Druids losers again

Another build where Druids just lose things; Feral was the first melee spec to have superior melee range but thats gone now. Let Paladins, Rogue and Hunters keep it. Sure.

Next step is to just delete the Druid as a class entirely I suspect. Honestly, they cudnt give one shake about this class anymore. The development is so poor.

Just delete it so we dont have to bear witness to this relentless unslaught of nerfs every build, every patch and every expansion.

If they actully added things to make the class fun and many of its specs fun we’d all appreciate it but they dont.

Feral - lost melee range, savage roar, convoke heals, incarn/zerk isnt good or fun, aoe capped when others arent, insane costs on usage of spells in other forms.
Bear - the most boring spec in the game. Zero interest in actually making it better - just spam moonfire and Raze. Weave in some Iron Furs and thats really it. Its so unimaginative.

Really only care about Resto.

Do they actually get paid to come up with this? Christ on a bike man.


Why blizzard hates feral?


because they are clueless, i think some dh devs working on feral, and dont like feral in the first place

yeah it´s crazy to me, where is the reason to remove it? this makes this spec in pve and also pvp worse

it isnt even a single pve issue, it also affects pvp, so we getting nerfed again, while other classes like mages are getting more stuff?

im really disappointed in the current dev team what is in charge what is in charge for feral druid

still no changes to primal wrath, idk i think they just want to kill this spec.

what is the gameplay benefit of removing it, it´s the same as “combat ress from feral have cast time”

idk at this point it´s crazy to me, that those guys are allowed to work on feral, this should be illegal

sadly yes…

and then why don’t I use the raze at all? maybe because I don’t have this talent in the build at all? )
and in another build, someone hardly uses moonfire. they don’t play like that either, apparently, how do you think they should play )

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Lacerate with Thrash, Mangle and Pulverize was more build-build-build-explode …
Raze and Moonfire is just spam-spam-spam with no actual pay off.

Where is this? The Wowhead beta talent calculator says 5 yards for astral influence.

I’m with you on Feral design, but Bear is fine. Other options are available if you want many keys to press for the same outcome (hello BrM).

it´s not updated, i saw it on wow head and mmo champions spell change list, they made also a post about it, where rogue and feral loses his meele range increase talent

also feral loses the 3 yards baseline meele range increase in cat form in the current tww alpha, so the talent + the 3 yards baseline increased range are removed

idk what the reason behind this change is tbh, i dont see any quality of life change in it

if you found one let me know

maybe the same reason why feral have to cast battle ress

Astral Influence doesnt work on Bear/Cat. So its a dead talent.
It was baked into Cat Form as baseline but then removed.

Bear is so tedious. Also everything is on the GCD so you have so many buttons but is GCD locked constantly. Bristle Fur shud probably be off it. Perhaps a few other buttons too.

It works in bear/cat on live. Are you saying it’s broken in TWW? That the Wowhead talent guide is not up to date? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

In TWW devs said that astral influence won’t work on cat and bear spell anymore

even with a typhoon, after the wildfire, wild charge, roars - does it not work for a bear in TWW ?

Check by yourself
It works on typhoon

I’ve seen something that says being in cat form doesn’t automatically grant extended melee range (which I didn’t really understand because it never has), but nothing about astral influence.

However, I have done some research of my own since asking you, and I’ve seen comments about rogue’s melee range being reduced as well. So I’m not arguing, but I don’t understand the goal behind it. Increased melee range makes gameplay smoother and more enjoyable, and it was only added to sub and assa rogue in DF. It seems odd that they’re choosing to undo their own positive changes and drag other specs backwards along with it.

see the changes.
old: “Increases the range of all of your abilities by 1 yards.”
new: “Increases the range of all of your spells by 5 yards.”

I didn’t see any blue post stating this change anywhere, but I do notice it says spells now rather than abilities. (Also, the rest of my comment.)

Its not just feral, they remove range extension from most melees it was rogue last week and now feral.
I mean it makes some sense like in PvP many times trying to gauge if I can get a clone before the DH or rogue reaches me but somehow they can interrupt you from a mile away anyway BUT the issue is the game is currently very infested by spammable slows and roots so sometimes even as a freaking cat you see yourself crawling to reach a target and now it will become worse(unless you are a ferrari warrior or ninja DH)

I think Blizzard just doesn’t know what Feral or Druid in general is supposed to be. The class tree still is a mess. Still got dead talents depending on spec. If you want survivability as Resto / Bala you need to take shred talents, if you want team utility as Feral you need to take wrath DMG talents.

Convoke being a choice node with Incarn just made Convoke pretty much dead all expansion. It maybe works in 1v1 duels and that’s all.

Berserk / Incarn being 5 talents in total is a total misunderstanding for Feral and Guardian.

Class capstones not being used almost on any spec all expansion and even when used they are like 1% healing over a whole solo shuffle…

Survivability and mobility getting worse all expansion and getting even worse next expansion is just a cherry on top. I remember that the whole design behind Feral used to be he’s the mobile DMG dealer in PvP that gets in gets out cant be slowed / rooted. Nowadays we have channeled slows like Fists, Bladestorm, Disintegrate which you cant get out of even if you spam swap forms, you have melees with 10 jumps / charges / blinks / grips / stuns / micro CC.

Next expansion Warrior gets 2x the mobility it has, Paladin the same, DK the same, WW the same, but for some reason Feral got no mobility changes? Can’t we get a second Feral Charge? Displacer Beast? Can’t we get back a 2x survi talent as a capstone or something to help with survivability?

Is the next expansion gonna be exactly like this one all over again? We’ll be strong first season cause bleeds will be strong, bleeds will get nerfed and we will be trash all expansion if not played Feral + Devastaion or Feral + Mage.

Feral just got stripped, little by little until there’s basically just the carcass left. They removed pretty much everything that was worthwhile having talent wise, then either gave them to other classes or gave them back to us in a way that means you can’t really have them anyway, without sacrificing something else.

Quick shifting was one of the first things I can remember being stripped, now you’re forced into forms you don’t want to be in just to get out of snares, costing 2 globals now instead of 1. The fact that once you go through those 2 globals, you’re already snared again and having to go through another 2 globals, all the while making up no ground and unable to do any damage is just pathetic.

Stripped of pure core druid abilities like rejuvenation, hibernation, healing touch and left with regrowth which is as much use as praying to an imaginary God. Even if you do choose to choose rejuvenation as a talent now, even with swiftmend as well, they do very little to mitigate the damage you are taking, especially when you’re being crippled by multiple dots.

Mobility and the ability to kite and heal was a big part of survivability but they have all been taken away or completely watered down to the point they are pretty much worthless. I almost get the feeling that whoever is in charge of ferals is someone that played mage or hunter and didn’t like that feral could quite easily take them apart and got so butthurt about it that they nerfed them into the ground.

Weaker and weaker with every expansion, stripped and sold for parts.