Dungeon community is so bad

Single player games :smile_cat: so no toxicity.

Agree. I played Everquest for years before wow and rarely in group was there call outs or trash talk, there would always be attempt at constructive solution first.

I think difference is WoW “sped things up” in terms of gameplay and other things to try and broaden appeal of MMO genre, and capture bigger market, and with it you got gamers from other genre background whom less patient than the stereotypical mmo player of the time (like EQ) where the game requires a huge amount of patience because setting stuff up wasn’t a 5 minute job and groups would be grouped for much longer (I remember I had a Plane of Nightmare exp group rolling and me and two others stuck in it for about 2 hours before we bowed out) because groups weren’t determined by a clear dungeon start and end, unlike wow where when the dungeon is done, it was done. So you know that’s it.

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Eroded as in?

Yea, nice try. Apart from the national channels, mostly right-capitalistic agencies.

A Center-Right party with a progressive candidate.

This is a tricky one, since the forums are barely run / maintained

Someone has been Trump-washed.

What does erosion usually mean ?
Yeah, ok, BLM just didn’t happen then. The left haven’t been screeching like mentally challenged harpies for the past 2-3 years about elections and pathetic, hateful social justice nonsence.

BTW, and you can put your handbag down now, I think the right and all the other disgusting little politcal groups are just as bad as each other, I have no horse in the political race at all, just calling it how I see it. The left fits the bill perfectly.

Disgusting, hypocritical trype, as per usual. I’m not even American btw cheif

wew boi :sweat_smile:

I’m not after what eroded usually means, I wonder how it is a discriptor for the entertainment industry.

Don’t need to be American to be influence by an American :slight_smile:

“wrath baby”. If we go a little further than 10years ago. Toxicity always existed in this game. Healers refusing to heal certain tanks/dps if they continued to stay in fire. Pulling like an absolute madlad. Thats just WoW during Wotlk. It wasnt much better during TBC.

In regards of other games: Depends on the game. Some had more some had less. And FPS in general were as toxic as it could get. Be it Unreal, quake, cs etc etc.


looks away in shame

I have done it too so /shrug. And any dps that dared to pull well
you pull = you tank.

It isn’t!

At the risk of boring you to tears, have a look at this:
It’s a designer of vanilla talking about how to make the game less toxic.

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This is why WoW 2 should be made.

WoW has been around so long, people have grown too elitist.

A fresh new expereince would sort that out.

U serious? I remember trolling even in unreal 2004 or battlefield 2

It wouldnt. The entire gaming franchise has grown way more competitive and serious in general.

OK, I blame social media :joy:

You have to learn to split the good apples from the rotten ones , bud :slight_smile:
Not everyone is bad etc , i was 2 years without playing wow , came back 1 year ago , my friends list was dead , started adding in Btnet peopl i meet in LFD tool , that seem nice calm no tox (even if we wipe etc) and putting small note with person role , soon i had toon friends , all with same game interes as me , all nice peopl that i cheer everyday!!
Have a litle bit more patience maybe dear friend :slight_smile:

And if someone on my friends Bnet is reading this , dont come ask what note i put on you ok!!all good positive stuff!

Community was a lot more toxic when there was a REALM because they always shamed on someone who was not good enough or guilds between them created wars.
There was always im better player you are noob

and there always will be 
why? because this game is based on how much knowledge(skill) you have

When was the last time the group stopped to explain or make sure everybody knew what to do ?

Because when people sign up for a dungeon they don’t expect to have to mentor a person through it?

People have changed not the game. Nowadays you have people who see dungeons and/or raids as a means to an end–lets do it as fast as possible and screw everyone else if they cannot keep up.

Mistakes, even the smallest one is never tolerated anyone. If you make one be prepared to be called every single name in the book or for your key to be depleted or you will be removed from the group.

This is the normal now for LFD/LFR on normal and heroic mode, as well as for lower level keys in mythics.

Don’t see much difference between now and 10+ years ago tbh.
Can even go further back than that and to other online communities.
There’s always been an abundance of rotten apples in online communities and I wouldn’t claim that it has neither increased or decreased over the years.

What I do think has changed is peoples reaction to it.
I’m not saying people are more sensitive or anything like that.
Just that people are more vocal and attentive about it now.
Just the way society is today.
Not saying it’s a bad or a good thing. Just that it is the only thing that has really changed over the years.

When i pug a normal/heroic or leveling dungeon, i definitely expect random people not to know everything. It is totally fine to me to wipe and explain something.

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I do see a lot of difference the go go behavior happened in wotlk too where i stopped tanking as soon as it became a lf dungeon system it became a downfall, full of inept people that couldn’t even find and humanly invest into a guild and a group , put into some effort in TBC and classic and in need of being taken by the hand then came show me gear score and all that nonsense.