Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

I did take the lack of them in s1 as a sign they weren’t confident in the design of them.

So again, you want the same reward for spending 5 hours in an instance, sodomizing it by killing it off mob by mob as people who do it at a reasonable pace, god forbid maybe even a bit faster.
Again, seems to me that people want everything handed to them for free, and any aspect of the game that forces them to put in some effort, is “unfun” and “unnecessary” and “must be removed entirely”

Why are you wearing overcoming timesink design as some sort of badge of honor? No one cares, why not just let people have fun?

Again, it can be seen by WoW’s dwindling casual playerbase.


Yet they found the time to adjust older dungeons into m+ variants. Since all re-used dungeons had upgrades in terms of mechanics / visuals and even had graphic polishes all around.

Even Uldaman was an upscaled dungeon in terms of graphics. There are so many similar spots compared to the old “OG” Uldaman.

Seasons with re-used dungeons is fine. But for season 4 only.
For the other 3 seasons id rather have something back like seasonal affixes although in a way more meaningful way than: ow look 2 mobs that give a buff or whatever.

Maybe something along the lines of: tyrannical / fortified get replaced as “always affixes” and are seasonal.

Like: if Fyrakk is the “dragonleader” atm, all dragons are either fortified or tyrannical (so combining the 2 in one)
Would probably be a big issue if not all dungeons have dragons, but just literally thinking of it on the spot.

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yeah no , we don’t have a healthy curve now. it’s a joke until +10 then it becomes very real very quickly. now at least they’ll have +0 to practice without the timer toxicity.

“Nyeeeh mah CoNtEnT I want evwythin 2 be relevant evwy dungon evwy raid evwy zone evwy talent evwyting!!!”
Maybe you need to pick up some anti adhd pills because I don’t see how scenario of every dungeon being m+ relevant is good for game.
Tanks will literally quit after seeing all this paths that they need to keep in mind

Yeah, because doing something that is absolute waste of time should be encouraged, that’s fantastic design.

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Then quit gaming and go do some social service and crap if you like being productive

WoW players really are trapped victims.

You know the idea of gaming is to relax and have fun away from the grind of life.

It’s just unfortunate that Blizzard design philosophy towards the end game is the opposite.


What is fun and relaxing is very, very subjective.

Blink if there’s someone forcing you to do content you don’t enjoy in wow.

Do you think I’m not relaxing or having a good time while playing wow?
That’s some hard projecting going on sweety

Absolutely, point that is being argued (which stems all the way back to my original point) is that people who dont find M+ fun it’s currently guise aren’t suddenly going to find it more open and acceptable in s4.

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Certainly didn’t mean to “imply” that, whatever that means. I did make sure to write “a giant mistake”, implying that the scale of the mistake was so vast that it was unrecoverable. It might for example be a DC as the tank, or literally dying due to horrendous play on the same boss every time at exactly 40% HP, or going “brb 1 minute” and then not showing up for 10.

All this was nothing more than a feeble attempt to avoid someone coming along with this exact kind of nonsense, yet here you are regardless.

This forum is nothing if not predictable.

And it’s still completely irrelevant. You might be playing well enough to clear a +25, but the person you got into your group is so bad it wipes your group outright, no matter what you do, and somehow he’s in your +22, and now your +22 is going to turn into a +21 because you decided to play with someone who is drunk, tired, boosted, or all three, and you had no way of knowing.

While obviously we can’t just hand you the satisfaction of defeating a +22 with such a poor group, taking the opportunity away from you and asking you to do something you already know how to do for the next hour or two is unnecessary salt in the wound. Why can you not keep the +22 key? Who does it hurt?

If constant failure to complete it doesn’t do that, lowering your keystone won’t do that, either.

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To me, subjectively, there are 2 things in M+ that are frustrating. People, and the fact that 98% of meaningful loot across all my alts is dropping from rise or fall. Instance design, affixes, gear scaling have zero effect on it. Bar covid, wow content has been the same cycle for years. Does it really matter, what skins you see when you do M+ again and again and again?

Sounds like you’re projecting to convince yourself you are.

Its not about every dungeon being an option for m+.

It is about re-using dungeons that have been played in m+ format already.

DHT? 100% replica of the legion one, i can upload a video i shot if a +15 i recorded in Legion and you wouldnt even notice. Especially not since 99% of artifact skills are talents nowadays.

And that goes for all dungeons that they re-used and have been in m+ seasons in any expansion.

So for me:
Either spend more resources on dungeons. To have each season with new dungeons.

Or just have another way of keeping current dungeons relevant.

Lets be real: outdoor content in DF was a bad investment of resources.
Reaching shores was relevant for less than 2 months.
The cave thing? Same story.

Both took a lot of resources but atleast for the Cave i expected a new dungeon. (Would be a way better to tell the story of the Dragondude going badass as raidboss)

Instead of a long boring quest chain.

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I am actually quite happy about this. I am able to do up to +12 mythics with my friends and do not mind missing the timer as I have no interest in going higher. So being able to do M0 with them every week and MAYBE a +2 here and there is great, especially for gearing all my alts.

If friends aren’t available I can do HC, which gives me much better gear. (Because no matter what you do, PuGs will only take you if you are auto-queued with them!)


this will be exploited btw

whats stopping people selling loot ? with the new squish ?

Aren’t HC dungeons and Mythic dungeons personal loot?