Druids needs a huge nerf

To many times we have seen it in PVP druids that can not be killed, are immuun to stuns and can do one hit kill blows. it is time that Blizzard nerfs them. instead of buffing classes little by little they must take on the real problems and just nerf OP classes, it’s not that hard. many of my friends switched to God classes Druids an Paladins and lately Rogues. Blizzard what the hell is wrong with you. you can’t balance Overwatch so no overwatch 2 for me, and you can not balance WoW.

and people who are replying they are not OP play these God classes themselfs so i understand you are against nerfs.


immune to cc is fun

What makes druids immune to stuns? Genuine question, I haven’t seen it.

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blizzards integrity is a joke at this point. it is clear that they do not care about balance at all. so many speccs are trash…its insane

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ret paladins is immne to CCs + super heals + instent kill


I’m feral. Don’t nerf me.


A paladin buddy, I believe.

That legendary plus the Incarnation talent gives you 30 seconds of immunity every 2.5 minutes.

OP mixes up stun and root
Druid can’t be root, but can be stun.

And their random 1 shot potential is getting buffed tomorrow.

15% buff to the Legedandary which already hits me for 15-30k crits, plus an undocumented change which I forget exactly.

But yes, Druids need nerfs, it is actually insane that that convoke isn’t being nerfed.

That’s pretty neat!

un-nerf dubel tab make it 100% in pvp again …

tried to stun them over an over again my entire team got at the point. WTF why can we not stun these druids. maybe it is a bug but seen it multiple times can not ebe stunned. they stand in traps and crap and nothing happens

Bop? From a pally it makes you immune to a lot and tank pally hade spellbop.

I agree that Blizzard sucks at balancing their games, but you sir need to ltp.

It’d also help if you mentioned when it happens, if it’s a bg and a guardian, they could be running the Sleeper leggo.

Relaax mon…

Why you be treatin us like dis? We do notin to ya now.

Der be many times I be shot by hunters. Dey are da ones dat be needin da nerfen.


Druids are unkillable in pvp. It will only get worse as we gear higher and especially once we have higher ilevel conduits.

Just Take a look at their conduits, you will understand where this is heading.

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I saw that this weekend in the arena tournament so many op druids. Who are you kidfing? You can’t kick a 2min cd that is channeld and blame him being immune to cc from paly or diminishing returns.

lol, from a pala …


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