I see a few familiar names here!
Kossan/Eversoul Tauren Warrior from Ravenous
Playing Alliance priest on Noggenfogger now. IGN: Rippylake
I see a few familiar names here!
Kossan/Eversoul Tauren Warrior from Ravenous
Playing Alliance priest on Noggenfogger now. IGN: Rippylake
Unforgiven here - man it’s been a long time. Still remember all the raids from MC to Naxx … had a lot of fun.
Eversoul! Doctah / Mortahk here :). You playing with Trion?
Zahrim, 60 Undead Warlock
Raider in Legion of Lost Souls back in the day.
I eventually joined Cold Blooded to raid Naxx and AQ40 before the launch of TBC.
I’m playing an Undead Priest with the same name on Skullflame.
I remembered incorrectly. Stated that I was the guild master, but I mixed the guild names up
Møkk , undead mage
(dark horizon)
Raided with you in TBC
Nephtara here, Tauren resto druid
Guilds: Dark Horizons
Now playing on Ashbringer with the same name, if you wanna find me <3