Dragonflight will be the expansion that killed World of Warcraft

If bfa and shadowlands didn’t kill wow then dragonflight which is actually a good expansion (far from perfect) will not kill either


He most likely isn’t into leveling games.

My older brother played WoW as well for some years before I started, but he never enjoyed the leveling aspect as he just wanted to get to max level content to PvP. And this was TBC > MoP. I believe I was paid once to level his character from 85-90, easiest money ever earned. xD

So it has nothing, necessarily, that the younger generation by default dont care about WoW. My little brother doesnt care for games where you level either, and he’s born in 2001.

Lol, you toddler. <3


Current state of DF is the best the game has been in a long time.

Whats most impressive to me is that we didnt have to wait until the last patch of the expansion to get significant improvements, those came with season 2 (some earlier of course, but its happening at a much faster pace).

This includes the new gear progression system that i am a big fan of.

DF has actually re-ignited a spark of hope I had for wow and fingers crossed it wont get extinguished.

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This is exacly how I feel. I also moved to Classic and to be fair the amount of people chatting and grouping together remembers me why I love Vanilla. No rush, no chasing, just take your time and enjoy in journey.

Retail has many QoL changes, sure but something is missing,and also Iprefer more simpler things.

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In Classic, I mainly want 15 Min Hearthstone and Retail sized bags, I can live without the rest.

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I would add buff/debuff limit removed so classes like druid and spriest be more viable.

Very weird to see all the content creators talk about how good the game is and then never play it.

Weird to see zones empty and have people claim the game is good for casuals.

Odd to have raid and M+ numbers just straight up crash and have people talk about how good the expansion is.

Interesting how I predicted the failure of this expansion easily

Now you even have people like Venruki and Xar talking about the game being too hard. It isn´t just Asmongold anymore.

You even have Taliesin admitting that doing all the dumb mini games in WoW is NEVER going to happen if some kind of power reward is not attached.

Everyone playing D4 (Casino game) instead of WoW that was successful during Legion and Classic WoW (when it was also a Casino game).

WoW catered to M+ pushers and RWF players and even THEY can not be bothered with the game. Hilarious stuff. Good bit. Nice job Blizz and good job to all the :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: on this forum and reddit with ur bad opinions and awful suggestions.

WoW should be designed around ppl who never visit these forums or r/wow


Those people get payed to say that. I would not listen to the pros that live in their 2500 rating and/or +27 key “bubbles”.

The primary issue with WoW and its general population is the fact that its SO bad at attracting new players. Just level an alt from scratch (no help). 7 expansions worth of badly stringed story and empty content simply is not a nice experience.

And then suddenly: Pamm! New dude reaches lv. 70 and a freaking text book of information suddenly drops from the sky and he needs to learn that… its an automatic Gquit…

Its the game that has saved WoW for me and friends, because we arent forced to run the grind and hate the game like BfA and SL. We play when we want, we go play other gamesz we come back, have fun, leave.

Like all other current other successful MMOs finally Blizzard is not putting us on a permanent hamster wheel.

Well said Puny. I like DF because I don’t have to play, dont feel hamstrung into doing the fun things I want. I’ll call it an FF14-esque expansion and it’s welcome.

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Okey, I missread it - I thought it said “I was 21 in legion”.

Saying it’s Gibberish is… somewhat nonsense in itself. Legion had class halls and kept casuals engaged in a different way than BFA onward.
It had pull.
We’ve ALWAYS had “WoW isn’t appealing”-people, from day 1; but then you have to look at the bigger perspective…
Legion was right at the time where “crap hit the fan” — People (like myself) started feeling like we ran on a hamster wheel (which is never good to feel like), because Legion introduced RNG on RNG on RNG with artifacts relics (It first had to drop, then it had to warforge, then it had to have X/Y/Z extra on it).

Basically, during legion was the coming of end times for plenty of us old-schoolers, and it also started to become convoluted.
BFA and CERTAINLY SL didn’t help that point whatsoever.
Before; WoW had pull because it was simple, straight forward, generally you get X gear – You win the game.
It became a RNG fest…
So, during legion was the last time that it felt seriously inviting to new people, because oldies were still enjoying it to the bigger aspect, and we could - pre EXTREME max level - still explain how to play the game fairly simple. (Excluding MoP period as it was somewhat a clusterfudge with the amount of spells we could have, it was still enjoyable)

As for the word Cringe; there’s plenty of words to describe the same feeling.
“This is disapointing”
“I’m not happy with this for X Y or Z reasons”
“The reason I do not enjoy this is because —”

Basically, now idiocrazy just teaches people to whine; spam “cringe”, rather than actually help the point… explain something… generally offer a possibility of improvement to the situation.
People have tik-tok attention-spans and just deem everything “cringe” right away, when asked “why” they haven’t got the attention span to even listen to what you are saying anymore.
So I disagree. The word has just made things worse.

What do you call profession knowledge then? Looks pretty hamster wheel to me.
Same weekly capped borrowed power they did before. They just shifted it to professions.
Of course, you can always grind gold or buy tokens instead, if it’s more fun. :man_shrugging:

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Or… just dont do it?

MoP was nothing in comparison to now… majority of specs were viable - there were some specs that were always the more difficult one to play properly, but usually that wasnt an issue, as there was another spec you could use instead (If you were pure DPS or had at least dual DPS specs) that wasnt trash.

MoP also added Thunder/Warforge system - however, back in MoP, all it added was 7 item levels, which simply made it into a ‘‘nice bonus upgrade’’ rather than ‘‘I HAVE TO FARM TO GET +45 ILVLS ON IT!!!’’. On top of that, you could spend 500 Valor to upgrade your gear (this was added in 5.3 or 5.4, though) twice (250 for each upgrade), and there was a weekly cap of 1000 Valor.

Had they kept the original upgrade systems from MoP as they were, Legion wouldn’t have been such a poo show as it was with War/Titanforging.

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I mean you need consumables and crafted gear with embellishments. So, unless you are just playing on normal i don’t think that is an option.

I more meant in general, if it bugs you, dont do it.

we had them and we hated them, causing fomo left and right.

why should the company care about engagement?

somebody who gives away his money and log in only 3 days a month is an all-star customer from the company pov: he pays a sub and does not even impact on the server load.

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They are not “feeling” there are less WQs, there are less of them, and their rewards suck massively compared to Legion/BFA especially. Leave the PR speech to Blizzard it’s the only thing they know how to do.


What I meant was MoP was more of a clusterfudge than previous expansions, cause we had spells such as Symbiosis.
We also had reforge and that “confused” some (According to blizzard).

I never said MoP was bad tho or didn’t have pull, it was just bombarded with sensory overload in some aspects; but still better than now, yes.

It’s not really fine then though, it’s boring and lacks meaningful content (rewarding power and gear or even cosmetics that don’t suck).

How is it weird? If you have a huge social circle and only play the game that way, how tf would you ever know the pug experience of how dead the game is in general.