Druids! Brothers and sisters of the wild. The Emerald Assembly calls upon you once more to gather and see what news comes from all around Azeroth. Let us gather and see what we can once more do to aid our home.
Date: 15/03/2025
Dreamgrove, Druid Class Hall
20:00 - 20:15: Opening
20:15 - 21:00: The roots deep within the earth on the Isle of Dorn. What are they, what about its guardians and how can or even do we want to aid them?
21:00 - 21:15: Little break
21:15 - 22:00: Open discussion about topics brought up
If there is nothing left to discuss, the Assembly might end sooner.
OOC Details:
Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. However, this time things will be different. I have decided that I am going to split the Assembly up into the actual EMERALD Assembly and the NATURE Assembly.
What is the difference you may ask? It’s rather easy:
From this time onwards the Emerald Assembly is purely and only for -actual- druids, who’re allowed to be members of the Assembly. This means that the race needs to have the class OOCly. In these meetings we’ll talk about current things happening on Azeroth and other druid related events. This can go from how we can increase the knowledge of other races/students, to current things happening on Azeroth.
The Nature Assembly will be there for those who’re associated with nature, inexperienced races or simply characters who are on a path to learn about the druidic ways. These meetings might also be lectures, where an experienced druid comes forward to talk about Wild Gods, nature magic and more.