Druids losers again

Now that Zerk & Incarn has been nerfed … Again. 3rd time since Uldir I think, it really shudnt be a choice node with Convoke. Having both should really be possible.

Or just remove Incarn completely, its such a pathetic cooldown.

such a pathetic cooldown that almost all bears spend, and will spend, 5 talent points on it even after nerf in TWW )

It’s currently the default pick for feral in raids.

The trouble is, there are so many people playing druid and doing different things with it, and most seem to assume that what they want is the thing ALL druid players want. It must make it very difficult for the devs to sort the genuine feedback from the “me me me” that floods the forums.

because there isnt a goal, except to Nerf feral even more, or to kill fun

idk, to play feral without astral influence feels really clunky and unfun.

and no astral influence in the current game designe is miserable

It isn’t just feral. They’re doing the same to rogues as far as I understand it. So there’s a goal. Someone said it would be better for pvp, and I can understand that. If all melee specs have exactly the same range it will be fairer in pvp.

But why revert a change in pve that’s only one expansion old and makes gameplay better for the specs it affects? That’s what doesn’t make any sense. What WOULD make sense is if they increased the default melee range for all dps specs.

(It also isn’t just a fun thing. There’s a reason why I never play warrior or DK - the lack of melee range is just horrible to play. If they carry on down this path, the only thing left for me (considering I hate casters) will be BM hunter, and then there’s only one spec keeping me from switching my main MMO from WoW to FF14. I can’t be the only person who feels that way.)

I don’t think it does make it fairer. Some classes move faster than others, some have superior gap closers or ranged abilities and some have different ranges. It’s already tough enough trying to get close to anyone in PVP long enough with all the cc.


Fairer?, every meele got more gap closer/ kite abilities in Dragonflight, while Feral got noting, it´s already impossible to kite a Warri, dh, feral is completely squischy and have to run 24/7 because you are litteraly paper, and now u have to stay in the opponent to even get your bleeds + bite/stun of?

how is this in any circumstances fair when feral is a victim class?

how about if all meeles have the same survivability? did u saw ferals survivability it´s a complete joke, the change makes no sense in pvp aswell

eh, counts same for pvp, u just dont know, how terrible it feels to play without astral influence

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Its not maybe fair but it makes sense to backpedal a bit and hope maybe we see a larger change after this.
Biggest issue with PvP is they kept adding stuff over xpacs and now seemingly everyone has everything and this created issues where you feel some specs have everything and I am willing to pay a price if it means we move back some steps… like with a DH you try to juke and get some distance but it feels like a freaking ranged spec and can interrupt you from a mile away…
I know blizz usually mess up but lets see I heard from a stream they remove all pvp modifiers and starting from scratch.
Though I also dont like they remove astral influence I hope our interrupt will still be semi ranged because AFAIK that was unique to feral.

The game needs to dial back a few steps and we need uniquiness and maybe a bit simplicity its not fun when melee are also ranged when everyone has 3 mobility spells 2 stuns interrupts also healing its also not fun when casters are tankier than some plate wearers etc…

I was repeating something someone said earlier in this thread that supported the reduced melee range for pvp. I don’t pvp myself - having teeth pulled is more fun - so don’t have an opinion, but I’m not the kind of person to casually dismiss the opinions of others like most seem to here. If you dislike what I said so much, why don’t you respond to the person who originally said it?

dont know who said that

i think u meant the us version or no? because on us someone said that

but we dont, only feral/druid is currently moving back, every other class getting even more stuff with Tww thats the entire Joke about the current situation.

I mean in the melee range stuff its not only feral. I dont trust blizzard anymore but lets wait… most likely druid loses something again and its given to other specs but my original opinion still stands that we need to move backwards on many aspects because the game is near unplayable for many specs now

it´s Rogue too, and now? other classes getting even more toolkit on top of that

warri can kick and stormbolt in bladestorm, can charge out of roots now

mage getting a stun

rogue getting more dodge, dk´s are the new bm hunters what getting even more utility on top of that. like immune to roots, and slows + a second ams

dont know what the other classes got, but yeah druids looking cringe again

Ofc we do, but it looks like, that blizzard dont want to move backwards, they want to kill the game i guess

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You didnt understand the context of FERAL not BEAR. Understandable if you’re not too bright.

Again a totally worthless update for Druids. Nothing really to improve, just ‘defensive tuning’.
Honestly. And Mages + DKs still look/feel amazing compared. Dead class inc.

With every class getting a ton of new tools I would love to see some changes to say the class / feral tree where we get say 2xFeral Charge, 2xSurvival, can’t be slowed when dash is up.

Druid of the Claw will finally make Bear a bit more usable, but I’m not 100% sure if just an armor buff is enough when so much DMG is now bleeds, chaos DMG, holy DMG. Maybe giving base DMG reduction would be better? Or some vers?

It’s just crazy that DK gets mobility, gets immunity to slows, get multiple AMS procs, get DMG, get a ton of DMG reduction, their huge CD becomes HUUUUUUGE, moving DnD, still get to keep 10 grips, get new capstones to make AMS even stronger making casters probably wanna logout when they see a DK. And druid got - bear form now gives you some armor in cat form for a few secs.



You have comprehension troubles?

Nope, I’m seeing you have an opinion in one sentence then not having one in the other.

Ah, yes, you do have comprehension troubles.

No troubles at all, I can read what you wrote perfectly well.