Druids losers again

The loss of 3 extra yards for melee is a pain.

Hitboxes in wow are really bad and inconsistent, on top of that with thousand things popping on udner the boss sometimes it’s hard to see what is actually going on.

As smeone with severe sight disability i welcomed extra range for feral now it’s going to get really ugly.

They say they taking away extra range across the board but they fail to mention other classes and specs has much higher toolkit to compensate.

the only thing that bothers me is I sometimes use skull bash as a charge for its so hard to catch up on people now as well as cyclone range is so low this extra 3 yards really felt great.
but the issues with feral do not even end there:
-bad talent tree, its still in alpha seemingly.
-some talents dont work properly - Lycaras Teachings for example, if you play it without Protector of the pack, the stats delay with an average of 5 seconds. Meaning you wont get that haste you needed when you’re cloning for example, you will get it 5 secs later. And if you happen to switch forms too quickly the stats is completely lost.
Rake stun … bugs manyyyyy times if you do it too quickly.
Well Honned instincts cancels itself sometimes when you shapeshift making it really clunky at best.
Powershifting sometimes bugs out resulting in you losing 1 or 2 globals for you end up out of form instead of the desired shapeshift.
Moving on to Survival Instincts being 3 minute CD on a class that has no immunities and is unable to kyte (anymore).
5 min cd on Heart of the Wild makes as much sense as the 3 minutes on Survival Instincts.
Thorns is dispellable … and also a talent node ? Why?
If Dapening in arenas are gonna be a thing, then Frenzied Regen should be completely obsolved from it. I mean Bear Form has already been nerfed. Somthing i wont even bother to discuss.
Iron Fur should require 20 rage instead of 40.
And Frenzied Regen should not require rage at all
Brutal Slash stacks should only be capped for Bear Form and also they should grand rage.
Theres no reason for Brutal Slash charges cap in cat form. Why? Aoe is already capped at 5 targets. Ferals require often procs of Bloodtalons, meaning they gotta press 3 different spells almost all the time. Brutal Slash charges being put on the spell dont really change much, its not that we require to overuse it. Its just for convinience and because theres no good reason for this spell to be limited to 3 charges.
Speaking of charges, why is Wild Charge just 1 charge ? It would be so much fun if each form shared a 5-6 sec CD while the one that you used remains on its full CD duration.
In the war within- they gonna prune Energy so “YoU cAn be mORe MinDfUL hOW yOU sPEnd It” yet nobody adressed the issue that Ferocious Bite literally requires 50% of your energy or it will hit like a noodle.
I mean Blizzard… you just solved 1 out of 100 issues with feral and now we back at square one where we are energy starved.
This, mind you was an issue for a decade until it was finally adressed in DF and now in the next expansion we’re back at feeling tired huh?

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