Druid , horde or alliance, which is the better choice and why?

any pros or cons to choosing between the two races?

Have no reason to pick either side so will just pick the better choice, what you all think?

Tauren probably for + herb skill and increased hp in bear form.


Night elf

Because you don’t want to be Horde :facepunch:t3::blue_heart:


Tauren. Because it’s so much cooler than an elf.


I’d recommend the faction you like the most. There aren’t really big differences between the two.

Stats differences are very small: Tauren a bit more strength, spirit and stamina, night elves agility and intellect. This alone would make tauren slightly better tanks and elves better casters.

On the other hand night elves have +1% dodge, which is better for tanking (much better than the slight stamina difference), and stronger stealth in cat form, convenient for PvP and sneaking through mobs; tauren’s signature move is war stomp, which helps get a heal off or as a spell interrupt, but with little to no uses in PvE. Overall in PvP I think tauren make better casters and elves better cats.

Personally I like tauren more, aesthetically, because of the lore, etc, but except for a tank in WotLK I’ve played druid mostly Alliance side (friends among other reasons). Unless you strongly dislike one race over the other, choose based on your faction.


We play it for the racial mate

Well think about it, do you want to be a squiggly little elf. Or do you want to be A HULKING BEAST WITH HORNS?!

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The real advantage of nelf druids is the sinergy they have with pallies in raid, bok, might ,aura are all great buffs for a druid tank


One of them has a nice health bonus, making them good bears and generally a lot more tankier across the board, you also have a very useful racial ability for PvP if you choose to go Resto or Balance.
Plus you Grace of Air totem

The other one is an elf.
Yeah they’re good cats but if you’re playing a Druid in Classic to be a cat you might as well reroll a Rogue.

At the end of the day the differences between the two races are negligible, pick the one that appeals to you most.

Ask yourself, do you really want to play as a cow? A damn cow… you are only wanted for your milk and meat.

Tauren on paper for the racials. Although playing Tauren has never appealed to me. Just too big and clumpy and a huge, booming mount. As much as I despise night elves… they do have a very beautiful mount and the druid cat form is awesome imo.

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Night elf is better for playing feral in a raid setting since paladin blessings are really strong, while the horde counterpart of windfury totem doesn’t work for feral druids.

Aside from that there’s not a huge difference between the two.

Elf because of warcraft 3 :heart_eyes:

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I would never pick based on this but Tauren has by far the better racial in War Stomp. As an AoE stun it is of course very strong in PvP but it is also amazingly useful while soloing.

But you are picking your faction with this decision so there are other things far more important to consider. For example if you wish to play on a PvP server you will be outnumbered as a nelf Druid.

I think the Tauren forms are absolutely hideous, thats enough of a reason for me.


Alliance druid if you wanna tank (Blessings will benefit you far more, WF does nothing as you do not use a weapon in bear form). Druid in general is just brought to pvp to carry flags or to raids to apply faerie fire and buff mark of the wild. You can’t use hots in decent guilds that have world buffs other than on casters / healers, which means other than your buffs you are just the worst healer in the game.

Rephrase that to “do you want to be a walking steak burger”

Windfury might not work, but str/stoneskin and agi totem for sure helps and they are quite good, maybe not as much as pay buffs but still…

In my opinion tauren/elf druids comparsion has very little diferences in terms of min max performance when it comes to dmg/tank, so its mostly either aestethics or if u orefer horde/ali more

I’m sorry but it’s not even close. Might and kings (and salv for your dps) is roughly 7483 times better than totem buffs if you don’t benefit from windfury.

I lean Night Elf due to WarCraft 3. That being said, Taurens do look great in Cenarion/Stormrage.