Dragonflight story is cringe

If I have to repeat the storyline on more than 1 character, and by having to I mean anything locked behind doing that, then the story is doomed to make any good lasting impression on us as players. Doesnt matter how good something is, it tends to get a pushback if being forced on people.

ps - Also would be nice if npc voiceovers start calling me by my nickname instead of hero or maw walker, or whatever new it is in DF.

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That’s your opinion and that’s fine.
I’m sure there’s plenty of people who will find it interesting.

Also: A LOT of the story isn’t known at this moment because all the story content at max level has been encrypted on the beta. So, sorry if I don’t take your opinion too seriously.


I like this expansion for wow, finally you can rest from all this saving the world, the main adversary is not some world-destroyer, just an overgrown lizard, no more conflict between the horde and the alliance for now, we have exploration of the forgotten world and i will enjoy it. if you don’t like the plot, you can always focus on other aspects of the game, raids, dung, PVP and don’t worry about the plot, in two years some world destroyer will probably come again for the sword stuck in the planet and there will be chaos and destruction again.

Something can’t be “cringe” you illiterate buffoon.

It can be cringeworthy
It’s can be cringey.

It cannot be cringe.

Stop talking like you learned to speak from memes

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Please correct yourself; you’re making yourself look like… Well… You know…


Sorry, but if you’re going to call someone out for spelling or grammar, you better make sure your own replies are top notch.


Haha. I have no defence.
It’s early and I’m tired.

I shall however own these and admit my mistakes, opposed to try and cover them up.


Some people only play for the lore and some only play for gear but most people want to be taken on a journey.


What the hell are you talking about this is really good change and story direction. Not to mention this storyline will no longer be expansion eclusive , they said they want make it a multi expansion storyline.

We are getting so much more brand new and interesting lore. More perspectives on Azeroth and the universe itself.

We are questioning the Titan creation myth. We are questioning the old gods motives ,if they are so bad why do they keep warning us ?

Holes in the timeline. Which version on Nozdormu are we talking to ?

The whole void vs light conflict isn’t clear cut.

So many things that put a good new spin on things. The Dragon isles is in fact the only part of the Original Azeroth that has been untouched before the sundering. It’s a huge glimpse into the past. It will be a treat to see.

Imagine you could go to a place on earth and see a snapchat of how it looked exactly 10,000 years ago. Same fauna etc it would be amazing.

Things have to move on , it’s a good first direction. The expansion hasn’t even come out yet. You don’t have lore master achieve of dragon isles. We got at least 2 patches of extra story content to go through for the next 18 months. Come back at the end at we can agree or disagree if it was bad ( remember that’s kind of subjective in the first place)

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Have a to agree a bit, usually I am pumped when I see Wow cinematics or cutscenes but what we got so far are just boring stuff like a dude climbing to trigger something and not say anything the whole game or the last cutscenes in the prepatch are not exciting at all. I hope we get better stuff going forward and I hope at least the music is good like every xpac.


I’m more interested how it looked before
Dracthyr flashbacks maybe, or musing , ‘I remember when all this was…’ like things
The Dracthyr were sealed away 20.000 years ago
The Sundering was 10.000 years ago, when the Aspects left the Island with the dragons to help out the mortals
So there is a 10 millenium gap between… how the world changed after the time of Dracthyr, and how all changed after Kalimdor was torn apart
I’m rooting for a revived Archeology, to dig up the pieces of the past, little lore tidbits before the Sudnering and even before the that, when the Dracthyr were made and waged war against the Primalist
One can dream…

Yeah my grammar is the problem here.

nice musical group anyway

This is what happens when you let women design the story.


Ironically it was designed by a Man, but he is definitely feminist. It’s sad to see what has WoW become. Pure propaganda vehicle and childish. Compare Wotlk story to SL and this, compare even Legion story to this. WoW used to have some dose of seriousness and depth, yes there were silly things but the main story was always serious. Now everything is silly as if some child is playing pretend, DF feels like watching Dora the explorer.


I didnt pay much attention to the story except

That dwarf npc, he hit my feels.

And Sabelian, Wrathions bigbro. Yeaaah every single catloving introverted little sister with big glasses will now ship those two…

its rather strange that during the times where WoW was popular amongst kids and teens (TBC/WotLK or even Cata) game was far more serious and darker, and now when average player age is considerably higher we have several expansions in a row that feel like disney cartoons.
At least we have now very “modern” fantasy game with gay centaur marriages and world full of strong female leaders and villains.
There used to be a time where we met new ppl in pub or in work/school and we could open up and talk about WoW, nowadays i can’t imagine anyone would not be ashamed to admit hes playing in front of stranger
anyway, back to leveling, this Tuskarr fisherman seem very close to the fish i just gave him, he might need some encouragement from “hero of azeroth” to propose.


The voice acting certainly stands out as outrageously poor.

I’m really liking it so far, but yeah… that’s… something else.


Also only 2 dragons (malygos and neltharian) knew the drakthyr existed, when u go to azure u learn none of the dragons knew drakthyr existed realistically.

So to the aspects they were all there is, as they didnt know better. It was wraithon who learnt of our existance and went after us.

Difference realistically, the crown was how they kept of the hoards of undead under control, when we repaired death we kinda ended the hoards of undead. Theres nothing left to keep controlled now.

Because nothing is permanant, the aspects lost their power yes which means they had to take a back seat.

However once upon a time if you were born without be able to use your legs, you would just die,

Does that mean no one should have gone on to develope the wheelchair?

No, as time goes on information rises.

WoWs story has never rly been that dark, nor well done, any lore dedicated player rly knows that.

By the nature of the beast, anythings more popular to begin with, wow classic / tbc / wotlk / cata,

  • had 0 competing games.
  • was only during the grounds work of what would kill mmorpg pvp (MoBAs)
  • was a time when everyone was new to the game.

New players generally love everything 100x more then the jaded veterans in any game.

Exactly, WoW is like every Hollywood movie nowadays. Representation is priority, story is just something that allows for the representation to occur. There are no build ups for protagonists or antagonists but thank God alphabet person is the arbiter.
In Wrath we have a son murder his father, fall from grace, torture people and cause real pain to everyone. In SL we have Lady Moonberry, in DF we have some random dragon being locked away and finally breaking free. Wow
When I saw Alextraza fighting the forgettable dragon lady I cringed so hard.


We just gonna overlook the

Mass burning of teldressil and genocide against the nightelves.

The scorched earth tactic which murdered thousands of both alliance and horde.

The jailer twisting souls and fitting them into armour to suit his wises.

Souls being endlessly tortured to provide anima for the rich.

The corruption of politics leaving the poor to starve.

And thats from 1 expansion only.