Druid Flight Form Broken

I want the old flying for my flight form and keep dragonriding for my mounts, separating the two types of flying. I take it I can’t? Dragonflying is great but it’s not optimal in some places where old flying feels superior especially when bird form is instant. Especially when doing quests old flight form was so good… Feels like a huge nerf to druids atm for no reason. Please correct me if I’m wrong is there a way to fix this?


It’s beyond broken.

First of all stupid GCD that pops causes you unable to immediately take a flight, you actually sit and wait on the ground for GCD to press Skyward Ascend.

Second, there is some serious issue with automatic shifting ie; aquatic form → flight form. In steady flight I was unable to get out of water because of constant shifting to aquatic form.

But hey, it’s not like these issues were reported in Beta/PTR


We need separated flight form for Skyriding.


should have a toggle on/off option for each mount you have, so you can ride certain ones a certain way, like Glacial Tidestorm looks absolutely stupid with skyriding.

and i want flightform just normal so you can quickly do short distances and retain the perk of being a druid with it.


This change with Skyriding being global and affecting ALL mounts and druid flight form is VERY annoying! I want to keep my druid flight form as it was (normal speed, useful for quickly navigating short distances or narrow spaces) and use a dragonriding mount when I need to travel long distances.

There is a serious lack of user experience testing nowadays… The US forums have been reporting this change as an issue for months now!


This is exactly what I mean.


Just to echo the initial concerns.
Flight form in it’s current state ruins the fluidity of shifting. It is named after all: flight form… not flight mount.
The GCD is not the issue, it’s just now more noticeable as we need to wait on it to be able to use any dragon riding abilities…like getting off the ground (big part of flying).

A possible solution would be to remove the first ‘take off’ GCD for all mounts. But this doesn’t fix the issue with trying to jump out of water and it picking up other travel forms or needing to hover to interact with a node/item.
The preferred scenario, as others have suggested; have flight form go back to being a form, not a mount, so you cannot use it for ‘sky riding’ as thematically, were not ‘riding’ anyway as it’s a form. This could be accomplished by specifically creating a glyph or toggle for this from a trainer. (Much like the owl in legion). This is one of the rare cases I think it’s acceptable to have your cake and eat it too as it doesnt feel very immersive having to spend 5 seconds to switch for ‘long distance’ Vs ‘short’ every time you enter a zone.

Alternatively, make another flight form specific for sky riding.

Hope this gets through.


The Flight Form also hasn’t the new 420% steady flying speed.

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That was probably simply forgotten. Go figure…

Any update from blizz or do we gotta post on Reddit or twitter for them to take notice?

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Same here !

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yep, i totally agree. Two separate flight form spells would be the best solution here

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