Dual spec only swap in an Inn?

You said bubble is a guaranteed kill every 5min. That is far from true. That does not mean that there are no situations where indeed, the bubble at the right time will help a lot with a kill. Different things. Apparently you didn’t mean it that way. OK then.

As for vanish, I have played rogue so I can comment. Of course I agree, but I was talking about paladins and how others (not just rogues) can get away from them when sh*t hits the fan if they choose to. Paladins have no dots (at least not yet) so your vanish will always work against them. But even a sprint should be enough to save you.

Agree with all that. In 1v1 vs rogue, if paladin didn’t burst down during HoJ (which can happen with Rng gods on paladins side), then it can get kited, some rogues troll with poisoned knife. Unfortunately, paladin can get kited, in Sod is a bit better, having access to slow, and option for interrupt. Engineering, pots and some situational items is must have if wanna play it high level. If min-max, dwarf is far better paladin than hooman, I think it does not matter much. But all that apply for situations where 1v1 and noone interrupts the fight. Well that happens in rare occasions and in duels. In team fights like battlegrounds, open world pvp it is much more different, in those situations, the slow is most annoying CC, and hard to judge because of many factors, the players skill included.

the only places u need to actually swap fast, is between bosses in raids. otherwise u pretty much have time to go respec.so if its inn only, its just pointless to buy

People who want dual spec to be restricted REALLY need to get laid

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But it wont be 50g

I am not paying 50g if its “go to rested exp area to change spec” :smiley:

Then this is 50 respecs at 1g each: more than enough for the whole phase.

50g is a lot for someone not farming. You pay for flexibility, not having to hearth everytime you need to change spec…

Make it inn or instance?

Love the constructive feedback from the nay sayers

Im all for smooth and easy dual spec, if they balance it properly among all/most classes. But looking at the game currently where some can swap around runes and use multiple runes cause of this, while others can’t. I just see even more imbalance issues, just like horde racials > ally racials. Atleast they can fix the current problems before they add more?

Yes, I see your point, agree with that. What I am saying was that, if we cannot swap specs freely on demand, but restricted to can do it in town, (for exapmpe some classes just can swap runes and they are set for other role) it is pointless to have dual spec, we can just save build using add on and respec into it, when we need to… Then maybe rune swaps must be on that restricted category too.

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Changing specs should be done anywhere and even in combat, however, you should lose all your resources.
Also interrupts, fears and stuns can stop the spec change.

My opinion! I guess we find out today :slight_smile:

I bought it.
It’s in the game now.
I can activate it outside of inns.
I do lose all of my mana when I do it tho.

Classes have different resources, losing all energy as a rogue is no big deal.

Oh no I lost all my rage

SoD Is not classic, the fact we have duel spec at all speaks to that. Not every quality of life change is because of retail just because it is also in retail lol

I don’t see any issue of changing spec at any time at any place. Why would you want to make people have to go to an inn first? Do you like having your time wasted? What if the last person to join the group is the tank, but they are DPS spec at the moment, and they are far away from an inn and that inn is a long way from the dungeon?

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As I recall it when dual spec was first introduced, you resource bar got depleted after changing spec. So mages would have to drink back up to full in this case…

The classic community is the kind of people that want their legs cut off, and then in the same breath they will complain how life with just 1 leg is too difficult.

Its just inconvenience for the sake of inconvenience.

Its so that the optimal thing to do time wise is not to just have people swap specs between bosses depending on how many tanks are needed but so you bring a sub optimal raid for most encounters

That’s exactly the point. They want to gank people in pve mode and teabag rogues running around in their gnome pve spec while patting themselves on the back for their insane skill.

Dual spec should be usable anywhere, out of combat. It’s a no brainer. It makes raiding more accessible to everyone since we can all go in there with more spec options. It means we can pvp in specs that are actually fun to play in pvp, and we can pve as specs that aren’t frustrating.

I agree. Making raid comps more flexible is always a good thing. Its nice that if you are struggling in some bosses you can maybe have one caster change to heal spec and help in healing etc.

I just don’t understand why some of the classic andies want to make the game more tedious “just because”.