Dungeon Deserter

When will the game makers remove this awful ruling?
There’s a certain group of players deliberately removing people for no reason, innocent genuine players time is ruined by these idiots, sad idiots who have nothing better to do, and still Blizzard keep this in the game.
What a bad game!


I see you already posted in the other thread but I’ll copy my first post there again:

As much as I see that reason to make sense, it’s still terrible solution, and punish regular players more often than those who should get removed for offensive behavior.

This is over and over again. This time I got kicked, because I fell of the cliff leading to the 1st boss in Zul’Aman after using disengage, due to being poorly positioned.

That alone was reason for them to ban me for 30 minutes from using RDF.

You wait 20 minutes in queue, only to get kicked after one small mistake, and punished with RDF ban on top of that.

So much fun playing MMORPG with such toxic spiteful community.


There must be some way to fight back when people are deliberately removing you for no reason just to give you 30 min debuf.

I’ve been in RDF PUG TotT where priest missed the jellyfish elevator, and thus the whole 1st boss because tank didn’t wait, 1st vote kick to remove the priest didn’t pass through, then someone started the event for last boss, closing the gate right in front of the priest and sending another vote kick for AFK.

All I’ve said what that priest was not AFK, and if they have waited 10 seconds, the priest would get inside for the last boss.

For that, they removed me from the group as well, to give me 30 min debuff because I had the audacity to said that priest was not AFK.

The toxicity of some WoW Classic players is beyond belief.

The shaman who probably initiated the vote kick was then mocking me in chat, saying that next time I shouldn’t ever be talking if I don’t want to get kicked.
When I’ve replied that they are insane, because all I ever said, was that priest was not AFK, just lagging behind. He responded with “we aint here to make friends dawg”.
Besides calling me “dawg”, that’s fair enough, you don’t have to make friends, why do they have to be ruthless and toxic towards other players though?

He even tried to justify the kick saying that I had negative DPS.
I’m level 83, geared with green items from world drop and quest, with iLvl just high enough to enter TotT and BRC, and my DPS was ~4400 (2k below others). That’s negative DPS according to that shaman.

Is this really the intended use of Vote Kick function? To ban players for 30 minutes from using RDF for no reason?

I’m getting sick of this.


This time it was The Vortex Pinnacle. Hunter switched target from Lurking Tempest to Grand Vizier Ertan and accidentally sent pet to attack the 1st boss before tank pulled.

Immediately after, once tank managed to get aggro, vote kick prompt to remove the hunter, with “123” as reason popped up. I declined the vote, only mentioned in chat that they should pay attention to what their pet is doing.

Paladin healer even joked about it, asking what kind of person kick from normal difficulty dungeon.

We proceed past the 2nd boss, up to the 3rd pack of Neferset tol’vir where I got aggro from one of the adept after druid tank pulled the pack, because I have TotT in Alt modifier macro, thus I didn’t noticed it was still on cd.
Immediately after that, I got kicked from the group, to get 30 minutes RDF ban debuff.

Seriously, what is wrong with these people?!

(post deleted by author)

It is absolutely ridiculous, I joined a ZA that was already in motion first boss down. When trying to get out of the starting area to mobs were there waiting for me, i tried invis got past them only to be met with the roaming back at the bottom of the first stairs where i was promptly killed. I resed up and tried to go through the middle of the two mobs without aggroing them didnt get work, invis was on cool down and tried shadowmeld didnt work and died again. I resed up and my invis was now on cooldown and just before i could use it to get past the two mobs i was kicked. I had been actively speaking in the instance chat saying i was trying to get to them but i was still kicked and lumped with a 30 minute deserter buff. It is absolutely edited by moderator ridiculous you can get kicked from a grp and still get the deserter buff.

Nice! So the mods have enough time to edit some language but not enough time to provide an explanation on the reasoning behind giving those kicked from a group a deserted debuff or to reply to submitted reports in-game. Use of time well spent there! slow clap

Yeah this community is the pits, anal retentive is probably the best word to describe them.

