In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Dragonmaw in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Panzy, Troll Rogue, guild master of The Panzerknackers, later member of Renegades (yeah THAT bastard xD)
Will start Classic with two IRL friends, Bokmar and Quildoom, maybe others will follow. Am in contact with some other Dragonmaw/Frostmane veterans who are coming back as well, we plan to play on the same server. I hope they will post here, one of them is kinda famous. If he doesn’t I will announce it at some point.
- EDIT: He did, see below xD
People that come to my mind that I hope will be coming back:
Farq & squad (No Soup For You!! for life xD)
These are just some ingame friends that came to my mind first, ofc I want all of you back, even my most hated Alliance rivals!! There are many others who I still remember, I will put down more names later.
I made this same post on the Frostmane forum (there was a migration once from Dragonmaw to Frostmane)
I remember The Panzerknackers and seeing Farq mentioned for the first time in over a decade brought back some serious nostalgia!
I’m looking for anyone who played in the Lame and Wise guild on horde side - I want to thank them for being tolerant on Ventrillo of my cringey/annoying 12 year old self.
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I’m just up and on my way to work, so I’ll edit later with more details
I played mostly:
(H) Shub [Nightwatch]
And originally the guild made by my pal [Chasm of Darkspear Wrath]
Redblaze - Undead - Rogue
Guild: Jokers and Smokers
Would be good to reconnect with anyone I used to play with back in the day. Either in guild or the relentless back to back duelling I used to do outside OG. Friend or foe would be good to hear from you.
Hey mate, only stayed in contact with a few of the jokers and smokers crew, Bankai (mage), Sauke (rogue) and I Grimzzy (druid) will be playing again. We haven’t decided on the server yet but will go to Dragonmaw if its an option!
Character Name: Myria
Class: Mage
Race: Undead
Guild: Prophecy / Memor Oracalum
Spent a considerable amount of time in the pvp scene hung around with Farq in silithus, Sorrowheart on silithus chain etc
Awesome guys! I remember all those guildnames Jokers and Smokers, Nightwatch, Chasm of Darkspear Wrath, friggin awesome.
Check out the Frostmane section as well since we got many replies there.
We will organize this so we all end up on the same server if you guys want that will be awesome!
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players from guilds : AFKhaos, psychological playground, jokers and smokers.
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Character Name: Ultrathunder
Class: Shaman
Race: Orc
I would like to connect : “Ultrakiller” Undead Mage
Hello Dragonmawers. Me and 2 more real life friends will play classic too.
If you guys check this: htt ps:// Seems like we have only 2 pvp servers aviable - Golemagg and Shazzrah.
I think we probably will go on this one who dont have FULL/HIGH population (to avoid the long queue times), so probably we will go on the one with lowest population.
If you guys remember, what long queues we had before the migration to Frostmane to come, then you will understand why.
If you guys made the same choice, we may see you there and play on the same server again. 
Theplague! Grinding alliance in AV like they were quilboars! I hope to fight along side you again!
Horde. The imperium. Yondaime
Oroh / Menethilx from instinct / entropy
Oroh / Menethilx from instinct / entropy
OMG, this post actually made my body hair rise on my arms.
Grimzzy, Bankai, Redblaze, Sauke, Furilane etc etc.
My memory isn’t alwayes the best but names thjat appear are Rothan (resto drood), Garzle (UD warrior tank), Dsk (lock) and probably more.
I’ve made my fair share of healing assignments in that guild 
/Qile, UD priest
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Add me on Discord Redblaze#5800
Sorry for spam.
TO all old Dragonmaw players, me, Sauke, Hiding, Bankai and Grimzzy are all guilding up to level and raid together.
If anyone else is interested in joining up with us please add me on Discord Redblaze#5800 and ill invite you to discord channel.