Dragonflight story is cringe

Aspects returned to the Dragon Isles and realised that the Primal Dragons were loose. OH hey we’ve worked with a bunch of mortals that can really hold thier own, go get them please. Very simple explination.

Yeah but then they send a bunch of archaeologists instead of soldiers…

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Also please find a lore explanation for shamans at this point, are they all just standing their awkwardly during the story beats.

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They should learn from Witcher 3 guys, voice acting is important thing of an RPG game. They need to step up with more voiced dialogues in this game, and the good ones.


“Always send the expendable first”
Lao Tzu
Art of Special Adventuring Operations

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people who abuse the word cringe are the true cringe their like the anti woke crowd that has transformed the word to mean things i don’t don’t like

Not really transforming the word, maybe overusing it. I mean surely most things you don’t like is cringing, that’s literally what cringing is for if something is embarrassing or unpleasant.

Like for instance you find it cringy that they are calling this cringy.

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actually i don’t i find it just sad i’m way to old to care about what is and what is not cringe it’s like your toddler learning his or her first word and keep using it

Then why post, if you don’t care?

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Just saw that Azure Span ending cinematic…

Wow, pretty sure there hasn’t been such a cinematic in a while… idk was jt the visuals or something else, but it’s really good.

Btw, imo the last good storyline WoW had was Kul Tiras and the daughter of the sea, so yeah… I might like strange things.

Daughter of the sea was good. On a slightly different note anyone tried old Battle grounds yet as I imagine eye of the storm is basically being won by who has the most dracthyr.

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Channel list usually says 60+ players. And not a single word of them that the DLC is :poop:. So there goes that.

There’s more!

You better get used to it. At least it isn’t that disconnected from reality as Saint-14 and Osiris were this season in Destiny 2. Entire season story was about Pirates and Buccaneers and then, last cutscene makes a 180° turn and is about Saint-14 and his relationship to Osiris.

60 people is not exactly a high number, but I get your point it’s a reasonable amount in an area.

I’m not really fussed as along as it’s not completely overshadowing the storyline of what I’m doing, which tbh at this point is pretty lacking anyway. Blizz writing team have a real issue with understanding pacing in a story as writing anything that’s not completely 2 dimensional.

That being said It’s not likely you can really play wow for a compelling storyline anyway so not really a great deal lost.

Well, most people seem to be quite happy that the story is for once not an entire action movie compressed into a video game with tedious quests.

Edit: And the main story line is clear. Defeat Razageth. Look at it like Lord of the Rings. The entire story is about Frodo destroying the Ring of Power. But to get there a lot of other stuff happens inbetween that isn’t relevant for the Act itself, only for the way to go there.

As a long-term NE player, I was incensed by that turn of events and still am. I was even more furious with the fact that the woman regardless of who was manipulating her (supposedly or more like bad writing because the devs did not want to kill little Sylvie off because she’s too hot and her legion of male fans would go nuts and demand she be resurrected) to do what she had in life and then magically she gets the part of her soul that was missing back and it’s all suddenly okay even more incensed was that for some reason Tyrande sends her into the maw to retrieve the souls/lives she took as punishment how long will it take knowing her or how this game is written I would say very little time because they will notice a drop off in players because that particular Windrunner sister is absent and make up some flimsy redemption thing and she will be welcomed back by the Horde as some kind of living Goddess because she was never that bad just a bit nuts.

I did soldier on but the outcome of Sylvannas and the way it was done was and are still unacceptable to me and I am of the view she should have died for her crimes.

At least for me DF is a change of tone atmosphere and is not about death pain and a genocidal maniac she-elf who went off her rocker and then supposedly found herself again and then got shoved in Limbo to find lost souls but hey at least this is not bad as that.

Anyway OP respects your point of view but don’t agree with it either.

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Not even close, the issue they have and it’s an issue they’ve had consistently is their writers don’t know how to pace a story properly.

Take the aforementioned Daughter of the sea, which was a nice bit of story telling however they don’t do enough with Jaina’s mother to really see he change her mind much no wracking of the conscience for what she’s done etc. It’s literally two quests then what have I done I love my daughter the character flip personality so fast you can’t truly engage.

SL is a complete write off so i won’t even start on that.

