Dueling is non existent, solution?

As we all know in TBC dueling is basicly not a thing.

The solution to make this happend again is to have accepting a duel resets your cooldowns.

Would this be a thing that you devs can look into?
Some people actually enjoyed dueling all day and its a great way to improve and learn vs certain classes and specs.

/Regards Raphner


Dueling does not happen anymore because the town to loiter in TBC is Shattrath. If you duel outside of Shattrath, there is probably some moron lurking in the bushes waiting to land that killing blow on you.

By allowing dueling in the city where opposing faction cannot attack you anyways could be the solution.

Yes, we want this feature to be limited to major faction citys. Not shattrath ofcourse.

This has nothing to do with it. Classic simply just doesn’t have real actual PvPers. In both original TBC and WotLK you could find massive amounts of duelers outside of SW/Org, and some of them really good players.

The PvP scene here is a joke and it’s 100% a community problem and not caused by the game itself.

Major cities are not supposed to be a battleground unless you are being attacked by the enemy faction. In WotLK you can duel in the Dalaran sewers, which is acceptable.


Sorry, but there is plenty of REAL pvpers wanting this feature. It has nothing to do with the community.

Dalaran sewers still dont reset CDs.

I would say that majority of the players are original TBC players. Nobody just duels in Shattrath because it is not convenient. In Classic it was convenient because everyone would hang around in Orgrimmar. Outside of Orgrimmar was convenient place for dueling, in Shattrath there is no such place. And you can get easily ganked while doing it.

Uh ok. Please elaborate. Is arena dead with only “PvE Andys” battling for rank 1 while backpedalling and clicking their spells?

There’s blizzcon competitors and champions playing TBC, there’s people with 15+ rank 1 titles and gladiator every single season of the game playing TBC

They don’t really duel though, so I guess they’re not really “real pvpers”?

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Berny miss dueling as well.

Layers killed duels.

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I remember actual TBC like it was yesterday, going outside of our respective major cities and dueling random people, random classes was just… i think it’s safe to say that it was just like daily routine for most pvp players, regardless of their gear, rating, experience… obviously rank1 frost mage wouldn’t duel a blue geared fresh 70 warrior, but you get my point.
Part of the problem now is that active pvp players are specifically only playing a class that’s flavour of the month ( flavour of the expansion in this particular case ), sl/sl warlocks, disc priests, warriors with stormherald… etc. and we can talk about skill > gear/class all day, but realistically, given equal gear, some classes just can not beat other classes under normal circumstances which makes it extremely NOT fun to go ahead and keep losing to some keyboard turning Andy, just because he watched a video on youtube about which class to pick just before TBC release, aside from the that… sheer amount of RNG that happens in pvp, which can very well be a 100% determining factor in how succesful/unseccesful you are makes it even less fun to go out there and “try yourself”. It’s not a take of someone who cares about duel win/lose ratio either, but even a new player won’t learn anything about how to deal with a certain class or a situaion if he keeps getting rng’d constantly.
I’d like to hear different takes aswell

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Solution: allow duels in Shattrath itself


Go outside of cities and duel.

Im sure it can be done even outside Shattrah, sure at start it would be chaos with members of the opsing factions trying to kill low hp duelists, maybe degenerating into full fledged battles/wars but as PvP-ers that should not bother you.
In the end 2 safe areas would be created 1 for each faction out of respect and necesity. Then it will be easy to deal with the 1-2-3 party crushers.

The only reason why it hasnt been achieved yet is because there is no necesity, the majority of the player base doesnt want to duel anymore.

Beg people to come out and duel?

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Yes… they do but they want to do it with full CDs back or there is no reason to even duel.

or can still register for the 1x1 arena

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REAL pvpers play counterstrike not wow

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can see this being exploited somehow

Yes. Burning crusade and wotlk was always duels infront of the maincity

Ahaaa impatience killed duelling. :wink:
In days of old we just waited for those CDs to reset, drank a beer or tea and chatted with our opponent-to-be.

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Yea you would do 1 duel and then analize the fight and plan for the next fight how to improve, to time abilities better, to play arround your oponents cds.

Also i remember there was the rule to not use abilities that you could not use in arena such as LOH for paladins