Dragonflight story is cringe

The voice acting is totally cringe. It was the first thing I reacted to.


All that is not important when people don’t care about the villain.
Who cares about the Jailer? Who is he?
SL is life 2.0?
Imo there should have never been SL expansion or it should have been done entirely different.
They destroyed previous great lore to make way for the Jailer. Nice


I love DF so far, but I agree story and what you said voice acting is the weakest part so far.

Still, it’s one of the expansions that we really do not know will happen (a bit like MoP), so let’s wait and see! As I don’t believe that big purple chicken is the main threat. It probably can get only better.

The lore of this game since the very launch has always been shyte if you were looking at lore through the lense of the game itself.

And im sorry, but it has always been terrible lol.

The only difference is the game had a handful of characters with 10 years lore development already put in place to “hide it alittle bit”

Bellular has also stated the same, WoWs lore has always been goofy and pretty low.

And thats what WoW lore is, goofy. Its not exactly well written, theres a handful of Ok parts but overall. Nothing amazing.

The lore was terrible 18 years ago, the lore is terrible today. WoW has been notoriously considered pretty low in regards to lore telling.

Classic / tbc / wotlk had 10 years or so ramping up hype around those characters. Ofcourse they had a head start in terms of success.

Shadowlands was the first ever expansion where I hated the story so much that I couldn’t force myself to fully read through it… It was so bad.

It was a massacre of old lore, pointless and meaningless.
They destroyed Elune, Sylvanas, Uther… I think Shadowlands should be made a non canonic expansion it was so bad.

The winter queen was lifeless, the night fae faeries too cringe. The whole idea that anima was souls of mortals and we used it as currency was horrendous.
Elune let all the night elves die in the genocide just to help out her sister to send her anima currency. Plus she knew well that not all of them would end up with the night fae, so basically she just sent all her people to the venthyr and necrolords too.

Dragonflight first zone was interesting. I’m not sure about the centaurs yet, they seem boring so far. Plus I’m a bit confused about them. Is the whole centaur race gay? For some reason blizzard wrote every 5th quest about gay centaur couples and there were no heter0 centaurs so far. Or is this only because of inclusiveness?


Maaan… I’ve never thought about it this way. That’s brutal indeed.

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You do know, people actually quit the game because they couldnt identify themselves with their mains factions anymore due to the burning of teldrassil? Not to mention tons rerolled alliance.

People did REALLY care about that happening lol.

It caused far more contraversy then anything prior expansions did thats for sure

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Okay so your just looking to complain about it not being on the right?

You are cringe.


I’m gonna do with DF what I did with SL, nothing.

And one day, just like that, Blizzard gave me SL for free. Made me glad. Who doesn’t love free stuff!
Granted I only played SL for 30 minutes. But I’m sure once I get DF for free in many years, I will have a lot more fun than in SL. :crossed_fingers:

Spyro the Dragon on PS1 is still a lot of fun.


For sure beefy. For sure.

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Feel free to speak for yourself. And I really wonder how many of those 64 likes right now are from alternate characters (not necessarily yours).

I keep my eye on the zone chats and I actually didn’t have one person actively complain or rant in those chats while playing. Surely, the most players wouldn’t bother typing down complaints in a public chat in a zone. But the forums here are a fraction of the entire playerbase.

Also I barely read any complaints of the DLC so far in any of the 3 big WoW Discords I am part of atm.

People seem genuinely be happy how the DLC is.

Also, you should refrain from using “cringe” so much. The more you use a single word in a post, the more people tend to ignore its meaning.


Too me the story is far from “cringe”, i am usually quite critical about things, but i’ve enjoyed the story so far.
I am also glad that the “big bad” isn’t spaced out like we have had in the past, like… we went to space in one expansion, and we went to the life beyond and basicly fought “death” there.

I am glad we are back too solid ground again, and dealing with threats that are not nessesarily world threatning, but potentialy are.

I will add too this though, not super excited about a dragon island nor dragon lore.
But it is way better than flying space ships too kill endlessly large demons and fighting beyond life and death.


a facial expression

people generally use it unknowingly if something goes awkwardly wrongly around them

Quite literally impossible

So what you’re telling me is don’t buy it, thank you for your sacrifice.

After BFA and SL it was clear the story was being steered in a very PC direction and it seems that they’re pushing on with that train.
I have been scouting the forums to see if it was worth my time but from friends and people like your good self best to just avoid it.


100% agree! But I must admit the new dragonriding dungeon is fun

Still too poor to buy dragonflight .-.

To be fair is that cause there are no people about, Played for 4+ hours yesterday saw 15 players. They either royally messed up sharding or game is really not that popular atm.

It’s alright so far, dragonriding alright, world designs nice. The “inclusivity” that some people complain abouts not really the end of the world I’m in the second zone, there’s been 1 gay couple, yes it felt abit forced as they made the entire quest about the couple but whatever not a big deal, I get that it’s abit tiring and feels forced if someones sexuality is the whole entirety of their character regardless of the sexuality.

IMO it’s a solid 4.5/10 (for context SL is a 2, BFA a 3-4, Legion 5-8)

If you’re on the fence about buying it I wouldn’t bother it’s not the expac to bring people flocking back to wow, but if you’ve been enjoying playing retail you’ll probably enjoy playing this.

My previous post vanished not sure if it got deleted, so if I end up double posting sorry