First dungeon back after few months away and they kick one of the dps from my group for no reason when we are near end boss, we had zero issues whole dungeon but someone obviously had other ideas, I clicked no but the other three must have clicked yes and they got kicked.

I just sighed and left party and went and made a coffee, I didn’t get a deserter debuff for some reason though not sure why?

Suppose not every player is like this, but they seem to be the vast majority with lots of sheeple/enablers

Classic died after Wotlk.

I remember the groups we had almost the entire of Wotlk. Man! We would laugh and wait if someone died, or if we wiped, or if someone said Brb. I never ever saw a vote kick in my entire 6 chars to 80 and a lot of 80 content.

My limit, was like 4 wipes until I left a dungeon. I think I did that 3 times.

…but then after RDF was implemented my VERY first run as a healer ( Shaman ), in UP or UK, can’t really remember, because the tank was like “superman” on low steroids and he pulled like 2 packs and because of the iceonthefloor , which made me move insanely more than usually and also try to heal them, I…died. And Shaman, which almost all heals have a cast time.

…and I got kicked! I was like WTF is this?!

And then the idiocracy I saw in Cataclysm in RDF for … 3 weeks or whatever I played until I /quit this wannabe of an expansion, was MIND BLOWING. A lot worst than RDF in Wotlk. Me, playing a tank or a healer, I almost always voted no for the “123” kicks or if someone …well…just died. I also trash talked the ones who initiated the kick.

Because as I said I was a healer or a tank ( mostly ), you know what the little bastards did when I trash talked them as to why they initiated the kick? …NOTHING! Not even a word. Not a eFing word to explain why they intuited the kick. They were radio silence.

When a vote passed and I didn’t agree with it ( most of the time ) because idiotic reasons, I /left the party instantly. I didn’t care and I still don’t care.

Anyway, bad system, bad expansion, bad company!

Carry on lads!

I kinda see why the kick option has to be there, but yeah sometimes it gets really sour.

Just went into Oculus on my hunter alt. Was helping the zerging tank with a pack he would die on because he went solo the wrong way, which ended up with me dying. Rest of the group went on, I asked for a ress but didn’t get either ress or response. Then I was kicked. I was also top dps. Literally just wasted an hour of my time, taking DPS queue times into account.

Edit: Just wanna clarify I asked for a ress and didn’t release because I would have lost out on the mechanical mob slains, which would have made the rest of the dungeon worthless without the questline. But I guess the moral of the story is, don’t go out of your way to help people, just play for your own sake and let others die when they mess up.

Also, come to think about it. All the times I can remember being kicked out of RDF (not many to be fair, twice this far into the expansion), it’s been on horde toons. Never happened on any of my ally toons. Quite strange.

I’m new to this game so I’m not familiar with all the mechanics. Due to no really access to communities I’m forced to go with random dungeon finder. People either leave after one wipe or you’re getting kicked and flamed for being bad/new.

Waited 10min in queue to get kicked halfway and getting 30min ban. It’s ridiculous. Reduce the time at least to 10 or 5 min

The best advice I can give you is read up on how the game works, aswell as your class and chosen spec. Wowhead is a decent source of information if you’re completely new to this game. If you’re playing a mage, read up on the Wowhead mage guide for your spec, arcane, frost or fire. Like what your spells do, when and in what order to use them, what stats are good for you, etc etc. Just make sure it’s the Cataclysm classic guide, and not a guide for another version of this game.

As for actual boss mechanics, there’s plenty of sources telling you how the bosses work. Even after playing this game for two decades, I still look at brief guides when there’s new dungeon or raid content coming. There’s a journal in game, detailing boss abilites, and there are player-made guides on Youtube. To understand certain bosses, you might need to see them in action once, but having an idea about what to expect won’t hurt.

