrists. but with these they are clearly ā€œWearing armourā€ā€¦ Soo whats the deal blizz. Are we gonna be able to wear and see the same armour as everyone else or not?

Either way the cosmetic options look great! nice to see you guys listening to feedback

Iā€™m pretty sure they get preset armor that they can choose in character creation. So probably not in the sense that all the other characters wear armor. Kind of like how you can choose jewelry and tattoos in character creations.

Would be a little weirdā€¦ the ā€œVisageā€ form is supposed to be a ā€œVisageā€ā€¦ Soo the armour its wearing is the mirageā€¦ but if you collect physicalized armour from a boss and equip it to your visage is that now ā€œrealā€ armour or ā€œvisageā€ armourā€¦ what happens to the ā€œrealā€ armour?

And if it is real armour wouldnā€™t your true form be wearing it whilst your ā€œvisageā€ form would be wearing this customized setā€¦

So many questions!

Though in reality Iā€™m hoping that both forms can wear and and see the armour you pickup and this is just an over-sight from blizzards side. else what happens to tier sets? is that gonna be visage form only? that would be kinda lame.

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I canā€™t wait to play Evoker, itā€™s such a hard choice of sticking to Hunter as my main or going Dracthyr, Iā€™m leaning more Dracthyr due to having a healing spec too.

Plus these look amazing, good job Blizz.

Still looks like a rubber toy, who the hell would play this? I knowā€¦ Itā€™s gonna be busted so people will abuse itā€¦ Yeah makes sense otherwiseā€¦ Wth :joy:

So, dragon form will wear pre-made armour, and humanoid forms will wear standard transmogable pieces?


When Dracthyr was first announced I was not keen on them, since the newest preview Iā€™m liking them a lot more. The choice of colours/skin is amazing (the purple dracthyr reminds me of a pet I had in Neopets) and some of the faces are pretty good! I also like the slider to change body size. Iā€™ll probably end up creating three dracthyr, though I still prefer the dragon form best.

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There are some alright/nice options

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I like the ā€œbuffā€ version - I might end up leveling one after all. Good job!

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They may not be big chonky warrior Bois like us but Iā€™m still on board with them.


They look very nice.


Do you know if there will be an option to remain in dragon form, or will they be like Worgen?

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I really donā€™t know what will happen with forms and fighting. The last I heard was dragon form for fighting like worgen, and visage form when not in combat. Sorry, I donā€™t know. Maybe the other forumers know?

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Some interviews after the first hard announcement of them stating that youā€™re dracthyr when you fight got trumped over by Ion bit later by saying something along the lines ā€œTeam is looking and playing with ways to include visage form combatā€



Thank you :slight_smile:

Iā€™m gonna play It pretending is my balance druid until they decide to give us a proper non pathetic form.

Several body type options will be available

Thank you, Blizzard. That will hopefully make everyone happy in that regard :slight_smile:

Looks really good