Dragonflight will be the expansion that killed World of Warcraft

This is how the game was before Legion made it fun for players other than raid loggers, but that made raid loggers very unhappy because they want to pay $15 a month to play 2 hours a week.


Shadowlands had one of the worst launches with huge lags and que.
The map who had the world boss ALL WEEK had huge lag!
Some specs (assassination) was for real unplayable to the point it was hard to kill a single npc and most of specs were so badly tuned.
The maps become boring of the same colour everywere (Maldraxxus)
Thorghast was really boring and bad and the Maw was hard in the start with the assassins etc.
DF have nothing like that. The only bugs it was 1st day of Trading Post and a WQ with the kittens, the classes is not perfectly balanced but it’s better than before.
For me it sounds you join Shadowlands to play the last month before the new exp.

Cause a player connecting once a month to do solo stuff does not contribute to the community feeling alive, but they contribute to Blizzard’s engagement metric.

But ultimately, the more players turn into Raid loggers/Trading Post loggers, the less Wow feel alive and this tend to lead people away from the game when they don’t find groups to achieve their goal. This is a domino effect that cause down states in the game, with Blizzard losing customer each time it happen.

MMO’s are carried by their community, kill it and you kill your MMO.

This is why Blizz need to care more about a real engagement metric.

I’m not saying it should absolutely be in the form of AP, tho. It could be done by an engaging gameplay loop like GW2’s Meta event trains, by long term cosmetics goals like a reward track similar to Honor System for any PVE content.

But Blizz need to check out for that kind of day-to-day engagement tools to keep their community alive, else DF will end up depressing like SL, even tho players are login in for their monthly free rewards.

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If someone just wants to raid log, they should be able to. If someone wants to log on and play every day, they should also be able to. And everything in between.

For years the game managed perfectly fine with this way of playing. It does not need gimmicks to force people to log in.


Well, actually, the game drives away players who want to play on a regular basis. I have nothing left to do since a month now and play other games.

On this season, i don’t care that much since there’s plenty of nice games coming out, but next season will be a drag if it goes the same way it felt in this one.

The game need long term (infinite) optional goals. It had long term goals since Legion, but it was a mandatory system. They just need to figure out away to make a infinite optional goal.

In theory it would had been an interesting way to see how many people play the game for the game’s sake and not due to sunk cost falacy.

But I think it would not go as well as he thinks

It is normal and healthy to split your gaming time between different games. It helps avoid burnout

I personally haven’t cared about a story for so long, probably since Legion. I just play M+, and am really enjoying that. I am just happy I don’t HAVE to run content like Torghast, to get my legendaries and buy EXPENSIVE legendaries on the AH to actually play the game.

For me after SL, DF gave me a moment to breath. Is it perfect, no but I enjoy it. But I admit, if there wasn’t anything like M+, I wouldnt play the game so much. I personally need difficult content to keep myself focussed on enjoying the game.

I also like the fact I can really focus on alts, as much as I enjoyed focussing on 1-2 characters in SL, since the good thing about it was, you get to get really good at them, when focussing on alts, you may loose that focus. That said, the downside of this is, that when you get bored of them, you need to do so much to play a different characters in a next season, now it’s easier, so much easier.

I really…and I can’t state this enough… HATED Torghast… esp the mandatory side. If it wasn’t that, I might have liked it, I hoped it would have been something to progress on, get better, that is what I look for in a game…not a weekly mandatory thing just to be forced to BUY expensive legendaries off the AH, that was such a bad idea…I told myself, if DF will have this, I will simply stop, not ever doing that again.

So to me, SL was the worst expansion because of that. I loved the dungeons hence I stayed, but I really HATED Torghast…

The whole talent system change is what made me love DF. And I have a guilty pleasure as well… I LOVE dragonraces, I do them weekly, and I can’t get bored from it :slight_smile:

It’s not when the season is about to last for 5-6 months but you get to your goal in one. This is:

  1. A big Tuning issue
  2. A lack of content

You do you, but i had played the most during BFA and had a great time without needing much to play any other game outside the pre-expac content drought (which always had been normal in a Wow expac cycle).

For me, DF during 10.1 is about as engaging as SL was and it’s worrisome. And it’s pity since DF did not started that badly. Unfortunately, the fact Blizz made the renown the way they did (an account bound finite content) made most activities being totally worthless after a month or two.

