Dragonflight - The M+ or DIE expansion?

Again i am somehow not allowed to post my oppinion and experience of a stated fact by someone else. And that is your whole contribution for the last 5 posts. “You post you oppinion!!”. So what? What is your point? Someone stated a fact. I 100% disagree with that fact. Deal with it.

Where is this forum going to…

H Raz really has received too few nerfs and whilst .7 might bring some borrowed power or whatever. It is too little too late.

Blizzard still has not learned that first impressions matter, and that players are not going to stick around for 4 months until Blizz decides to nerf things in desperation. WoW tourists are important, and having them subbed for every content patch is better than having them subbed extra long at release and never coming back.

I really see a problem for many casual guilds until .7, because knowing progress is going to partly coming down to getting increase in DPS / HPS from ilvl from M+ has to be really discouraging. Especially because I imagine that there are a decent amount of ppl in casual raiding guilds that do not enjoy running M+.

Tourists can kill it on lfr or normal.

It’s the last heroic boss. At what stage will people stop asking for something to be dumbed down to their level and rise up to meet the challenge?

Killing a boss isn’t some rite that is guaranteed or pre-ordained because you have a sub. What about people that won’t go into mythic for which the last H boss is the endgame?

Does your desire for an charity kill trump their desire for a challenge?

Blizzard’s genius in the past has been in their design where the constant character progression through items and systems has ensured the challenge of bosses would lessen over time in a way that still preserved the sense of accomplishment, because you had to work for the character progression – versus outright nerfing bosses, which feels like divine intervention and a helping hand from the developers.

Dragonflight doesn’t provide constant character progression. The gear upgrades come to a halt, and then you either have the necessary skill to beat the bosses…or you don’t.
That forces Blizzard’s hand. They either have to provide that character progression, or they have to apply nerfs.

It seems like they’re opting for character progression in patch 10.0.7, but that patch may be upwards of 2 months away. And historically speaking, when guild progression grinds to a halt and the brick wall appears, a period of upwards of 2 months is a guild destroyer.

Hopefully that doesn’t happen, but design-wise Blizzard have painted themselves into a corner here.

There’s a reason WoW has had constant character progression – it helps players overcome challenges with static difficulties.
In the absence of that constant character progression Blizzard forgot to put something else in place.

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Sure, and those people in the linked thread all have things they can do to improve their player power.

The person that made that thread has a grand total of zero crafted items and is sitting at ilevel 400. They’ve made almost no investment in M+ (a contentious point I guess) but doing 10 of them over the many weeks the expansion has been out would have given them access to a 418 item.

2 people potted on their attempts. Poor for a heroic final boss with a dps check on the first phase (if you don’t phase it by a certain time you get nasty overlaps). They had people with broodkeeper runes on and they had people there that ended the lust phase with 35k dps.

They don’t have a “the boss needs nerfing” issue. They need to look to themselves. They can dramatically increase their player power if they choose to invest. They can also - for want of a better phrase - “git gud”.

But Blizzard’s whole advertising campaign for Dragonflight towards the raiding community can be summarized as such:

“You have the freedom to simply raid log if that’s what you want.”

So that’s the player expectation.

But if players get stuck in the raid, then what?

It’s not ideal for Blizzard to tell people to toughen up and git gud. It’s in Blizzard’s interest that people have an enjoyable, positive, and successful experience. But they can’t rely on people getting character progression to make the raid bosses easier, because there isn’t any “mandatory borrowed powers” and they’ve kind of told people they won’t have to pursue any others that may exist.
That leaves the nerfs, but we saw in Sepulcher of the First Ones that it’s not very pretty when Blizzard has to carry the playerbase through a raid when that’s the only solution left.

So they’re opting for some character progression in patch 10.0.7, which I duly note that people are already getting upset about, exactly because it violates the “promise” about no borrowed power grinds.

It’s lack of due diligence from Blizzard’s side.

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Are continuously joked at by blizzard same with Professions and new releases like this game and Trading post etc Specs. Like they are reworking them during the launch are blizzard even trying to show us what this game is or are they just taking us for fools making 421 obtainable in 20+ instead of 15+ was a big straw then making the specs retarded to play only catering to 1% player pool feels sad they don’t even try to show us what we paid for, making melee only viable specc due to seasonal affixes requires moving feels sad.

This is the last straw i wont resub for this i’m gonna show blizzard they aren’t fooling me anymore, If season 2 sucks this much which i think it will they are proably making the affix more cancerous instead of bringing back an add we kill to get more stats.

You can quote me on this but S 1 2 3 4 Shadowlands wasn’t this boring afking in Main city trying to get inside a key.

The thing is, if I see someone that has no depletes I’ll think they’re a habitual leaver and not invite them, lol.

Delete please.

this is also a nail in the coffin :stuck_out_tongue: Blizzard sohuld lower the requirements down to 18+ then make 20+ give portals.

you can get higher ilvl loot from raids and exactly same “crafting ingredients” from raids. tf are u on about? :joy:


I have done 0 dungeons this expansion

It’s like that cause group loot is trash and it’s impossible to get geared through the raid alone.

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i would say this is DIE in M+ expansion

This is the death of gearing in wow yep. Also a time for me to unsub.


And why? If you cant do 20s then you dont deserve the vault loot. Its that simple. You dont need everything on a silver tablet. If you can only do a +18 then live with the 418 gear or get better at the game.

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Why did i just read that in the voice of Professor Putricide?? :rofl:


So 18’s are a silver tablet now :joy:

Oh spare me your nonsense. If he wants +20 rewards on a +18 then yes its a silver tablet in comparison. Especially with +18s being significantly easier than +20s.