Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

Ah nvm. I thought keystones 2-10 were without timer. For a split second I thought “they are fixing M+ for the casuals” … but nope. Just M0 with a bad wording from Blizz apparently.

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It was worded very confusing imo, i was wondering aswell if they were removing timers for keys between 0-10. Im still not entirely sure what this sentence means tbh :joy:

«One of the most notable changes players can look forward to is the removal of the timer for Mythic Keystone dungeons for what are currently 0 and 10. Players can run through these dungeons at their own pace without the need to watch the clock while still honing their skills.»


They ‘removed’ the timers of the current M0-10 difficulty, since M+10 will be the new M0 in the new season. M0 does not have a timer. Current difficulties M0-9 will be removed in the new season. Heroic becomes scaled to current M0 but does not have the mythic mechanics, since it is heroic.

It is just really bad phrasing from blizzard.


I dont trust that part about timers. Its written very poorly and makes it very confusing.
Please do not touch the timers.

It is, I’m not saying it’s not. I’m saying you’re overestimating how big, and underestimating how much affixes and the stress of a timer add to the difficulty. The absence of tyrannical/fortified alone will make bosses/trash do be 30% easier than they would be in an actual +10.

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So the highest dungeon level I’ve done is 18 and it didn’t really feel that hard. If I try and think back to SL dungeons, I seem to remember 15s were way harder (plus I was also a worse player at the time).

It looks like it’s just a squish, but I wonder if S4 dungeons will actually be SL levels of hard, or they’re just cutting the excess between levels - like currently a 9 for example doesn’t feel much harder than a 2 or 3 in this season.

I am not overestimating it. I have plenty of experience in M+. Enough to know i just have to start at +2 on new specs and roles. And some of them i have to abandon below +10 since i just can’t make them work, no matter how many video’s i look and guides i read.

I sort of like the many levels as it stands now. I’m good enough for a 25, could I eek out a 26? - It’s not that much of a difference after all!!!

Now the leap from a x to an x+1 is going to be massive which is going to cause people to stop trying a lot sooner.

I think this will work well in the short term and fall off a cliff badly because there is no carrot. Currently there is a bit of a carrot for people to chase.

We need more carrots

  1. Intermediate titles or widgets for people to aim for rather than just ksm, ksh and the 0,1%'rs etc etc
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…you can literally stand in mechanics with blue gear and not die at those levels. I’m so confused how someone who’s capable of doing +26 suddenly forgets everything and has to go into a +2, then gives up at a +6. In 8 years of playing I’ve not met anyone like that. It makes absolutely zero sense.

So Either you’re a truly extreme example, or you’re grossly exaggerating on purpose to make a point. I’m sorry, it doesn’t make sense otherwise.

If you time ALL dungeons at a certain level your key would not get depleted below that level :sweat_smile: that would save pugs and the leavers problem.

If you’d complete a dungeon but missed the timer you’d get the same level in the vault. A good incentive for people to finish the key.

Save 160 aspects crests and you can purchase an item hero track from a vendor. No more people farming one dungeon over and over until they burnout.

Uncapped flightstones.

There. The M+ season is half saved now.

Pfft I am a flash southerner, I let the train do the work

Right now most people have stopped playing because there is no point and the reality is a season only lasts maybe a maximum of 2 months for most then they will quit for the season. With this squish it now means that people will be quitting even sooner than this because less progression is required to reach +10 across the board.

I understand the jump up in difficulty between each key level is going to be greater I doubt this will make little difference because we are just going to be playing the crappy DF dungeons again which I sadly somehow remember all the routes and mechanics for still. So there is no learning curve required meaning that for me the season will be over in about 3 weeks of it starting most likely.

I don’t really understand why there needs to be this change. The only time I ever do M0’s is at the start of an expansion when there is absolutely no other choice for getting gear because of season start time gating.

I really hate the the first few weeks of an expansion launch because it means doing M0’s with players that aren’t wanting to play the same game as me.

