Dungeon Entry Exam

As I see it, there are three areas people need to learn:

The basics - the VERY basics - are where I find most “bad” people fail. And they fail because they haven’t been educated or trained. By basics I don’t mean getting out of fire; I consider that “mechanics”. When I say basics I mean movement with a mouse, some sort of sane layout of spells on the bars, and the ability to use mouse and keyboard together.

When I was trying to help people through Silver in Mists, these were the kind of things I was trying to convey. Would have been a lot easier and more effective if I was sitting beside them. It’s not the kind of thing that works well remotely.

What makes it worse is that for most of these people, they have been doing it their way for a long time, and they have to change a lot and break their habits. That is tough to do.

Yup. If you can’t play your spec to near-potential standards against a Target Dummy, you sure can’t do it in an encounter. That’s a lot of work, if you are coming from a place where you don’t have the basics.


There are general mechanics and specific mechanics, general mechanics being things like don’t stand in fire, and interrupt, and specific mechanics being something like kite the adds between the barrels, avoid pulling that pack on the left, and for God’s sake don’t interrupt the harmless cast but save it for the nuke.

So, considering all that, rethink your

When you already have calculus and Newtonian physics and vectors and trig and all that under your belt, orbital mechanics isn’t a big stretch, but for people who have not yet mastered algebra, it really is rocket science.


Movement at all. People are like “I didn’t bring invis pot” or “no priest/rogue” for that pack before the bridge in necrotic wake.

You can walk past it without using invis, stealth or mind soothe. Like, just walk past it. But most people can’t even do that without pulling it.

Well when forming your own key you can test people however you want. Although with all that trouble you might as well either find a guild/community or a regular group.

When you’re joining other people’s keys it’s up to them so do so at your own risk.

A secret test that many people don’t know: Tell them to climb on the sum stone without using a flying mount. If they fail on the first try, just kick them. :joy: :sweat_smile:

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Fundamentally World of Warcraft strives to be a game that is not just about the combat, but also a game that’s about the social dynamics of a community.

For each core design philosophy there is a corresponding skill requirement

  1. Sense of world and discovery - find your way to the right challenges
  2. Sense of community and social interaction - find the right groups
  3. Great combat - play your character well and know enemy traits so you can fight them
  4. Constant stream of content - adapt your playstyle as the game is updated

You need to master them all to truly master World of Warcraft, and any attempt to convince me that you should be able to simply skip one of them is not going to succeed I’m afraid.

You overestimate the capabilties of the average player.

Also, unless someone tells you the rotation, you can’t know the full rotation.

waste of time from my point view some 1 too lazy watch video for few sec well why would i take the person to dungen he does not even know bisc

The most basic test is if can people help summoning on first click. If people flunk it up and the summon cancels, I just leave the group. If they can’t get something as easy as clicking to summon, then they’ll unlikely be good enough to finish the instance in a timely manner.

This is an excellent example of what I was calling Basics.

If someone put together a self-study video course leading to this level of competence, it would improve the game experience enormously all round - well. at least if people used it.

Maybe Blizzard could make some rewards for completing a scenario based on that course.

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Exactly what i was thinking… if you make such bold statement at least have the iron ovaries to attach it to your main.

Kindly respond to this post with your char that has 70-80 percentile logs for dmg done.

Kind of disappointed that the forum ignore list does not work correctly as I know you are kind of a toxic responder :D. (Edit: nvm the ignore time expired… you earned another year ^^)I don’t need to prove anything… But judging from your rating I’m miles ahead of you. You might be a good match for a weekly key and maybe a +20 but higher then that it’s quite questionable if I want to invite you to my group.

With a proving ground mechanic/scenario you could earn this respect easily ofc.

I saw so many people in raids and m+ thinking they were good or thought they were prepared for mythic sepulcher without realizing to be carried by 5-6 people playing correctly. Logs are kinda good but cumbersome to analyze every week.

Maybe raiderio score is just too inaccurate… They need to add a performance index to it. Like overall DMG/ kicks/ healing+DMG

I think that with the kindness and empathy, it will make a better experience for all of the players. Instead, you will notice that they insult or belittle the bad players, they still do not know the critical information of how to do simulation on their character. They do not know their class guide. Some player will not know that they need to infuse a legendary, their 291 device is worthless with no stats as a template. If they learn, they do better in all of the future runs, potentially these runs are with you or someone you know!

Instead of insult and leave, I try to teach if I can, as I hope people will teach on me. I think there are very low people that want to continue to be bad at the game. But, the insult does not help anyone even if it makes you feel better for a minute. It makes you feel worse for the rest of your life, even if you do not know it. To help someone makes you feel better for the rest of your life, and you will certainly know it.

Exactly but on certain key levels I don’t want to teach basic things. When I hard grind valor on low level keys I’m very aware that people are newcomers and want to help them with some good tips.

M+ is just toxic because people queuing up levels of keys they can’t handle. And for every side it’s a huge waste of time too. Even on weekly key there are warlocks fotm folks with 275 ilvl and 2,8k rio joining with 6k DPS overall it’s just annoying… Luckily the report function is working as intended already got a lot of blizzard response by positive reports for people getting boosted

Soooo many people hiding their main characters, whilst belittling other players.

Must be a nice feeling to be a coward… sorry, I mean pro player :slight_smile:

Keys fail, it happens, I’ve not had a key drop more than 1 level before returning to it’s former level.
If your key is being constantly depleted, then maybe the problem lies closer to home? :wink:

You share a result and a problem, actually. You boost the players in valor keys, what do you think happens to their key after? They are at high levels they are not prepared for. A valor lister will go to what? 2? 5? 8? 11? A brand new player can reach level 11 or more, because players join their keys to farm the valor and increase score they shouldn’t have to get by now. So, I think the solution is simple. Reduce key upgrading for new players, they can invite valor players, but there will be more low valor keys and thus valor farmers will not need to run as high valor keys as 8 or more. Then, the failure will occur in low key. This is acceptable according to you. To me, it is not the fault of the new player ever, we should be kind to the new player or else our favorite game will lose population and not gain more of it.

Sure but what should I do? Leaving the key? That’s a thing I don’t want to do tbh. Don’t like those leavers if it is not REALLY obvious that the key is not going to end well

Soooo many people hiding their main characters, whilst belittling other players.

Must be a nice feeling to be a coward… sorry, I mean pro player :slight_smile:

Keys fail, it happens, I’ve not had a key drop more than 1 level before returning to it’s former level.
If your key is being constantly depleted, then maybe the problem lies closer to home? :wink:

(Sorry Obesitea, wasn’t replying to you, just in general)

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That’s spam what you are doing . You could edit your post. But it might be a good solution to just add a warcraft logs score to the game which actually tracks performance and not just key completion rating from raider io

It was edited, I took out who the post was mistakenly replying to and added an apology to that person.

But thanks for replying to me, I feel enlightened to have spoken with the best player in the world :O, can you sign my shirt? <3

Is there a possibility to add something useful to the discussion or are you just here to insult players