Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

What makes mythic plus toxic environment is:

  • timer
  • key depletion
    It is good that at least the timer is addressed in the low level content. However, once hardcore raider, I returned back for dragonflight to see the high end content. This also means I have to deal with the timer again.
    May be you can have a look at the key depletion too. It feel bad when your key is downgraded 4-5 levels because someone goes offline, mouse batteries are exhausted, got lag, mom calls and is very angry…

Now to the point - I feel forced to fill all 3 dungeon slots in vault because quite often there is nothing to get (it happens 2-3 weeks after the start of the season). Finishing 8 m+ for the week at max level (20) takes a lot of time due to disbanded parties in bad affixes weeks and hard bosses in some of the instances. To ensure I will finish the instance I choose the easiest one and try to spam it 8 times. The easiest dungeon for the season till now was never dragonflight instance!
Now I look at the dragonflight instance pool and I’m scared of the cho

  • NO endless trash and most parties disbands on last boss. Reaching it back after wipe is nightmare - there is always at least one player that doesn’t know the only point where to land.
    -Uldaman -5 hard bosses on tyrannical is gg
  • HoI - short timer, you spawn at entrance, very hard to get pass through first boss, but even then the frog is expecting you.
  • neltharus, AV - again most parties disband at last boss and you waste a lot of time for nothing
  • BH - its tank/healers nightmare and endless trash which should be avoided is some affix weeks
    -RLP and Algethar are ok as dps. Still you either can’t find healers for them or again party disbands because timer are very short for that amount of trash

I would say none of dragonflight instances can be done relaxing and without stress just to complete your vault slots(I’m not interested in low levels).

What about the portals you already have?


I think this is a huge win.

This is gonna be very interesting.

Thank you blizzard devs :slight_smile:

And +2 will be literal hell on earth to Play on - with every single bad player somehow carried in m0 bu unable to perform adequately to +2 standard without the gear from what previously was 2-9 .

The toxicoty levels will reach new high :slight_smile:

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Please address the afflicted/incorporeal affix mechanics and the classes that can deal with them.
There are only 3 dps spots in a dungeon and you need BL and battle res. The last spot will go for a dps that is either overtuned as damage or can deal with the affix.
If you have a dps class without BL, battle res and you cannot deal with afflicted you need to simply log off till the next week as no dps spot for you this week, sorry.

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Not really for season 4. You have no affixes or timer in a +2. Sure you going to get your trolls and your rush rush mentalities, but I am sure they will learn quickly.

None of those things are addressed here.

The changes are for those that currently do keys +15 and lower. And its an improvement for them. For those of us that do keys 16+ and higher, its gonna be exactly the same.

So this is what I would do:

  • Keep the timer. M+ is not a raid. If you want that experience then raid. Maybe they should do 10 man raids or something. But M+ is something else.

  • Allow us to buy keystone upgrades with flightstones and crests. I proposed that the cost should be the rewards you get for timing 2 keys. It would (A) give you another avenue to “speed up” key upgrade and do less “homework” keys. (B) Give a purpose to that currency other than gearing up. (C) It would allow you to “upgrade your key” by doing someone else’s key. Which incentivizes cooperation and timing keys.

  • Something you dont mention but should be mentioned: Tuning cadence. The reason S1 was so amazing when it comes to balance is because we had SoD style tuning every week. The moment they stopped and took MONTHS to do changes, then you get complaints. Tuning cadence has to be bold and weekly. Not the “+2% damage” BS. It needs to be bold, and it needs to happen often.

You should reconsider your “attitude” towards this. The item pool from where the items are derived is SO MASSIVE that its highly unlikely to get an upgrade AT ALL. The best approach is to just play. Dont focus on 8 dungeons. Play the ones you want.

Whats all this? Its just L2P dungeons. Thats all. As if EB or any of the revamped ones dont have really annoying mechanics.

And they should not. Max rewards == max effort. I wont stress this enough. If anything, they still havent addressed the issue that there is NO REWARD from a +20 to 0.1% title.


They could at a minimum make the 0.1% title be by spec and not overall. And add 0.5%, 1%… ect…

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Ofc you have then in new +2.

You dont have them in m0

Posts like yours prove how many people dont know how to read with understanding.

Its just sad to see that most of casual playerbase will be effectively denied m+ and will be forever trapped in hc dungeons now.

Kinda ironic that this change will come live around time when cata launches - so both retail and classic forums will be filled with mamy angry people no longer being able to Play dungeons they enjoyed :slight_smile:

Both for the same reason - lack of skills and being unable to progress their gear

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Well now they will have no choice because they will be Gated off from m+ .

