Name: Syx
Guild: Omen
Class: Druid
Reading this was a very enjoyable blast from the past indeed. Remember playing against alot of you people in wsg, the dreaded Kaveira-team really made my flag-carrying days hard!
I distinctly remember duelling Theplague outside Hillsbrad - I still don’t know what hit me
I will be coming back for classic, rolling on golemagg (guild Sol in Noctem) and going horde this time. Character name Syx - hit me up!
Heya, I haven’t been using discord aswell just rejoined it for WOW sake.
Added you as a friend there and will send a inv’ to the group.
Think we have a good few names you’ll recognize already.
Yeah those were the days, only 1 group would stand against us in wg, rest would quit on sight
OMG - dude. Add me on discord Redblaze#5800 or BN Redblaze#2653
I subscribed to Warcraft movies last week just to watch your pvp video where we jump off top of IF.
I can’t believe it - it’s been over 10 years!!
As it’s most fun to play with as many oldschoolers as possible, is it an idea to make an overview of server picks?
i made a poll and will post it on both Alliance as well as Horde threads on Dragonmaw and Frostmane.
Hereby the poll: https://
(Remove space after // as links are apparently not permitted haha)
See you ingame!
/Sweetiej (Discord: #Styx4189)
Hey fellow (ex-)Dragonmawers,
I used to play a mage called Lewser, in the guild Pulse(alot of us moved to Hybris in TBC) and later in Everyday Combat before I moved to another server.
I’m looking to re-establish contact with various old Pulse/Hybris players, so uh… Calculon, Derf, Safran or Lahmire if any of you are here and reading this hit me up! It’s been too long!
Add me! Rush#21780
Oh and Gideon the paladin, if you’re here also - please play opposite faction of me again. I miss recognizing the names of people that kill me
Decided to roll Alliance on Zandalar Tribe. Anyway, even if you’re horde you can still add me
Martiinii - Orc Shaman!
Jokers and Smokers, Entropy
Rest I do not remember - but I remember people greeting me at Orgrimmar
Character Name: Prototype
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Guild: Prophecy / Pathogen
Started on Dragonmaw, migrated to Frostmane after.
Hey dude I remember you.
Add me on Discord will invite you to a channel with a few of us. Redblaze#5800
I swear Gideon was a Human
Cool, adding!
Yeah you’re probably right, memory is a bit foggy
Hi, Tewrix here. I was playing this Tauren druid and was sometimes a flag carrier in wsg with a premade group(s).
I remember several names mentioned in this conversation, mostly because I was inspected them or playing PvP together.
Btw. I remember NE hunter male Anonymous. He was the only one who was able to stop me with flag.
BTW.: If anyone convince Kaveira (my RL buddy) to play again, I give him 1 gold!!!
I got RL mates playing on Shaz, but I’m tempted to ditch them for good old Dragonmaw/Frostmane times Haha.
Discord: lo9rd#8038
Are there no other People from The Imperium guild here?
Character name: Stormkeeper
Class: Shaman
Race: Orc
Discord: Pinky#1491
Bnet: GeneralPinky#2973
Hey guys, if anyone remember playing with me back in a day, feel free to add me I haven’t decided the server yet, so I am curious what is your server of choice guys?
Hi Guys,
I’ve made a shared Horde/Alliance Discord server for oldies from Dragonmaw/Frostmane in order to coordinate server picking.
Hereby the link: https:// (remove space - links aren’t allowed here).
Gogo share!
Add everybody to this discord: https:// (many oldies already)
1 Like
Character Name: Tenkal
Class: Warrior
Race: Troll
Guild: Brotherhorde / Prophecy / Pathogen
Hey Proto!
Long time, wondered if I’d see any of the Pathogen dudes crop up. LF anymore of the old crew: Atseklats, Kratoz, Myria, Wagster, Sylune, Iamdeath, Bismark, Unholymoi.
I imagine many have hung up their keyboards and mice, but if not it’d be great to land on the same server.
This thread is so full of nostalgia. I feel like someone should start a petition to get Farq back.
Good news, I’v managed to make an Ahrnak character on Golemagg.
I guess the one who reserved it deleted it
That is indeed a long time!
Would indeed be nice to see if any others from the old crew show up, had a great time back then. Most probably quit, but who knows… Still need to clear classic with Pathogen
Me and the boys relocated to Firemaw to avoid the 1.000.000 queue on Golemagg.