Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

No. No.
You didnt get the blue post.

They squish the 10 bottom keylevels. And affixes come on other keylevels.
They even made a diagram to compare.

They want heroic and M0 to be harder but more rewarding. So people get on M0 difficulty a megadungeon experience by scaling it on M+10. And M+ will be go on further from difficulty +11. Which will be called +2.

That is how they scrap 10 keylevels at the bottom and everyone in M+ is 10 keylevels lower than in regular seasons. Which is why they also reward higher gear instant from M+2.

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Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it’s close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit).

hand-wavy, not an exact number how scaling is exactly after the M0 dungeons.
there is no exact number yet on the new M+2 till M+10 numbers.

its merely a guestimate from Blizzard and how they are approaching it.

Are you sure you weren’t saying that? Seems to me that’s word for word exactly what you’ve been saying for the entirety of this thread.

Just because that’s the only thing we have doesn’t mean it’s sufficient to come to conclusions, or good enough to use. Because it isn’t.

You can’t be serious. I could say the same about over 50 I know that don’t struggle with it. What you just said means literally nothing.

It doesn’t have value ins the way you’re trying to use it. 50% of characters with at least one M+ run finished not having all +10s times doesn’t in any way translate to 50% of the player base being unable to complete a +10. It just doesn’t no matter how many times you repeat it.

Ah you are still on track of keeping me hold on the exact 50% number. Whatever i used the only resource we have to show there is a significant amount of players. Whatever the exact number is.

Good luck with your rampage about it. And keep ignoring people who give their own experiences and oppinion about it. That is all you. I do not care. Keep your hands before your eyes and keep saying ‘it doesnt exist’.

That number says 0,0% about whatever you want to say with it.
its not even useful to point towards anything or to make any point.

Similar with the scaling and how they changed up M+, we dont have the exact numbers.
So you cant say you wont be able to do M+ anymore when season 4 starts, because you dont know how it is scaled.

Up to you to take a message or not. You only want to fight and disagree instead of reading the message.

We have experience how regular new seasons are scaled. And looking at the blue posts, when they have the idea to have less keylevels, they should not make it too easy, since we will get to +25’s again in that case.

Key word: regular.

this is not a regular new season. and when i told you that info earlier it was no use because this wasnt the same… so make up your mind please.

They compare themselves with regular or this season in the blue.

Ow so now you post it is the truth? but when i did 300 posts ago, it wasnt true and they completely murdered M+ according to you.

damn you have some moodswings :smiley:

I didn’t say anything remote to “exact”. It’s about the principles you’re using. For all I care the number could be 30% or 789kg. The point is that your conclusion doesn’t follow from the information you have available. But you don’t care about that.

Sorry for not being native english and having to be direct with my posts. I do not have fancy words to exactly say it how i would in my language. I took the only statistic since it is there. And that number has value. No matter it isn’t 100% accurate.

I never denied a thing like that. In the blue they compare with current season and they want to get less keylevels. They squished it from the bottom :dracthyr_shrug: That means in real difficulty a +15 in next season with the same relevant gear in that season will feel like a current +25. And a +5 next season will feel like a +15 right now. Both with relevant gear in their season.

Blizz wants to have a fun megadungeon experience on M0. So they scaled that up to M+10 difficulty like in a regular season. And that is where we lose the +2-9 key difficulties.

Which means there is 4 levels before M+ 5 (M+ 15 in current season) that will feel like: (guestimating here ofcourse)
M+ 3
M+ 6
M+ 9
M+ 12

Then from M+5 to M+10 (M+15 we go to old M+20)
Which is probably something like smaller steps in the 16-19 range or steps in between.

Especially in the lower levels those steps are marginal compared to now, since most people skip a few keys no matter what.

No it is handwavy because just like they say, the enemies are on M10 difficulty scaling. But because you have no time preassure and there are no Fortified/Tyrannical and Entangling / Incorporeal etc. affixes like they would normally be on M10 so it might be feeling like M8.

Thats all fine and dandy, but that doesnt say a lot in terms of how anything after that is scaled.
They have to create a progression path in between M+2 till M+10 to make it feel good.

if M+2 is utter undertuned and is a walk in the park, and M+6 might be too easy and M+10 in season 4 is maybe too ‘‘hard’’

those hand wavy sentences tell us nothing how it will work exactly.

In simpler worlds, the number isn’t important. It’s about what the number means.

In this case the fact is that X% of characters with at least one M+ dungeon finished didn’t do all dungeons at +10. That simply does not tell you anything about what % of players find it too difficult to do even one +10.

You have absolute nothing to support your claim. Your reasoning is faulty. That is the problem.

No but they said in the sentence after the description of how the new M0 will feel like.

So together with their diagramm it is not like how you thought here

but the new M4 will be the old M14, the new M3 will be the old M13 and the new M2 will be the old M12. It is like Mistjo tries to say the hole time.
The current difficulties M2-M9 will be deleted and from the current M12-20 they keep the enemy scaling and only the affixes will come later on harder difficulties.
So the current M20 will be the only key difficulty that stays the same while the Keys 12-19 will be only made a bit easier by removing one of the affixes.

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Fine. then it are only my experiences and friends i know. And we are also allowed to give our oppinion. We are part of the playerbase too.

The diagram is there as information piece and to illustrate the new system.
Scaling is all ‘‘hand wavy’’ and approx. considered towards season 3.

As i said before: each season we had a difficulty increase so a season 3 M+15 isnt the same anymore in Season 4, (apart from the whole ‘‘renaming’’ convention and lowering the amount of keys)

I have said all along: i am taking into account they are also redoing the difficulties based on this increase of power level what we will see.
Season 2: M+15 was a M+10 in Season 3 in terms of damage and hp of mobs.

We have a huge increase in power level at the end of Season 4, to ilvl 522, so changing up the key levels is just 1 part of the puzzle.

They wont literally start at M+10 and go up from there, because those steps are too small in terms of difficulty in the current season. because they are based of the M0 levels of this season.

Getting a new season, with a new baseline with new ‘‘adjustment %’’ for mob health and mob damage will give a totally different picture.

M+ scaling is based of the base HP and damage of mobs, add the % on top and that will become your key level.
That has to be redesigned to make that work properly. because you cant just ''rename M+11 to M+2 and so on.

its not as simple as that. there is a whole lot of scaling that goes into it, and adjustments.

And affixes and how strong they are are also based on key level to some degree. which has to be rebalanced aswell.

M+11 = the new M+2 in terms of health / dmg isnt exactly the new ‘‘standard’’

Reddit has a nice overview of current Season 3 scaling on key levels.

Is anyone preventing you from giving your opinion? No. But what you’ve been doing here from the start has been more than just giving an opinion. You were spreading false, or at the very least unsupported claims about the majority of the playerbase.

You could have just said something like “I’m afraid that with these changes me and some of my friends will have a lot of trouble with M0 and M+.”

But instead you went “M+ is dead, alts are dead, 50% of the playerbase can’t even do a +10, gg, hardcore or unsub”.