Dragonflight - The M+ or DIE expansion?

Spare me your nonsense yourself. 18’s are hard. Comparing it with a silver platter is facepalming.

What about “in comparison” and context do you not get? First learn to read and then speak to me.

The comparison is irrelevant for your first statement that 18’s are a silver platter. Which means you get it for free. 18’s are hard. No matter how easy they are in comparison to higher keys. Obviously every higher key is harder. That does not mean 18’s are for free. Like 2-3% is able to do 20’s at the moment and they also have already pretty high ilvl.

Get out with your non logic and nonsense.

Blizzard need to ackknowlegde that joing a community and or guild does not solve anything. It is still hard to find players in there and especially within guilds there is a core set of players doing keys together, which forces you to pug.

There is always lack of tanks and healers.

In the end, what is the purpose of wow now? This diablo season gearing? Transmog farming? Or have devs just given up and just try to make wow a cash cow until it makes no sense anymore due the fact that their wow skeleton system cannot cope with players demands?

I cannot see either what the big cinematics can identify me in the game. For me it is just two different teams in blizz that has no interaction at all.


Its not. Your rant is because you feel offended for whatever reason.

Again: What about “in comparison” do you not understand?

Learn to read and notice the context and then speak.

Yes they are. So what? Thats irrelevant for the context provided. You get the appropiate reward for it. Which is 418 in vault. Not 421. So yes, wanting 421 gear despite “only” doing 18s is wanting it to get it on a silver platter as youre not doing the difficulty required for it but still wanting it.

The only one that got this implication is you. You believe someone was saying 18s are free in general. Completely disregarding the context and comparison that got along with it. Same with you throwing a tantrum about +16s where you also ignored context.

The irony is absolutely baffling.

This has always been a thing since M+ released but only now you have an issue with it because let me guess, you’re not steamrolling +15’s for max rewards anymore?

God forbid the game got a little more challenging to get gear. We’re progressing mythic and it hasn’t been asked of any of us to get a full 20 key vault at all, just a full vault in general.

If your heroic guild asks for that I suggest to give them a reality check or find a more relaxed guild.

The amount of nonsense people complain about these days is rediculous.

Indeed. What a nonsense post :joy: Not worth more response. Have a nice weekend :+1:

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Once again ironic.

Its not me that couldnt read the context of A being easy in comparison to B and had to take it as a general statement at face value trying to make it sound like 18s were in general belittled. Same thing you tried at the +16s.

How about you learn not to add your own little nonsense to stuff youre responding to eh? But then you wouldnt be Tsjoh i suppose.

It is not healthy for the Game blizz will lose 80% of subs including me if they continue making only hardcore content for the elite players and ignore the rest of the MMO part and you will always have Blizzard shills defending this elitist attitude.

Enough is enough this has to stop or might aswel wow be a world of mythic plus land.


I’d say Dragonflight has been more casual friendly than any other expansion in recent years. If you can’t see past the M+ content then maybe that is a you issue.

Not really alt gearing is a mess. There are several thing need to be account wide. E.g the chaos stuff. Don’t want to run 40 dungeons again for those stupid upgrade materials.

not crazy the game is mythic+ or die…

not just the expansion has been for years.

congratulations on waking up to realise it though :slight_smile:

happy for you.

Id disagree.

To m+ past +15 you need tier sets, ur going to get kicked without them.

To get tier sets u must raid.

To how can a expansion be m+ or die if the gates to m+ demand raiding, games never been m+ or die overall nor does m+ demand tier sets (the dmg increase isnt high enough to make u unviable)

The issue has never been

“Its A B or X or die”

The issue is, the social pressure by the community itself has driven such to feel that way.

The guilds clearing heroic, the pugs clearing heroic, premade friends snd more, cleared these m+ dungeons, cleared this raids. Without tier sets, without achievements. Without silly ilevel requirements.

Thats factual. The contents been nerfed several times since theyve cleared them to stack.

So why does the game now require u to be 30 ilevel higher, with stacked tier sets and 4 clears worth of experience now?

Heres a secret: they dont.

The community set the bar, not the game. We as players have chosen to increase the requirements past what is actually needed to make our experience easier in game.

as usual m+ gearing is way too OP.

now they lift valor cap and added catalyst meanwhile raid still has loot id and garbage ilvl in comparison

M+ gearing is to OP.

Less then 5% of the game capable of clearing a +20 to earn said “OP gearing”. Amazing.

When will u accept the reason m+ is so popular is not because of its gearing ability, but because the vast majority no longer can dedicate to a weekly static hourly rotar

Just accept the fact the majority dont like raids anymore. Or simply dont have means to raid.

Its accessibility. Not its progression.

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i meant more in the sense that mythic+ is the main part of this game now.

it’s what most the consistent players play for.

honorable mentions being raids/pvp/transmogs/mounts each being no where near the numbers of mythic+ consumption (at a guess)

doent bother me personally if it was or wasent mythic+ or die, mainly just answering the thread with my personal view on it , feel like its been this way since at least bfa personally.

there is more than just 20+ and mythic raiding you know?

+14 which is a joke compared to even commit to a raid schedule lets you upgrade to 411.
profession in same range give you 405
raid ca. 402
and pvp equal would be like 388 to +14 keys.

you shouldnt interpret i nthings i havent said. :slight_smile:

+14s are also harder then raids lol.

I think numbers still show people able to do +14s are beneath 5% by raiderio statistics.

Vast majority dont make it past +10, and also to stack, m+ gear requires a 2400 Rio score to get to heroic raid ilevel, which demands +18s to be done.

Valor demands 2400, to get to 411 gear.

You rly know very little about what ur talking about.

Its easier to heroic raid then it is to gear that high in m+.

The thing is, most are happy enough reach 395 ilevel and simply relying on alt systems to carry their fun on.

Heroic raids.
Mythic raids.

Have reached a degree of difficulty most are simply unwilling to do

how i upgraded my belt and trinket to 411 then :thinking:

You got it from the great vault for completing a 15…

So you didn’t “upgrade it” with valor.