Dungeon "tactics"

Yes, it was. But since you haven’t been around from the beginning, I’ll tell you how it was. Back, oooh, as long as TWO expasions ago, you could buy gear from the points you got in arena battles. Yeah, how about that…

I don’t mind the RNG factor, but not at end lvl.

Or maybe you just don’t get it.
Not along ago, you could play your arena matches and you on par gear wise.
Not any more.

So let me get this straight, you can’t read and can’t be bothered to read the whole thread before you have to give all people your completely wrong conclusion.
Well done kid…, well done…

How does the one exclude the other? PvP IS harder, and more fun, at least imo. And people don’t want to dungeons, did ya figure it out… because they find it boring and repetitive. I know you kids, with diagnoses and low to none empathy has a hard time understanding, that not all people enjoy the same stuff you enjoy to do…

That’s not the point kiddo. I’ll start all over, just for you. People who enjoy Pvp, often don’t like pve, but in this expansion they are forced to play pve, to get geared. I know it’s hard for kids to understand that some people don’t want to play wow 24/7. I’ve stated the reasons several time now. if you kids, can’t be bothered to read ALL of it, stay the f… away, and stop pestering people with your linear, “no thought required” opinions.

None of that addresses that you for whatever reason can’t deal with the mechanics in the easier (by your own statement) game mode. Instead we get the generic ‘pvp is superior’ spiel. So yeah, still waiting to hear if these dungeons are easy or hard.

Incidentally, the entire post just reinforces why the community at large has issue with pvpers, the hypocrisy and aggression, you talk down to people but can’t handle it if it’s given back to you.

Edit, sidenote, not you specifically but people as a whole, why do you try to build a reply by saying the other person can’t read? Clearly they can read or how else would they have navigated to this particular page, composed that reply if they lack the ability to read? Seems a tad moronic.

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K, since M+ needs to be nerfed so pvpers can manage them, i guess pvp should be nerfed aswell so us pve’ers can get the essences from there?

You keep going on about how M+ should be nerfed to suit you. The only thing that imo should be done, is add resiliense to pvp gear again.

Changing pve content to suit your pvp elitist heart is not the way to go.


How is it sensitive of me to say this? I was merely being confused about what you said because it makes absolutely no sense in my head. And clearly I know how to read, it would have been impossible for me to compile a reply if I didn’t read your post. English sadly is not my native language, it’s either my 2nd or 3rd language, depending whether you count it by my country’s two official languages, or the order I started learning it in. So I sometimes do miss stuff. Instead of acting superior when you say stuff like “have you tried whipping yourself?” and I get confused about it, how about you explain what you mean instead.
And ah yes, the classic of calling people who don’t agree with you a kid. Haven’t run into that one in a while.

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He seems to operating on the basis that we managed to find this thread by hitting random keys, somehow by the same process logged in, and continued mashing random keys that by some miracle has resulted in coherent sentences.

As none of us can read, this must be the only way we’ve posted here. Right?

pew wee keys pug dont mix above 15 forget unless relly Lucky u get group know doing ye na dont need more thet stuff come on guys give good stuff

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