Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

  • Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it’s close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit).
  • The existing Mythic+ system will pick up where that leaves off, such that a Mythic 5 in Season 4 is roughly equivalent in difficulty, rewards, and M+ Rating awarded, to a Mythic 15 today.
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Fine man. I expressed my self too direct. I hope now after zillion of posts to clarify you understand now. At the moment you are just on a rampage that goes on and on. And then you call me emotional :joy:

And i know for me alts will be dead and for others M+ will be dead.

I got a bit worked up because I despise it when people are stubbornly wrong about something and won’t back down. I cat admit as much.

But you were absolutely reacting with emotion first and logic second.

If it’s too hard the scaling will be readjusted. Relax. Blizzard has been pretty good and quick with cracking down on overtuned dungeons lately.

But I think you’ll find out it’s not as bad once the season starts.

And i think you are wrong and overthinking it. That is my opinion.

Like deadguy said, if it wont work out Blizzard will re-adjust.

It isn’t reacting emotional when you first thought about it with logic. And i have also given the argumentation.

But sure when blizz will change it, sure.

So if 2 = 11 and and 10 = 20, in my math thats 10 keystone levels each, both from 2 to 10 and from 11 to 20.
And of course there is a smaller range of keystones then, cause they’re removing the first M+ levels.
But if 2 - 10 = 11 - 20, the difficulty increase is exact the same as it is now.

The steps would be bigger if 2 = 2 and 10 = 20 but thats not the case.
The way Mistjo suggested it, like removing every second level difficultywise, then it would be this way.
But in that case, it would make little to no sense to start at level 10 in terms of difficulty.

Edit : Off course due to the way it’s stated by blizz its not 100% accurate but only roughly, but still.
And they way most affixes have been nerfed to death, i honestly dont even think affixes are such a big deal up until S3 - 20 or S4 - 10.

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I’d love to hear from you on the patch day. To see if it’s really as bad as you thought it would be. Because I really don’t believe it will.

It will be exactly as it is today. No changes. All this hype for nothing.

Because they changed nothing fundamental from M+.

On patchday i will just play my main that i play for 6 years. Not sure what you ask for. On my main playing with a M+ group on voice i will just do +18’s in time, or +8’s in the new system. For my main we just go -10 keylevels and i whatever about the whole change.

Oh so you’re not even going to attempt M0 on an alt to see if it’s actually as bad as you think?

Well, it is changed, you can’t say it’s not. M0 will not be as brain AFK as it has been till now, but I don’t think it’s enough to make it unreachable for nearly as many players as some claim.

I had planned 2 new specs (no healer, 1 tank 1 dps) i had never played. That is for sure not happening. Indeed. If i am going to alt i am going to alt on resto shaman, my first char ever. And that char will not see any pug.

A bit of a defeatist approach isn’t it? Why not at least try? I’ll for sure be curious how the tuning turns out.

I am not going to learn a new class and then pugging content where i am not comfortable in. In both the content in comparison with the role and the spec itself. That is what i have said all the time. I start at the bottom and slowly build up. Going from heroic (ok M0 scaled, but no mythic mechanics) to M+10 difficulty is not my comfort zone.

I feel flattered that you do. :slight_smile:

Whisp if you need tips. :slight_smile:

I think i am fine, but thanks :wink:
I have played my resto shaman in DF s1, s2. In shadowlands s1, s3 and s4. In Bfa s1 and s4 and whole legion.

Blizz = people aren’t doing m+ because they aren’t finding it accessible and too hard
Blizz = people are doing them , and getting access to mythic quality loot rewards too fast and it’s too easy. Sounds like too much fun
Blizz = let’s just make it legion again
War within = let’s go back to DF S2 for games sales
War within S2 = let’s change it again as we losing subs and want to withold rewards from our playerbase long as possible.

Am I missing something here ?

You are missing main point. Blizzard hates m+ . They hated how players forced them into making dungeons relevant again and they hate that majority of players do m+ and refuse to do raid.

Blizzard Has Had for years now this crazy obssesion about raiding and forcing people into raiding.

They do everything possible to make m+ worse and worse experience - thus crazy overtuning of mechanics in dungeons in S1 of DF that’s why they put in those ridoculous affixes moving best gear to +20 and then season later making +20 having much lower tuning because participation ratio being down to drain.

Same was with gear upgrades. They literaly hated how playerbase forced them to put valor back into game so they did this while idiotic reinvention of wheel with crests just to make working system which was enjoyed by all as annoying and as timwgating as possible. Because god forbid from good players chilling in +2-5 and carrying weak players while farming vp

Now they again try to reinvent wheel in form that literaly nobody asked for. And once again it will be total dissaster because it will effectively deny Access to m+ for vast amount of weaker players for months if not complelty .

Because its not about making experience better. Its about time gating players as much as possible

But its Blizzard . They didnt care for players experience for years now do why woudl they change now.

Untill whole Dev management is completly replaced nothing will change

All I can see this change doing is benefitting boosters

This change for casuals to expand content for them.

Those who did high lvl m+ wont hinder them at all.

Doubt they hate it. Then they would remove it.

Less people raiding compared m+since.

  • Not everyone can spare 1-3 hours.
  • Not getting invited to normal raid without curve for example.
  • Even if invited, x people leave after y wipe, waiting for replacement, still time consuming.
  • Group loot. People need on everything even if they dont need, then trying to sell it (example), great experience.

Denying access by making decent gear drops in que-able content aka heroic dungeons :neutral_face: