Dungeon Teleports at +20

To help summoning quicker + making life easier on alts

Yep, nothing more fun than having to get a long boring flight from Oribos

Do keys up to +20 and then you get portal

Failed design

Give portal to everyone who pushes keys after they play let’s say over 100 dungeon runs or something

Meh, i highly doubt the sale of +20 boosts will skyrocket for a teleport. But who knows, collecters be wanting all the things :sweat_smile:

No1 can boost you in 20’s atm not timed at least .

Uhm, yes, they can. Most boost communities are selling runs up to +24 timed.

Feels like something they might be planning for 9.1 or beyond. They may scale it so that a 15 next season is more like a 13 this season, then more like an 11 by 9.2.

The hard pushers can get theirs right now; the rest of us will eventually get them by end of expansion. Seems a sensible way to make sure everyone gets a slice of the cake.

Proof ?
And no the title or the add isn’t proof enough, show me the run or the player who got boosted in 20+ timed

Stuff like this is as old as Pandaria challenge modes. Gold Pandaria also gave you a teleport to the instances. Also if you buy a +20 for a teleport then sorry but you dont deserve that gold. God knows how many millions for a teleport that saves 2min top every hr or less bwuahahaha.

The boost speed is pretty much all set to the buyer and him handing over the gold to the advertiser. So the teleport would speed up nothing. Also the amount of people that have cleared a +20 is quite limited.

That is interesting since there are classes where the best in the world does not even have finished a +24.

Ask the communities. It still stands that keys up to that level are being sold if you want to buy it. Timed. Paying for it is another story especially with no reward currently so the amount is probably in the 2 digits range.

However if one buys such a thing, especially currently, then such a guy deserves to be ripped off on all fronts.

+20 is of course another level for those +27 pushers :slight_smile:
This is a funny video;

correction, it’s a new carrot on a stick for the more competitive players in the game to chase after they’ve already done KSM in a couple weeks.

you know, like pvpers have gladiator & rank 1 to chase, and raiders have cutting edge & hall of fame after clearing heroic.


Ask them. Closest I can give is a fresh ~210 holy pally healing a +25 PF, and almost two-chesting. If they can pull that off, they can carry an AFK player through a +20 with the other 4 on mains.

At that level, restrictions may apply, I suppose. At +20? Nah.

I have the ones from pandaria challenge mode and a couple from draenor. I think I have used them once or twice, so for sure I am not looking forward to completing +20 dungeons in time.

Lol, i had missed that new ellesmeres kyrian hpala :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: It is of course ‘the best holy pala’ in the world with his own team. But just on another covenant. And they used a heavy mechanical dungeon like PF. On fortified.

But yes. 20’s are a different level and can be done for and by way more players. I am not sure boosters have restrictions on the players, since +20’s maybe still need some input from the boosted players. And probably it is only done on fortified weeks (?).

Is this an out of season april’s fool joke ?

On a serious tone, I feel like Dungeon teleports should be given upon completing a +10 so that +20 gives another reward.

At this point they could remove the world and make LFG the main menu. It’s a game of minigames after all. Everything is isolated and individualistic.

I see no difference with a HoT’s Quick Match. 5 people who don’t care about each other instantly placed in the same scenario.

The game is no longer about a Fantasy World. You log in to queue for an instanced event. So if they continue with this design direction there will be no reason to keep calling WoW a MMORPG.

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Finaly something! I’m so glad that my group will finaly be trying to push keys!
These non rewarding dungeons were so frustrating. This is nothing mandatory, but for us lazy ppl it’s nice to have :slight_smile:

Same pala went to a Theatre of Pain too. Growl also has a video of a viewer healing his team’s +20 mists. A +20 carry is very much doable in time.