Dungeon Teleports at +20

Blizzard always scales the % to keep it somewhat the same. Going to be the same as in BFA and Legion. Towards the end of the expansion you’ll most likely see some 34s/35s

…I have my doubts about that. We’ve only seen 30s in one season, BfA S4, and that was because corruption was so very busted.

I spent couple of minutes on ptr today and was flying around. I don’t see a reason to actively go for 20+ as flying to the entrance is equally convenient.

I couldn’t care less about the portals either as with gear changes the toxic m+ environment will only see me for obligatory weekly key and that’s it.

My guess is that boosts will be less because of the gear separation for pvp, pve m+ and raid.

I was doing +19s 3 months ago so +20 next patch will be a joke, everyone will have it.

Or you know… they are trying to push players to be better to try and get the rewards and not just pay for boosts.

eh, i have the wod dung ports and i never use them not worth the effort of timing all dungs at +20 in my opinion

It’s a throwback to the old Challenge Mode teleports from MoP.

I think it’s perfectly fine. You’ll get flying in 9.1, there is the engineering toy, and your own covenant teleportation system. An extra “quality of life” spell for the people that actually push +20 keys is a great extra incentive for m+ people, like the seasonal glad titles are for pvp’ers, or Hall of Fame is for raiders. And comparatively, it’s a very small “top end” reward compared to Raid and PvP, as a dungeon teleport on an 8 hour cd to save 20 seconds of transport, with 0 visual flair to “flex” with is kinda meh.

I say this, having no intention or ability to do a +20 in time (atleast for the time being).


Because it’s supposed to be a “return of the CM ports”? I did the CM in Pandaria, and from memory those were quite challenging, with a “BIS” to gather (with how things worked then, an LFR item could be better for CM than a Flex or a Normal raid item, as far as I can remember).

So I see no problem having these being an “exclusive” thing, just like an all-gold CM back then.

This is the issue we have in this game. No - I’m not talking about the fact that 0.x1% of players get some ability that makes traveling slightly more convenient.

The very issue is presented by OP. “Why can’t we also have xyz” No matter how miniscule the reward is, there are always some people in WoW who feel entitled to also get this reward for not doing anything.

Why can’t we have port
Why can’t we have 226 gear
Why can’t we have mount xyz
Why can’t we have xmog xyz

Why on earth do you need absolutely EVERYTHING that’s given out to a minority of the player base for doing hard content?

It’s not even that big of a deal… It literally takes 2 minutes at most to get to a dungeon via flight masters and even less time when flying mounts are available.
This port will save those players like 30 to 60 seconds. Big wow…

Let those high pushing god tier players also have some kind of reward other than just the feeling of completing it… Jesus Christ…


Pretty much, you wanted BiS stats on it and as many sockets as possible

Good. This gives me something rewarding to strive towards in M+.

226 gear upgrades with valor is a good start for those completing all +20s

Its a nice touch, but if you already have done every 20 in time in season one you get the achiv and teleport? Or you have to do it again in season 2 to get the reward?

Sorry you had a bad experience. Personally I agree that at higher keys people are more focused on the keys and less inclined to be toxic. Key fails? Move on.

15s are hardly high keys though. I have only been able to game 4/5 weeks this expansion, but low 20s are what is considered high keys to the best of my knowledge.

Obviously this seems like a season 2 reward, meaning you need to get it done on Season 2.

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