Dragonmaw (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Name: Syx
Guild: Omen
Class: Druid

Reading this was a very enjoyable blast from the past indeed. Remember playing against alot of you people in wsg, the dreaded Kaveira-team really made my flag-carrying days hard!

I distinctly remember duelling Theplague outside Hillsbrad - I still don’t know what hit me :slight_smile:

I will be coming back for classic, rolling on golemagg (guild Sol in Noctem) and going horde this time. Character name Syx - hit me up!

Heya, I haven’t been using discord aswell just rejoined it for WOW sake.

Added you as a friend there and will send a inv’ to the group.
Think we have a good few names you’ll recognize already.

Yeah those were the days, only 1 group would stand against us in wg, rest would quit on sight

OMG - dude. Add me on discord Redblaze#5800 or BN Redblaze#2653

I subscribed to Warcraft movies last week just to watch your pvp video where we jump off top of IF.

I can’t believe it - it’s been over 10 years!!

As it’s most fun to play with as many oldschoolers as possible, is it an idea to make an overview of server picks?

i made a poll and will post it on both Alliance as well as Horde threads on Dragonmaw and Frostmane.

Hereby the poll: https:// linkto.run/p/IMU65H9E
(Remove space after // as links are apparently not permitted haha)

See you ingame!
/Sweetiej (Discord: #Styx4189)

Hey fellow (ex-)Dragonmawers,

I used to play a mage called Lewser, in the guild Pulse(alot of us moved to Hybris in TBC) and later in Everyday Combat before I moved to another server.

I’m looking to re-establish contact with various old Pulse/Hybris players, so uh… Calculon, Derf, Safran or Lahmire if any of you are here and reading this hit me up! It’s been too long!

Add me! Rush#21780

Oh and Gideon the paladin, if you’re here also - please play opposite faction of me again. I miss recognizing the names of people that kill me :wink:

Decided to roll Alliance on Zandalar Tribe. Anyway, even if you’re horde you can still add me :wink:

Martiinii - Orc Shaman!
Jokers and Smokers, Entropy

Rest I do not remember - but I remember people greeting me at Orgrimmar :smiley:

Character Name: Prototype
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Guild: Prophecy / Pathogen

Started on Dragonmaw, migrated to Frostmane after.

Hey dude I remember you.

Add me on Discord will invite you to a channel with a few of us. Redblaze#5800

I swear Gideon was a Human :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool, adding!

Yeah you’re probably right, memory is a bit foggy :upside_down_face:

Hi, Tewrix here. I was playing this Tauren druid and was sometimes a flag carrier in wsg with a premade group(s).
I remember several names mentioned in this conversation, mostly because I was inspected them or playing PvP together.
Btw. I remember NE hunter male Anonymous. He was the only one who was able to stop me with flag.

BTW.: If anyone convince Kaveira (my RL buddy) to play again, I give him 1 gold!!! :smiley:

I got RL mates playing on Shaz, but I’m tempted to ditch them for good old Dragonmaw/Frostmane times :smiley: Haha.

Discord: lo9rd#8038

Are there no other People from The Imperium guild here?

Character name: Stormkeeper
Class: Shaman
Race: Orc
Discord: Pinky#1491
Bnet: GeneralPinky#2973

Hey guys, if anyone remember playing with me back in a day, feel free to add me :slight_smile: I haven’t decided the server yet, so I am curious what is your server of choice guys?

Hi Guys,

I’ve made a shared Horde/Alliance Discord server for oldies from Dragonmaw/Frostmane in order to coordinate server picking.

Hereby the link: https:// discord.gg/N2SdDc8 (remove space - links aren’t allowed here).

Gogo share! :slight_smile:

Add everybody to this discord: https:// discord.gg/TXZmZxs (many oldies already)

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Character Name: Tenkal
Class: Warrior
Race: Troll
Guild: Brotherhorde / Prophecy / Pathogen

Hey Proto!
Long time, wondered if I’d see any of the Pathogen dudes crop up. LF anymore of the old crew: Atseklats, Kratoz, Myria, Wagster, Sylune, Iamdeath, Bismark, Unholymoi.

I imagine many have hung up their keyboards and mice, but if not it’d be great to land on the same server.

This thread is so full of nostalgia. I feel like someone should start a petition to get Farq back.

Good news, I’v managed to make an Ahrnak character on Golemagg.
I guess the one who reserved it deleted it :slight_smile:


That is indeed a long time! :sweat_smile:
Would indeed be nice to see if any others from the old crew show up, had a great time back then. Most probably quit, but who knows… Still need to clear classic with Pathogen :laughing:

Me and the boys relocated to Firemaw to avoid the 1.000.000 queue on Golemagg.