IT will be very funny seeing how many current +20 players will struggle with that too though be size of lack of farmable gear below m+2 :wink:

It’s going to end up with those players whining on the forums saying that they can’t get invited into x, y & z dungeon run because they don’t have the time/patience to upgrade their gear etc etc.

But I have noticed a trend and it’s from the same individuals on these forums who complain about something being too difficult for them, so the whole mechanics of the game needs to be changed for them, yet they don’t even realize that the rest of the player base is fine with the key runs.

Sure some affixes sucks, but get over it and try your best. There are a lot of other games on market, that they can play, if they want something super easy to play with little to no effort like they already put into their play time.

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this going to be an absolute horrible experience to pug.
it will be even harder to distinguish good people from potatoes when forming groups.

a m+ squish means you will have higher jumpa in scaling every key level than before. should be roughly double?
before you go from 20 to 21 now going 10 to 11 will be like 20 to 22? this will make pushing much harder.
or do they reduce scaling by 50% above m10?

technically you have less keys in qurue but factually you wont. most people currently skip the useless keys like 13 14 15 entirely anyways.

i dont think it will end up well

also do you get now myth track gear without even playing the thrid affix? xD
hand out more freebees to terrible players so i cannot distinguish them from good players that fail my runs

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My real worry is that as someone that enjoys getting gear at 1/8 upgrading it to 8/8 and than farming next tier gear at 1/8.

Would I still be able to do so “? since HC dungeons will drop 4/8 adventurer instead of 1/8

just means you get 1/8 gear in even lower content like planting seeds or so

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I did a +8 this week and we wiped 6 times. You can not just stand in everything with just blue gear. I am fine to be an extreme example. Together with other 50% of the playerbase who does not reach +10 in a full season. Fine by me.

Fair enough. I never looked at Tyrannical and Bolstering as an “affix” but since blizz does refer to the as such lets go with it. The affixes I was referring to were the ones we all love to hate with a vengeance. There is no timer in 0 -10 and this is what I was referring to when I said you would get the usual trolls that would pull for tanks or tanks would go “rush rush” mentality and learn quickly that its not going to be that simple.

the thing is that low dungeons feel harder than higher dungeons with people that can play.

i had lower runs where i scratched my head and asked myself how is it even possible to deplete a +8 AD?
the new system let people think they jump straight into a +2 and then you have epic fails because people literally clicking spells and keyboard rotate, not knowing basic stuff of the game and doing 40k dps in 480 gear

i think you are misreading it.
the old m0-10 has no time whoch is now m0.
the new m2-10 will have the same timer as before

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The thing is that here on the forums people just are in denial that there are a lot of those players. And i even quoted someone who said you can stand in everything in blue gear. It is just not true.

People making those claims have absolutely no idea how much they have learned. How much they know about the instance itself in detail and about how to play their spec.


My bad probably I spelled it wrong.

What I mean is that I enjoy getting 1/8 of each tier: explorer, adventurer, veteran and all the other tracks.

Previously I was able to do by buying 1/8 explorer gear at the AH and they farming HC dungeons for 1/8 adventurer gear.

Now my doubt is the presence of a guaranteed source of 1/8 adventurer gear, WQ or other open world events scales with your ILV so there is the risk of getting a 2/8 or 3/8.

yes that is true
you can wipe in a +8 with 450 gear the same way as you can tank a m20 in 450 gear. the players make or break it.
people dont realize of often they just got carried by one decent player even in a +8.
When i tanked a +11 last weak, we barely made the timer.
As tank i was top heal, top dps, the only one who interrupted stuff and the only one who took care of afflicted. if i havent done all that the key would have fialed. yet the people think they did great and deserve to be in the key.
i cannot be changed but with the new system i feel it will be even worse

i assume there are still sources to get the lowest gear. but to be honest you are probably one of the only persons that would rather start at the lowest then jump a few steps to avoid farming tons of crests


If you can set all the rules to a competition it loses any appeal and turns into a participation event. There are global rules for everyone and that’s the framework you’re working with. How else would you compare yourself objectively to anyone or anything? And don’t tell me people don’t enjoy competing, and don’t enjoy timers, and don’t enjoy affixes because then wow is clearly not the game for them, and they should stop dying their hair blue and demand one particular game to be molded to their liking.

Love these changes, mythic+ below 10 didnt make sense way too easy and previous heroic and mythic didnt provide any meaningful challenge so no chance for learning there.

I think difficulty and loot of mythic could even be made harder

also you could consider a quest to complete a few mythic to gain access to m+ to characters that havent done it so people have at least some idea what they are doing

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