Dragonmaw (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Tanathos - Undead Priest
Guild: Jokers and Smokers
Not sure which server I’ll go for yet, depends on some RL friends, but hope to see some familiar faces in classic :slight_smile:
Still on Dragonmaw in regular WoW.

Name: Unreall
Race: Undead
Class: Warrior
Guild: None that I can remember. I was a hungry tank in a server full of tanks.

Last known screenshot: htt ps://imgur.com/a/L3k2asW (This Battle Shout was not mine. The reason why I made this screenshot is because I was wondering who gave it to me. I think it was probably from a Elite NPC who was dealing with yet another Alliance Rogue near the Battlegorund NPCs.

LF: Borimechkata, Cherokee and any other Bulgarian (or not) players who had the patience to deal with my 14 year old cringines (I called this server Dragonmaw Z…)

I remember you, Sandorian Tauren druid.
Guild was malevolence incarnate

Heya, we used to pvp together along with Kaviera Nutcracker Endbringer and more, I was a Tauren druid from Malevolence Incarnate, Sandorian.

My old guild members have grouped up discussing playing again.

Here we go.

We ahve Kaviera Epo and a few others with us.
Would you like to join our discord group ?

Name: Ahrnak
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: AFKhaos

I got shivers when I saw Theplague’s post xD
Legend mate :slight_smile:

Still figuring out which PVP realm I’ll play.
Most likely with IRL friends this time on a very casual frequency.

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Guys what do you think of uniting on one of the PvP servers?

The realm of choice will be the realm chosen by Theplague.

If you can, reserve names on both servers.

Anyone disagree? No? Great!

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Good idea indeed, ill get both to be sure.
My squad is going for Golemagg.

Most likely going Shazzrah realm, sounds like Golemagg is going to be the favored streamer realm so going to try to steer away from that :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone else took Ahrnak on Golemagg

Tried to reserve my nick Countessa as well, but that one seem to be unavailable on every single realm for some reason, which is weird as its highly unlikely that someone else has already taken it as its more or less never used, in any games, so will most likely use the name Mordessa which was my Warrior in vanilla.

Looking at current status, TP would pick Golemagg for the lower population. I expect they will add more PvP servers soon. But like I said, for now just make chars on both servers, final decision will ultimately be made at release.

I heard from more people that their name was taken, maybe it’s some bastards crawling on these forums and taking names, then asking money for it. Or just a friend trying to help you if lucky.

Hi Redblaze, it’s Io here :slight_smile: will be glad to see you again. Although somwbody stole my nick so Ill be named Colleric or Bjj :slight_smile:

Name: Sindra
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue

Guild: Omen

Looking for anyone that used to grind out the battlegrounds, both Horde and Alliance. Already seeing a lot of familiar names being mentioned here, Kaveira for one. Or maybe we used to duel outside Ogrimmar or beat eachother around Southshore. Would be nice to catch up whether we end up playing or not so if you know me lemme know!

Hello, well I managed to get my nickname on Golemagg and this is exactly very good, the other pvp server seems really full. I rarely using discord, but now seems, must start using it more. My discord is: Theplague #8142.

I will be really happy if we can make one guild based on old Dragonmawers. :slight_smile:


Im been loyal to dragonmaw since i started back in tbc im not old enough to have been their at vanila, however looking to remain with as much of the realm as possible, made character on golemag named Trollhunters, bonus points if you can tell what i rolled lol

Oh my god I am gonna cry, I have so many memories of you when i was a little kid playing this game. I have tons of screenshots in the old folder of classic with things like winning AVs when Theplague joined the battle. You and an Undead Warrior named Catastrophe! I hope to see you at Golemagg!

I remember fighting you guys in Warsong Gulch, those were the times :slight_smile:

Hi Dmaw peoples. I thought I would post here even though I will not be playing vanilla. I see some recognisable names even though we left for Frostmane in the mass exodus!

Just to let you know Ninth Order (for those that remember us) will be forming a guild on vanilla (although I am not sure where they are planing on making it!)

We are on live EU-Dreanor Hordies if anyone is interested to find out… also the old Dmaw players from when we were on Dmaw (as well as old Fmane players) are welcome to join us on live as socials! (we still raid :P)

Frexxzz Troll priest
bnet: Frex#21352