Dungeon community is so bad


I recently got back into wow, didn’t play since early legion and wow the dungeon experience is not enjoyable at all when you roll healer.

Nobody talks, no hello.
Always demon hunter tank who insists on shooting out of healer range at 30% health into 10+ mobs because he’s been watching the Mythic+ tournaments on youtube.
No time to loot mobs
No time to drink even when requesting a mana break because apparently people no longer read or don’t care. Why am I oom you ask? Because i’ve had to chase down my own tank and spam shadow mend to keep the idiot alive.
If tank dies all of a sudden the will find the text box and type “Healer???”
No one avoids the stuff on the floor because “we don’t need to”
At the end of the run people just leave without a word.

I agree this is not a game issue but a player issue. Not sure what happened.
The game has never been free of toxic behaviour or this kind of impatient playing. Thing is this impatient playing is now called “speed running”.

I don’t want to speed run. I shouldn’t have to be bullied by the tank to speed run. I’m not talking about wanting to go slow or hold people up, I know time is valuable but can’t we just go 5% slower? Get the tank topped up before charging off and making me shadow mend oom myself trying to play catch up?


Well i did win the Title “The patient” in wow. if its not a timed dungeon, then no need to hurry

The group finder being added at the end of Wrath was a godsend, I could level and do the dungeons at the right levels and see them as they were meant to be done, instead of outlevelling and going back.

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I don’t know why people blame M+ mentality. If the group is full of good M+ players, they wouldn’t wipe on heroic.


GW2 is pretty toxicity free.


Once you get into pug raiding it can show it’s ugly face but yeah, as a whole the gw2 community is pretty helpful and nice. It’s quite surprising really.

Really? What kind of species play GW2? Until today, I had the impression that GW2 is played by humans.

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Yeah, decent ones.

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Timers and M+ system directly copy/pasted from Diablo 3, because WoW devs thought it was a good idea to ask them advice.

ARPG is about going fast and looting only the good items. It’s not a MMORPG.

You bring these things into the game and people will mimic the supposedly good rush behavior. Even when not in the right difficulty, to train for it and just because.

High level fractals too, but the failed raiding is a whole other level (and why it failed imo)

Most of the game content is casual and chill stuff, while you still have fools, it does promotes carefree behavior. The game lacks endgame content but overall the interaction with people is much more enjoyable.

They even copy/pasted the shared nodes, because back then WoW didn’t have that or shared mobs between players who are not part of the same group.

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If only wow and gw2 could get together and have a baby.

So? I like it. I don’t care if they got ideas from Diablo 3 or from Microsoft Excel.

What does this have to do with community being toxic?

You are saying that you wiped in heroic. Good M+ players would not wipe on heroic. So the toxic group you got were not M+ players, and M+ had nothing to do with your experience.

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Haha sometimes we go brrrrr. But for real Havoc mobility isnt brainless. If you dont know when to use it you will bring trouble to your party. Best example of why its not brainless is that dh, he just wasnt using it correctly.

Ah there it is. Don’t feel personally attacked then, because I don’t mind if people push hard content, that’s their thing.

However, it’s shortsighted imo to not realize it did have a negative impact on how people view dungeons and do them now (no matter the difficulty).

Read what followed up next (part you cut out) and you have your answer.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I played DH from Legion to BFA so yea the double jump + glide just can’t be beat… except maybe by monks ? :thinking:

Any time I’ve done a dungeon and someone goes I don’t know what to do, or says first time here. Still happens in SL too. Last one I recall was when I was doing one of the weekly dungeon quests from Oribos and the tank had no idea what to do in Necrotic Wake.

Most will just go with the flow but if you’re the tank it’s a bit harder and you may need direction.

I can’t say I have bad experiences in the bulk of dungeons I do in LFG. M plus however can be horrible.

No it’s not that it is toxic now and in the past it wasn’t.
It’s more if now you don’t have real consequences…
In the past you had more.

You had…“the server” where you played in a guild or solo. That meant that people may had an idea about what you are…imagine like being in a village…even if they don’t know you personally…people may know “stuff” about you that can be true or not true. So you preferred that they know good stuff…any case…
However that was not always the case…there were servers that were good and fun and servers that were 5 times worse than now!!!

Also i don’t believe that it has much to do with the “metrics” of the game…if anything they may “help” the toxic people…but they may help you as well. I mean metrics were always there… performance meters (dmg/heal/cc/damage taken)…inspect gear etc. Now it’s just easier.

If anything there is a solution…get a guild. It really doesn’t need to be a top guild or something…just people that can play together and talk like normal human beings with explanations without overdramatic reactions…

Edit: another thing is…well ,something of personal experience and from people close around me…and not only in game.
Thick skin. I mean…ok, someone talked crap on me…i have 2 options. Talk back and trash talk him properly, or don’t bother…just ignore list him and dont even see what he wrote… because in the end, who cares about what a random crapper on the internet says… That kind of people believe their “something”…that is if “something” is nothing a song says…so you have to count them as nothing…


I know, in my current situation I just do some anima quest and completion on this character but that’s about it.

When I was Horde on BFA I found a great small guild with very nice folks. Made the game much more fun to play, sadly they disbanded after a while because they got bored of BFA and most unsubbed.

As for nasty people, I don’t have been targeted but I saw just too many being jerks for literally no reason at all. It still pisses me off, and yea I don’t keep my mouth shut lol.

Its all good, you werent rude at all :d I just wanted to clarify things. Hell no monk can be faster than me xd

Eh? There was a girl on the realm I played on in TBC that got doxxed and had people threatening her irl. Why? Because she had no idea what she was doing, just flying around and then died to kazzak, giving him hp.

You mean this? It doesn’t make sense. The truth is the exact opposite. It is because you didn’t have M+ players in your group that you had issues. If you did, you wouldn’t have wiped in heroic.

Was the healer in your group not healing the tank deliberately because he is training not to heal the tank in M+?
Was the DH running ahead and pulling to train for running ahead and dying in M+?
Do groups full of M+ players (toxic or not) wipe in heroic? Of course not.

Yes, people try to be fast. I do try to be fast too. It’s not because I want to train for M+. Heroic doesn’t prepare or train you for M+ at all (same as running 100m doesn’t prepare you for a marathon). It’s because I want to do more in less time. I used to run fast back in Vanilla, TBC and Wrath of the Lich king before there was such thing as challenge mode or M+. My guild in vanilla after the raid was over, would have 2 or 3 groups racing in the same dungeon, just for fun.

I ran hundreds of dungeons. I very rarely encountered toxicity issues. And it’s usually one player and it’s usually dealt with easily by kicking that player.

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I have no idea what game you played 10 years ago but wow’s dungeons have always had way more douchebags in them than any other game i have played even before LFR the community was extremely elitist compared to any other mmo i have played alongside of wow.

Only game that has equal amount of high and mighty spreadsheet elitist is STO with its parse community of DPS epeen circle jerks.