Just yesterday, I was playing with a max level priest that used his spells in a very weird and suboptimal way, and needed on items that he couldn’t use, like swords. He told me in chat that he didn’t know, and gave me the impression of starting the game a week ago. Most people will expect you to know your basic toolkit and what items to go for when you’re at level cap, that is just reality.

This is a 20 year old game so there’s a lot of information to read, but that’s just the case. I know I read a lot of the pages in the 100+ page manual when picking up this game back in 2005.

Like the guy above me said, understanding dungeon and basic class mechanics goes a long way. Just dont immediately jump into heroic if you dont know the dungeons. Some bosses can be deadly if people dont know what to do, even if the heroic difficulty in cata is laughable. The beam boss in the blackrock dungeon comes to mind. Can easily cause wipes and dissatisfaction amongst the group.

Most people just expect to cruise through the dungeons since they are so incredibly easy and major screw ups are often not tolerated.

Sometimes, game knowledge won’t help you anyway though. I was just kicked out of BrC HC on my alt after whiping three times on Corla. There were three french players from Auberdine who did everything wrong and only spoke their own language in chat. First, they kicked the mage with “nul” as reason (apparently it means zero in french). Then it was my turn to be kicked. I was doing 12k dps on my freshly dinged warlock and was the only one blocking the beam, 2nd dps was doing 5k dps btw. I don’t even care about getting kicked tbh, it was actually more of a relief. There’s absolutely no helping certain players in this game.

Offtopic, talking another language than english in party chat while in RDF should have some form of consequence to it. Like last week I was in a 4/5 german group that only spoke german. I’m not a native english speaker either, but damn you could atleast try to communicate with other people than your own countrymen.

Yes, abuse of the removal thing happens, like I said.

I´ve only witnessed legitmate removal claims but i also havent been doing heroics on a regular basis since 1,5 months or so. Perhaps it has gotten worse.

There will always be rotten eggs, but if you were to analyse all the removals somehow, I am sure the vast majority of them would be legitimate.
It´s just so annyoing if you play with someone who seems to have zero clue as to what´s going on. Negative damage, keyboard turner, zero mechanics. Even if it´s a new players, that´s a legitmate removal in my book.

I made a thread about that exact thing about a month ago. I went away for vacation for a week or two in july. When I got back to WoW again, it was night and day really. Nowadays, you can’t rely on anyone to do anything when in RDF pugs. Either you do it yourself, or it’s not gonna happen. I suppose all the decent players are playing TWW right now.

All the decent players dont give a rat´s behind about heroics anymore since the only thing to gain there would be Valor points and even that is at an horrendous rate. If blizzard were to severly increase the VP gain, i´m sure proper players would queue up instantly.

What’s the definition of “negative damage”?

IMO, low DPS people who just “dinged” lvl 85 yet they know the mechanics, contribute more to the group effort than geared players who does over 16k DPS when alive, but ignore mechanics and die from the same mistake repeatedly.

I’m not the “know all” type of person and when I make mistake, I search for answers that would help me learn from that and improve for the next time.

I just don’t like when people throw ungeared fresh lvl85 in the same bag with those who don’t even try to learn and repeat their mistakes.

Vote kick against those who cause wipe several times in row is reasonable.
I’m however very tolerable, and don’t support instant kick after first mistake.

I feel like I’m only one of very few with such level of patience though, since I see vote kick prompts in almost every other dungeon run. Some of them for absurd reason.
Not all of them pass through, but the amount itself and personal experience with getting kicked for absurd reason or after small mistake that didn’t cause wipe is alarming.

There is something wrong. This is clearly not the same WoW community that was around back then when I played WoW for the first time.

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Dealing so little damage that him/her not being there would not make a difference at all.

The only reason i actively initiate a kick is if the player is offline for a prolonged period of time.
Low or in the worst case negative dps it not a reason for me to initiate a kick, I do vote yes on them though if another player starts it.

If you want to experience a community and friendly people you should visit the hardcore realms, maybe the pve era cluster as well, not sure.