For me fun is doing stupid big pulls and nuking it all down and getting the dungeon done as quickly as possible.

For others I can understand this style of play is not fun and they want to do one pack at a time and listen to the RP stuff /sleep

M+ is great because it divides the player base up and makes sure that I only ever end up playing with similar minded gamers when it comes to doing dungeons.

A better improvement on this system would be that come the next expansion in season 1 key stones need to unlock 1 week after the expansion launches. Don’t mix gamers and casual content players together when it comes to doing dungeons because it just results in loads of people crying on the forums about how the dungeons are too hard and how people are toxic etc. The player base needs to be divided in order to allow people to play how they want to play so those that want to snail pace through a dungeon can do so and then others can zoom though it and demand the absolute best from every member of the group.

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what happens when you finish a +10 key if it doesnt have a timer ? do you get a 11 regardless ?

M+ will still have timers. The change is just a shift in difficulty. M0 will be scaled up to about the same as a +10 key is now. A +2 key will then be about equal to a +11 now and so on.

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The really interesting change here is that the third affix only kicks in at the new +10 (equalling the current +20), while getting mythic track rewards in the weekly chest only requires doing a +8.

This will make filling mythic track vault slots easier and more accessible, but it also means that if you try for portals (+10), you might encounter quite a few players who aren’t recently familiar with the tier-3 affixes.

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i not heppy this dungen pool not 1 bit it lame re use same dungen already had season 1 now to do it again wich annoying to me now even make worse lame afflix man dont tink will be play m plus this season just so lame

I really do not understand why M0 still needs a weekly lockout, if it is really because of the speed at which players gear up then why is there so much easy to acquire gear options out there. World Boss, M+2, Superbloom event and similar. Just add a chest at the end of the M0 dungeon and soft lock anyone who runs it more than once, they still get to loot something from the chest but not every boss, makes playing with others who have not done that dungeon that week also a bit more interesting.

And another thing, many people in this thread have commented on their dislike for the M+ timer, and others have replied “its only fortified or tyrannical and a timer for +2 that is hardly different” And while they might feel that way the people who do not like to run a timed content but want a different kind of challenge are also valid in their wishes.

Why not just make the Mythic Keystones an item you can imprint a dungeon on, imprint affixes on, imprint the timer on. And each addition will scale the key up and give better rewards. That way players who want to do a high key without the timer but still want to compete with the scaling can do so. And best thing yet, this system is already IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW, tournament realm keys are exactly this, buy the key, buy the targeted dungeon scroll, buy the affixes, buy the level it is all there! just useless RNG to waste more of players’ time fishing for keys. I thought we learned our lesson in SL BLizzard…


I actually think theyre good changes ppl playing 0-10 atm dont care about the timer anyways and shouldnt care because they have probably enough to do with other things.

A change that I would like to see is a vote for forfeiting the key.
For example you start a vote, if 4 ppl accept THEN and maybe when the timer is on 0 sec left there will be no penalty for leaving the key. When you leave in another scenario youll get a 1h lockout to start a new mythic+.

And i would actually like, if Blizzard has an idea of whats a good change, just make a post where ppl actually can vote for it.
Its possible because they already did that with SL S4 Dungeons and DF S4 Tier sets.
That will give a much better view of how ppl actually like the idea instead of trial and error.

Which makes m0 redundant as players will jump straight to a +2.

I disagree. I am not a fan of affixes, so do not misunderstand me. However for the levels to be meaningful and challenging I do believe they require extra obstacles. The way they have it now is making sense. Remove affixes from lower keys and slowly introduce them. The same goes for the timer. However the timer introduction should only be there for very high keys. It allows those players that enjoy it to progress to those key levels and expect more challenges. So should their rewards be better even if not in ilvl but cosmetic like say a Legendary version of the gear which not only is orange but a different reskin. Same goes for the challenger mount. Something unique.

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