Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

jesus christ on a bicycle, you keep visualizing some sort of flaming wall of demons that will fend off current +20 people doing +2 in S4. This is literally just a squish and people will not die immediately as they step into a +2, and if the system turns out to be badly tuned, blizz will address it in a week or two, like in S1. Calm the f down already.

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What does “Mythic 0 is still on a weekly lockout under this model” mean?

now imagine that +11 run you had just with whole team having 20-30 itlv less.

you likely wouldnt complete it at all.

and this is going to be very harsh and rude reality of new m+2 .

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Be ready for TWW when they introduce a mobile game feature to dungeons in WoW, when you can pay a small fee to have your dungeon auto completed!

There is only 1 reason for toxic M+ runs, and it’s the people. I’ve done some of my most enjoyable runs where we wiped through like a clownfest, because the people were great. Mind you, this was maybe 2-3 runs this entire season. Once again you want rewards for something that poses no challenge or stress (in any meaning of the word). Just run siege of orgrimmar solo maybe?
And what in gods name is “the frog is expecting you” - that sounds so creepy i will stay away from HoI forever

it means exactly what it says.

you have a chance to only get loot from each boss once a reset

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And your firstborn will die, and your eyes will bleed, and dead gerbils will rain from a burning sky! THE END IS NIGH!! FEAR THE +2 FOR IT IS HELL AND WE SHALL ALL SUFFER!


can we jump straight to the loot please? auto completion sounds like a lot of effort :frowning: it’s so unfun

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you may laugh all you want.

but the reality is majority of casual players will be now completly locked out from doing m+ .

unless they nuke the dungeon difficulty into the ground.

thats the repeat of cata hc dungeon fiasco .

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You are exaggerating again in an attempt to defend your point. Having the experience and knowledge of a 3200 rated player, a +2 poses you absolutely zero challenge, even if you never touched that class, and bought a lvl 70 boost. You know routes, you know what hurts, you know what is expected of certain roles. Especially if you are playing the same role as on your main, you will have 70% of it down, and that’s about 68% more than you need. Just end this nonsense about the +2-s

How could i laugh when the inevitable doom of the +2 approaches??

Almost 50% of the playerbase does not make it to +10’s in the current system. There are tons and tons and tons of players in social and friends groups or in friendly communities where they run <10’s M+. They arent competitive. They enjoy a small adventure next to their open world content.

Obviously the new system is just a number squish for people on current higher keys.

Again, Blizz will wait for feedback and tune it if needed.

On my main class with my main group. Which i did not have before this season. And especially not on other roles than healer.

I mean; i wiped 6 times in an everbloom +8 last week and we got out of time before the 2nd boss. You can just deny everything i say of course. But i had a whole study of my spec. I didnt boost my char. I had all kinds of mouseover macro’s. And that +8 was too hard. It doesn’t matter i know routes and that this even was on also a healer.

I’m a bit confused reading the article

  • Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it’s close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit).

But later it says;

  • Mythic
    • The tuning and rewards of this difficulty are increasing to the equivalent of a +10 dungeon with affixes in the current system.

So which is it, is m0 as difficult as a current 8-10 without affixes, or will m0 be as difficult as a +10 with affixes?

And i find it hard to believe that it was because of you. Obviously you will get into groups that can not time easy content and you find yourself trying to play for like 3 people in the group and end up getting overwhelmed, but this is an extreme example again, and you starting on an unreasonably low key level does not fix it in any way. If the other 4 people are clueless, you will fail the key regardless of the key level, so why not at least do that in a +10

The thing is, i am clueless too on a different spec on a different role in a new dungeon. You are just completely denying that we learned insane amount of times. I got a thousand dungeons under my belt this season. I just slowly learn and climb. And some specs i am not able to play, like the fire mage which i just had to abandon because i couldnt get it work over a +6.

But even when that everbloom +8 fiasco wasn’t about me. We can not ignore there are 4 other people in there who are not able to run that dungeon on that level. For those the new season will be a problem.

You just dont want to hear about the social friends and family groups running low keys having small adventures. They dont exist to you. But raiderio is also showing almost 50% of the playerbase is not reaching +10.

Why bring new dungeons? At the start of DF the player base wanted to be able to play all the new dungeons. So Blizzard listened and this is the end result. I think it is fine being able to play 10 DF dungeons for season 4.

I think this is a welcome change. Heroic and m0 were becoming obsolete due to how easy it is to overgear them. Maybe now people will get a chance to learn mechanics before they come to ruin your +6 key because they were just brute force cheesing it up until that point.

But I do think m0 need to lose the lockout. All levels before and after don’t have a lockout.

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having the experiene of 3200 on 1 class does not give you automaticly the experience on another class.

having the epxerience as dps does not give you automaticly exprience of healer or tank

having the gear of 3200 player does not give you full set of gear on your fresh alt.

and finaly - you having experience does not mean other people you meet in low keys have even remotely similiar experience.

its a receipt for disaster because you now have nowhere to get that experience from in freindly enviroment which were low m+ keys.

you will get instantly bashed and smahsed into the wall of current m+10 .

it will be very brutal for very very many casual players

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