Druid , horde or alliance, which is the better choice and why?

As a little addendum there - it has very little uses in group PvE, but during the leveling process I found it quite invaluable. Saved my butt more than once when I bit off a bit more than I could chew and had to go and heal. The stun is usually long enough to allow an uninterrupted regrowth to be cast, followed by rejuvenation and a switch back into bear or cat.
Generally I agree with you though. I’d pick based on personal preferences in regards to aesthetics or faction, not based on the stats and abilities. In the end the differences are fairly miniscule and not overly important.

I think you mis-spelt ‘uglier’*

as a druid you will spend 90% of your time in Moonkin form, and the tauren Boomkin looks way cooler than the night elf Oomkin. So it has to be horde :slight_smile:

Such an ugly, racists and offensive comment. And that comes from a player with Troll character. Shame.

As for the topic - even if you disagree that Taurens are the most humble and nice race, with great aesthetics - WarStomp and +5% hp are the best racials for that class.

Night elve if you want to play Alliance
Tauren if you wnat to play Horde.

Why would anything else be important?


  • awesoem war stom racial, insane for pvp
  • you do not have to play against orks watching they resists 90% of your pounce/bash/grenade casts
  • shamans wont purge all your hots

con - you are and ugly cow and a horny cat (lul eww)


  • harder to detect in stealth (minor)
  • ability to eat in stealth (minor)

I’d say the ability to eat in stealth is not minor but rather a medium one when it comes to wpvp. But yes, I do agree with your points overall. Tauren are probs better overall, especially for the HOTW/NS build. And I’m saying this as a diehard forever Alliance and Nelf lover. Though, I’d still pick Nelf over anything else because I love them and Shadowmeld!

Truth hurts my dear cow-man, now off to the slaughterhouse you go!

PvP - Horde. Better racials (shadowmeld is okay but warstomp is great), and paladins are way less scary than shamans (shamen?^^).

PvE - Alliance. Not getting windfury and not having blessing of salvation means that you will struggle more as a tank (windfury procs for threat) and as dps (less damage, more aggro issues). So you’ll be more likely to just stick with healing.

To think it’s just about racials is a bit simplistic.

Only for allies with their pink boys blessings. So the choice is kinda obvious. Lok’tar bro

In original I was tauren druid.

In classic I’m a nelf druid.

From a min max perspective I feel they are the same. Higher base agility, better stealth and +1% dodge Vs aoe stun and +5% health.

Blessings Vs Totems is a tough call and not one I really considered in original.

From a story perspective, I prefer tauren.

From a levelling perspective, definitely prefer horde zones.

Hope that helps.


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