Dungeon Teleports at +20

My opinion? this is nonsence not becuase its gated behind 20 keys
but because why not add some cool weapon or TMOG set like in mop/wod
why they do this
you can be summoned to dungeon + travel to dungeon in shadowlands is pretty fast xD
for me it looks useless
there is still no point to do keys beyond 15

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So much this! Why would anyone need those portals? :joy:


because intern at blizzard was able to implement them in 23 seconds while everyone else was on a lunch break. great addition blizzard

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It is a great bonus for all +20 runners but I don’t think someone need this because of flying. And I don’t see that this is going to be as profitable as KSM sell runs

The fox unable to reach the grapes will say they are rotten.

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You are clearly an agent paid by Blizzard/boosters/reptilians. We all know that every casual in wow is super rich and they spend thousands and thousands of real money to buy tokens for boosts.

If they really wanted to get those boosts going they should have added some cool mogs!

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Hope you all realize that game and classes are not balanced for +20. Anything above +15 isnt inteded to be run and only few meta specs can actualy beat such content. It would requre rebalqncr of entire game becouse you have to make sure that +20 is doable by any spec.

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Unless the dungeons don’t get made any harder with the next patch and +20 is the new +10, and people doing +20s will now be doing +40s.

+20 are already doable by all classes. Those that require the best classes are 25 and above, which are miles away from 20

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I think the point is to not make it something for boosters to make more gold from.

It’s just a little perk.

This is just a thing added to help save those who want to push high keys time moving from Dungeon to Dungeon.

I appreciate people want to play the game like that, and good on those people. But that play style is not for me.

I’m happy to push until 15 for the mount, I would even push a little bit higher, if there was a Transmog set to collect. But any higher than what’s necessary for the cosmetics just is of no interest for me.

Ikr … shiet

Time to enter the toxic puddle that is the high m+ pugs

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I know, was just a counter to the «omg evil blizz is doing this to sell more booosts». Who would by boosts for a teleport option? :joy:


Tbh i would if it didnt defeat the purpose of the game & was immoral to me

I love it. Personally I haven’t had a lot of time go game this expansion due to IRL but plan to get this achievement. Wish they added yet another one at 25 so as to give more stuff to aim for (though I don’t think I’d be able to get to 25)

High keys are ironically waaaaay less toxic than low keys


When you reach +15’s and up you meet the worst toxicity this game has to offer

I was there 20 months ago …!

Horrible flashbacks

A group of friends who all do 20+ keys joked that even with the teleport there is one in the group who will always be late/last or asking for a summon regardless :smile:


Whyyyyy? I dont get it :sweat_smile: it doesnt even take long to fly there. But i would never buy boost for anything, but i can understand ppl doing it for mounts and titles and mogs. But a teleport?