Dunemaul (PvP) Horde Reconnections

A bunch of us rerolled on Ashbringer yesterday

Undead rogue: Etyx
Guild: Iron Edge

Classic: Golemagg
Undead mage: locowizrd

haha good man! you prob 60already, but yea time is harder to come by now! radio echbar haha dunno if that ones good or bad! :wink:

Jesus ballsacks, is that THE echbar?!? The ONE and only? Still have some of the videos of our MC and BWL videos and pictures laying around SOMEWHERE around in this god forsaken house. Like the one time we decided to farm trash in MC with 13 people. And the time we downed Nef for the first time and you put on that stupid christmas hat (which you did do a lot, mind you) freaking great times.

Kind regards, Limboa from CB as well.

Funny to see some other names here I remember, like seljiin who you replied to, and soem of the IE names and what not.

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MuTwoTimes (MooTwoTimes) tauren shaman, probably on Dunemaul. I think the guild was: SetInStone.
Now on Ashbringer EU.

Turik! Where have you guys been? :smiley:

Lakshme - Undead Priest

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Are you Echbar who also played TPS?

YO Zax gonna play some Classic? miss you drunk af on vent:P

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No way, I’m on Mograine playing an ud priest named Sivari! We should hang! Add me.


Yes i am, Who is this ? haha

Yeah we play on Gandling… with pippinos, amonlym, hazzard… my name is (Zaax - horde UD)

2 guesses and they had both better be right :wink: Should really give you 4 as I could be one of 4 people however, I’m not bloody Gorbag :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hey bro, i know right good times, ive been dieing to see some old pics or videos so need to find them hahaha! That christmas hat was the bomb, Im playing on oceania servers now but havnt played for years but trying to relive them moments your talking about right there! Doubt it will come close but having fun so far.

I saw in another post :stuck_out_tongue: you playing the new TPS yet?? hahaha How are you doing? You still see him? ;pp

An update
The < Dark Horizons > nutters decided to not wait 5 hours every day to log in
so we changed servers to Ashbringer
if anyone is looking for us :slight_smile:

OMG Lakshme :slight_smile:
Its been 15 years ago, miss you all.
// Posix-Orc Warlock
The Ancient

Beefmaster here, from Bonehunters / Rigor Mortis (in TBC) - Still not leveled this toon from 70

Anyone still play from in those guilds? :slight_smile:

Wow it feels nostalgic to see so many familiar names here! It’s been a long time! :slight_smile:

Duroc , Tauren Warrior, The Ancient

Quazer, undead rogue from A Few Good Men. We later server migrated to Tarren Mill.

Hi Linx! I totally remember you! Did you get in contact with any other from AFGM? Best regards from your old guldie, Quazer (undead rogue)