Dungeon Deserter - Fixes Needed!

Hey All,

Hope your all well when reading this.

Lets talk about the topic at hand here Dungeon Deserter isnt working as intended and there is some main major points for me.

  1. When people leaving the group (cause the group “failed” for whatever reason) - You then also leave instance group and you get the debuff - I believe this is unfairly given when there was only you and perhaps one other person there - Could you of stayed and waited for more to rejoin in the finder perhaps but lets be honest when your DPS waiting for a new tank/healer is a painful task sometimes.

  2. Getting a deserter when you get kicked - Like why/how? - They removed me from the party, i didnt leave so why am i getting a deserter?

  3. Joining a group as a “replacement” for someone that left - Cant portal in as the boss fight is going on (No problem) - Except its the last boss, they all leave the group - I get a 14mins deserter flag. - How and why?!

I appreciate the above a bit of a moany rant - But im hoping we can see a fix that applies the debuff better - because it is 100% needed in the game as we have too many people that abuse groups and leave people frustrated.

How does everyone else feel about it?

If you wanna know how everyone feels about it, feel free to read any of the 3000 posts regarding this issue, there is a new post everyday, thanks for your contribution.

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  1. They changed earlier this year after popular feedback that in-progress runs will also get penalised with a leave.
  2. You left the dungeon through a kick. This also has a debuff*
  3. I agree you should not gain a debuff if the encounter is fully over.

*The reason for the debuff:

Proposals so far include but not limited to:

  • “Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
  • “Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
  • “Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
  • “Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.

If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. I also would like to know to see if the suggestion can be improved making it into a better experience for everyone involved.

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