Dungeon Entry Exam

Please no, this was a tedious requirement to be able to do a random heroic dungeon. Ironically you could do LFR without it.

You can’t judge people like that, there are too many variables.

See, as a healer this is how things go for me:

If a run is going well, my healing drops massively, and my dps goes up, however depending on the affix, I may be doing other stuff.
Calling healers, healers is a little inaccurate, since we’re actually support.

How would you track that players are interrupting the correct spells?
How would you show that the melee dps was lower because they were avoiding sanguine because the tank performed badly?

It’s very easy to blame others for failed keys, but it’s a ‘group’ activity.
And your very post insults every player that ever failed a key, had a bad day, or just made a mistake that caused a wipe xD

yeah ok this could be a hard one but it might be already included into the logs performance indirectly by timing the key? If the group does not kick, the key is more likely going downwards :smiley:

Thats the charm of logs. If you perform purple 70-90 you are already an player performing above average. green = improving, grey = wtf. So for you loggging purple in sanguine week is a good sign. But lets get real. If you perform good 1-2 weeks you are already a good player.

true healers are difficult to track. Due to the fact that the dds are the key players to not get one shotted or kick correctly.

True but I’d like to have an easier judgement of who I invite. Rio is not enough.

Yes but I don’t want any requirements for casual content. I want it for the esports part of the game

I think it has even less place in Mythic Plus. It’s not an e-sport to most. It’s just content, we do to gear. Even an MDI team has to test it’s own members for a team. The onus does not fall on Blizzard to vet them.

It is down to you to network to find other players who play at the high standard you require. Pugging is always going to have a higher risk attached to it than a group of regulars who know each other and the standard they play at.


well said - when are longer-term players going to understand, many people are not competing against each other in regards to achieving highest dps etc. We get the content done in pugs, and to be honest the best fun ive had is in pug raids - may i highlight that the organisers are angels, I never had the courage to make a molten core pug run as i didnt feel I knew it well enough. I did however do dungeon runs and even a couple of annha qirag (not the 40 raid). Great fun BUT we were still on Molten Core and the quilds were on Nax lol. Hopefully raid finder is a thing in WOTLK - A I can catch up on gear AND B I can catch up on gear.

You create your own group, so you can set your own rules. But do not force your rules to be used by others.

The thing with this is, that I don’t wanna do some “entry exam” for every key, because it simply wastes my time for no reason.

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Also: If you think, that you fail your keys, because people don’t do 70-80% of their possible target dummy dps, I actually think, that you are the problem in your failed keys, no offense

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Sure take some random log, that was over 2 months ago, where I did most dungeons the first time

You had done plaguefall 4 times prior to that key. That’s nowhere close to the first time. You had done quite a lot of keys before that plaguefall.

I know, that I played frost in april, and I basically didn’t play shadowlandw at all before april. These days I do well in keys

Ah nice that you all brought this myth up. Its actually like raiding in a guild (casually) bring more risk then you think.

In a pug:

situation m+ raid
member is bad key rip + deplete instant kick+just another try
performance evaluation pre start rio wlogs+kills

Getting new players works really good in raids because you can just trust the leadership to kick the bad players and go on with the raid of equal minded players to get the raid done. Have created pug raids myself with the condition to kick everyone who mess up twice. Everyone was fine with it. Which proves most of the players don’t want slackers in their raid. In guild you often have the “best friend/husband/girlfriend” issue no one wants to be the person to speak up if someone constantly fails. => Pugging is way better for good players in shadowlands.

So for a key the situation is not as easy. You want to start quickly without research you players through logs for a 30 min non rewarding dungeon. But io does not tell you if a certain player got carried. Ofc you can find friends and bla bla. But the scheduling to get 5 people around is cumbersome. A key can easily rip if you get unlucky and 2 boosted chars join. A key is depleted if you kick a noob. A key can’t be restarted with a new player.

What I want is to teach bad players through the game that they need to learn how to play. There is ofc another solution to the problem.

Don’t let the key deplete if some noob joins So you could just kick him in the first minute and start again → like in the raid no one got a problem with that practice in a pug raid.

You’re doing tank dps now rather than healer dps?

It is quite easy to find a bad log of someone. Especially from times when someone was learning. But everyone ducks up here or there. Except me. I always have bad logs.

That low dps with 267 ilvl isn’t just a “bad log”. I can’t fathom how you ever get that low dps on a dps spec with that ilvl.

That is because you are the best player in the whole world. We already know that. But i am the worst player in the world, so i do understand.

You logs look ok. Don’t know why you are under the impression that you are bad

There is no myth.

However as I said in my previous reply:-

Just like an RL does with PUG in a raid. The difference is that for M plus to kick is to lower the key or do a different one. Different type of content. Just like you can’t kick mid arena and find a replacement for that match. You have to take the loss and queue up again with others.

I mean; apparently my dps should be on the level of that frost mage in plaguefall with 5k. Looks like no way:


Looks like frost mage is struggling anyway in plaguefall.

arena = 1 min, m+ = 30 min at worst