In this expansion, they bet on gear to reward players, but gear is gained so easily that it’s not rewarding anymore.

Having nothing to do is more depressing than having too much to do in my opinion. And this is why SL and DF are fails to me.

I don’t know but raid is like 3-4 hours 3x per week so its 12hours per week
4 weeks in one month that’s like 48Hours of gameplay
12,99 euro for 48 hours is good deal.
I understand there are people that wants to play game everyday
but that’s not healthy we are fortunate that blizzard listened to us and changed the game to more healthy state where you can play not be behind and still have FUN
I say good job blizzard

Considering that my goal is the Evoker legendary, I still have a long way to go.
First the bloiting thing has to drop. Second, I need to collect all the materials that can only be obtained after you get the quest starting item

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I think it’s you that wants to be forced to log in daily. That’s not to say everyone else does.

I don’t think it’s good for new players either to have forced login. It makes them feel like they are so far behind when they cap. There is enough for them to get to grips with without any of that.


Legendary Evoker Weapon

The Legendary Evoker weapon was a great surprise when it first was revealed, but many players are now frustrated by the acquisition. Are there any plans to address this?

We don’t have anything specific planned for 10.1.5, but it’s something that if we were to make adjustments, hotfixes are a reasonable avenue there. It’s something the team is talking about a lot. There’s a lot of lessons learned, and good feedback. Trying to figure out how to situate and what the role of an exciting Legendary weapon can be in a modern game, given player psychology and community expectation around it. We want to still continue to chase those sorts of cool thematic surprises where it makes sense story-wise, where it feels like a cool hook for a specific class, or a set of classes that haven’t had one in a little bit, but at the same time are mindful that what starts out as a cool surprise for some people can over time turn into a source of frustration and become almost an expectation. We definitely don’t want to be in a world where down the line months from now, if you’re applying to Mythic guilds for the next tier, you feel like you need to have this Legendary to be competitive or to have a shot at being recruited, and that’s out of your control. We know those are all concerns. No specific answers to announce right now, but it’s a hot topic of discussion and I think lessons learned from this and how we handle it, would inform how we frame any future Legendary efforts down the line.

Hopefully they will keep an eye on the situation and improve it if the drop rate is still proving an issue.

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How I loathe when a Dev representative basically delivers non-answers like there.
The RNG part of the legendary acquisition is really lame.

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I think my GM/RL is the only person who doesn’t care about getting it because he can’t afford to have it made :rofl:

In Scruffy’s raids we also have one evoker who has the drop but not the gold to proceed (he does not want to buy token gold)

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Is it better to not find any group doing content in 2-3 months?

We are still in a period where the more casuals are still progressing HM and do MM+13-15 to get to their KSM, but i don’t think that we’ll have the same discourse in 2 months when, like 10.0, there’s no more NM raid group and MM+ under 20 is totally dead, not allowing players to achieve their goals.

It happened in previous expansions, but after a much longer time, in much longer seasons. At least Blizz answered with more regular patch cycle, but the actual pace is far to be balanced between the content being released and content being completed by players.

I do not know if it is a popular opinion or not
But in order to fix that sub +20 issue they either need to make sub 20 more lucrative or more skipable.

The content is here.
You havent done HC raid Mythic Raid you don’t have all dungeons +20 in time (gief portals)
You havent done any PvP
So it’s more like at your skill level you don’t have much to do not that the game did not have content
And i don’t even start with farming mog’s, rep, rare mounts etc

So there is plenty of group content if people are still doing M+ and Raiding?

The patch cycle atm is phenomenal. It’s great. And all this without forcing people to log in daily to do menial chores that make them dislike the game and unsub.


To be fair, it’s not a matter of lucrative or not but a matter of achieving goals. After you get to those goals, farming them again and again for nothing is pretty dull, so people stop playing.

This is not my main, it’s my 3rd alt and the character i use on this forum since forever to get recognized from one post to another, because i stand with my ideas.

My main miss 1-2 +20, is progressing in mythic raid and no, i don’t PVP in rated content cause i really dislike arena’s and don’t have an RBG team anymore. At this point, the game made me be a Raid-logger, and it’s something i despite.