Dungeon Boosting: How fast it is?

i see people (mostly mages) advertising for boosts in certain dungeons.

how fast is it to level with boosting if we compare it to questing or/with regular grouping?

Way faster than solo leveling. AFAIK, the current world record for time to 60, which is significantly less than the old record was done akmostexclusively by boosting.

Rogue - release day traditional leveling - going out, remembering what I did, doing dungeons, quests, group quests - 10 days 14 hours

Shammy - used Joanas guide from 1-60 - with some dungeons thrown in - 6 days 21 hours

Mage - payed boosts from lvl 8 / worst range was 48 - 52 lost alot of time looking for boosters, stopped at 56 and did dungeons for prebis - 5 days 20 hours

Done all 3 different ways of leveling, and boosting is by far the quickest - i could of got it in 4 days with some luck finding groups and by skipping the gearing section


I’m curious, how much gold did it cost in the end? Was it worth the gold for the 1 day difference between a guide and boosting?:slight_smile:


This seems extremely slow to me. I got to 60 in 5 days /played on this character with no boosts and I don’t use quest addons either. I didn’t have rested either as I was off work sick for 2 months.

I did the majority of dungeons at least once with all quests and all the rest was questing in the open world on dreadmist which is a pvp server.

Depends on how much you do with rested xp, but around 3 days /played is doable if you don’t have to spend time looking for someone to boost you.

I did this :

  • Double account (My first account main Mage 60 with BWL gear and R10 PvP gear, my second account with new Druid level 1).

  • Created Tauren Druid level 1 and boosted the level 10 via starting quest hub in Mulgore with my Mage. It’s slower than solo because you get low XP when a level 60 kill a mob for you, but at least you don’t have to wait and idle/regen.

  • Level 10 ? Ragefire untill level 18. I take all mobs in the dungeons and go back to entrance. Repeat. Instance locked so sadly you lost a bit of time.

  • Level 18 ? SFK untill level 28. 4 different pulls, you are instance lock at some point.

  • Level 28 ? I tried SM GY but it was horrible due to ghost chainspawn when you pull everything in 1 pull, and it’s not really worth. I switched to SM Armory + SM Cathedral, much better. 1 pull and you take everything.

  • Level 42 ? Maraudon. I did the easiest pull in purple zone (~7mn), then switched to green zone (~12mn). At this point, each level is harder to get because it’s a bit slow, but very efficient.

  • Level 51 ? BRD Gor’Shak Chainpull. Probably the best strategy I ever seen in the game. 100k XP/hours, nothing to do. 3 Mage + 1 Healer and my Druid AFK in the room. The only thing you have to do is : don’t give up, it’s ultra boring.

At level 58, I stopped the run and did normal dungeons for my pre-bis, attunements, and then MC/Onyxia raids, but you can do BRD Gor’Shak Chainpull to reach level 60.

50% of time, I was alone with my Mage and Druid to boost myself, and it’s more efficient if you are a full group.

At the end (level 58), I had 3 days and half /played on my Druid. You can go for less than 3 days if you are more prepared (I wasted lot of time to advertise for boosting, waiting people, the level 1-10 was not optimized with lot of break, and I learned all the runs to boost dungeons so the first runs was not very efficient with few death, lack of rested XP, and a break at level 45 to upgrade my “First Aid” to 300).

Is it worth to pay for a boost ? Honestly, if you don’t do that for the whole leveling, yes it is. If you do that for the whole leveling, it’s very expensive and I doubt it’s necessary. The good thing is you can AFK while the Mage do all the work for you, so you can do something else :slight_smile: . My tips is : do normal leveling and alternate with boosting when you are bored. Pre-Maraudon, boosting is insanely efficient. At level 45, it become slower and slower to reach new level, and at level 55 you get a level every 2 hours it start to be very slowly, but in all case, it’s way faster than doing normal quests.

I got 0 epic item on my whole run, lot of BoE blue, 2 Libram of Voracity and 1 LIbram of Constituion in BRD, Nature and Fire Resist ring in Maraudon, tons of cloths, some herbs in SM and Maraudon, and 1 Greater Arcane Elixir recipe. Half of theses golds earned was spend to buy my 60% and then 100% mount, T1 BoE (wrist/waist), and all spells.

Common price for boosting :

  • RFC : 2g/run
  • SFK : 4g/run
  • SM Cath+Armory : 8g/run
  • Maraudon easy (starting purple zone) : 8g/run
  • Maraudon soft (starting green zone, no hydra - elemental - reptil + all mobs in easy run) : 10g/run
  • Maraudon hard (starting green zone, with hydra - elemental - reptil + all mobs in easy and soft run) : 15g/run
  • BRD or Strat : 25g/run. If you are a Mage, for god sake, don’t pay for that and go Gor’Shak in jail and do it forever :slight_smile: .

Note : If you level a Mage, you can do ZF solo.

Investment on my Mage before and while boosting : 200g for the Nature Resist Staff, 100g for 2 Nature Resist Ring. ~1 hours to farm 2x Maraudon trinket on Noxxious with a duo. Nature Resist is necessary for Maraudon. 60g for Frost Resist Ring. Frost Resist is necessary for SM Cath. 100g for respec (standard boosting spec with Magic Absorptions talents, and at BRD Shatter Arcane Explosion Cone Of Cold spec).


Boosting can be VERY different depending on who does it, their experience, gear etc. It can be barely faster than solo lvling, or it can be three times faster if you’re lucky.

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At lower levels people seem to boost lower levels at a full group and say that the more lower levels in the group the better the xp? Not sure if it’s accurate or not but is it better xp wise to have a 60 and your let’s say level 20, or a 60 with 4 20’s. I have a vague memory of someone mentioning it in deadmines :confused:

Yeah, it’s to average out the level in the group.

I got less xp with my mage getting boosted being alone than being a group of 5(1booster, 4 people getting boosted)

Or something along the lines anyway :slight_smile:


I discovered this today. Soloing all graves with imp blizz spec. 4-5 hours with trial and error gave me 44-47.5 and 76g. Between 60-80k an hour, this strategy can easy give you 130k when you are good and its viable until 51-52 according to guildies. Definitely worth it compared to Mara (imo) as a mage ofc.

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I see, that makes sense! Thanks :grin:

Something else to ponder: if you have a good farming class as your main like a Mage or Hunter, you can most likely get more gold and more xp/hr for your alt by doing 1 hr farming on main and 1 hr boosting than by 2 hr of normal play on your alt.

I know its late now you have levelled your mage, but you can boost yourself from 52-60 in DM east :smiley:


Is it where you pull them all to the ledge and jump back and forth to reset mobs pathing? Never used blizz levelling in ZF gy, just cone of cold kiting

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No point in buying boosts. Can use that gold towards your mounts

Indeed it is. Its brilliant.

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Such a clueless statement.


Well why would I buy a pointless boost as a new player when I can just save my gold?

Obviously this is not targetted at new players.

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