Hi Everyone. I’m returning from a decent break from the game and interested in getting back into the mix of it. Used to main Heal but found Tanking a tad more interesting. I’m happy to transfer realms if required.
Battle Tag ID - Nubley#21525
Hi Mojo 
You don’t mention what type of raiding guild you’re looking for. Are you aiming for Mythic, or happy to primarily play Normal or Heroic raiding?
You also give no indication as to WHEN you’re available to raid. Are there certain “prime times” for you, or can you raid whenever?
I’d consider suggesting our guild, but until I know what sort of raiding/times you’re looking for, I’m reluctant to do so … as I can’t recommend us if I don’t know if our times/type of raiding would suit you 
If you would like to know a little more about us, you can check out our realm post: [H] <Dark Wolves> Social & Casual Raiding Guild (18+)