The difference between this on lotr is that there was a constant sense of urgency in lotr, this was on screen realised by the ring wraiths forcing the party forward, although in the books the hobbits literally pub crawled to Rivendell. However we will talk about from the point of the fellowship onwards, at no point were they not focused on getting to mordor, they never side tracked they got side-tracked, they got split up and then things happened to them, there is literally no reason for you character to do anything other than go to each dragon shrine, the centaur etc are all redundant but forced upon you.

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That’s nice and such that you summarize this, but I am not speaking about BfA. I am not speaking about Shadowlands. I am speaking about Dragonflight.

Because there were no players in it. You can’t take a book/movie example 100% by face value. That’s not how my comparison was meant.

I meant it only from a complete narrative design PoV. Not from how the game actually plays. Of course the game lacks “sense of urgency”… Because it is an MMO. Not a single player game like Mass Effect from Bioware or Halo from Bungie/343. It’s a game with an open world and those open worlds are there to be explored and to learn about them.

You can’t do that when you want a “story with sense of urgency”. That’s why Dragonflight perfectly works in that aspect as a DLC about story and exploration. Not as a DLC about an action-story.

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I think you’ve misunderstood what I’m saying so I’ll elaborate.
If anyone cares for the initial story of DF don’t read on.

You land on the dragon isles, you’re introduced to some red dragons save eggs meet Alexstrasza, this is literally 15m in, from this point on there is no point looking for anything, this was their home, they and by they I mean Alexstrasza, knows where everything is, it was her home queen of the dragons an all. This shows their lack of understanding of the importance of pacing, you’ve taken away the entire point of the character adventuring to discover as you pointed out before the plot is Defeat Razageth, anything you’re doing that is not directly aiming to do this is just pointless, and since they set up the concept of urgency e.g before she awakens the other primal dragons which are stronger than her, the plot becomes pointless.

If it was written with pacing in mind, you would remove the leaders of the flights from the equation e.g have Razageth lock them in her old prison, scatter some ancient dragon mcguffins across the land that will help unseal them, since the leaders are trapped, we have to speak the the natives and learn where these things are. At the moment the entire island could be explained to us in 5m flat by Alexstrasza. Do you see my point now. They wrote themselves into a corner.

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Having to post again cause again my post got removed.
Let me explain myself better, if you care about the story in the first zone don’t read on.

You arrive on the dragon isle save a dragon egg meet Alexstrasza, in the first 15m, she has a fight with Razageth and relays the urgency of relighting the dragon flights oaths before Razageth can awaken the even stronger primal dragons. From this point onwards there is no point in exploring lore wise, you’re literally standing next to the font of all dragon isles knowledge she was the queen of this land and knows where everything is.

This is writing yourself into a corner, they can’t do anything now because they’ve already tipped their hand.

This is a classic trope but would allow for a lore reason to explore. Say Razageth in that fight isn’t fight just Alexstrasza but all the flight leaders, she traps them in her old prison or basically anywhere. They manage to relay a message to you, to relight the oath stones, but aren’t able to get enough of a message though explaining how or where they are. You now have to travel the island searching interacting with the natives to learn where the things are that you need to free the flightleaders so you can face Razageth.

See the difference, in one the player is just doing random crap inbetween the odd story beat, the sense of urgency and purpose is lost, the other has you actively taking part in the main plot by doing all the side stuff.

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I think you don’t get what I’m trying to say.
I never said WoW lore was perfect, but back then they at least tried to tell a somewhat compelling story. However goofy or mediocre it was you could still find something that makes sense and retcons were mild, so it was a somewhat consistent story aswell.
To try to defend this nonsense we have form SL on by saying it was mediocre before is definitely not fair.
I think there was never a time in WoW’s history when the story was this bland.
There were stupid things in every expansion especially since WoD, but this is rock bottom.
“Aspects returned to the Dragon Isles and realised that the Primal Dragons were loose. OH hey we’ve worked with a bunch of mortals that can really hold thier own, go get them please. Very simple explination.”
Ok after I did the evoker questline I got it, it didn’t make sense before as I didn’t even get into drakthyr lore. But the drakthyr story and existence is really really not compelling at all. Compare their motivation and drive to demon hunters. Dracthyr feel so generic. And primal dragons are generic as well.