Dungeon Teleports at +20

Might be true, but both of this videos were not really carries because the healers were actually doing their job pretty well.

The people who think there wouldn’t be people buying boosts for this haven’t seen what I have. I also used to know a gold seller (I didn’t have anything to do with them in that term) I witnessed what all the customers asked for and what he used to get up to. Buying feat of str achievements is a massive thing. It’s all about fear of missing out and collecting.

Please don’t think that people don’t buy stuff because you won’t, not how it is.

Another reward for ultra minority player base. Mabe lets add something that only one player per realm can earn? Why we cannot end with this elitism? Only 3% player base killing raid boss on mythic less than 1% doing mythic 20+. Why I don’t see achivment for get max level by herbalism or pet battles?

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Yes, but they were severely undergeared, didn’t have much renown, etc. Now imagine the healer on main. They can very well carry a 5th AFK in a key 5 levels below.

Stop with the quality of life. There’s too much of it. WoW is already almost a selection of menus that you navigate. It’s like Adventure Quest 3D, and I’m not even joking. With flying, portals everywhere.

In my opinion there’s a point where too much quality of life means the game doesn’t exist. Lineage 2 Retail has so much quality of life, you don’t even need to play the game anymore. In my opinion, flying is already too much and anything on top of it is doubling down on making things even worse.

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Sure, what I meant was that to me a carry is to basically 4 man the dungeon.

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Yeah, and it’s perfectly possible to do that on +20. There won’t be many videos of carries, to protect the buyer tho. :stuck_out_tongue:

On 20 yes, on 24 not so sure.

There is a website where it costs 55eur per dungeon for a stinky portal :rofl:

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Is it only me that still makes an effort to fly myself to a Dg. & will even refuse a Summon - that I have not asked for - if I’m (at least) in the same zone as the Dg. …?

I’d have no problems being removed from a Group for refusing a Summon, too…

I just laugh at the people who are ignorant to what’s actually going on, “I don’t do it, So it doesn’t exist” people will buy it.

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same - imo +20 should give super hiper shiny transmogs. unique so people coudl brag about them .

teleports on +10 woudl give people nice push for really trying to push dungeons .

Am i the only one who doesn’t like how much stuff Blizzard is locking and giving only to the >1% on the top? What about most of your subscribers?

Shadowlands is extremely casual unfriendly and this annoys me, and this is coming from a Mythic Raider.

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What? It is far more casual friendly than any expansion in recent memory.


I terms of rewards i don’t see it that way, high end players are getting a ton of cosmetics that most players will ever get.

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Ned bewst for ez ports for I can get boozt fastr

But are cosmetics that interesting? We just wear one helm, I don’t need a new one every patch.

I want a challenging attunement that unlocks something else. I don’t want to do the same 8 dungeons over and over. They should reward us with more content. Make us feel some kind of progression.

You say that but anyone who did MoP CMs got a major QoL upgrade in BFA when they had the teleport straight to the quest hub in pandaland.

It’ll be the same when the expansion 8 years from now takes us back to Revendreth :wink:

Huh? You can get all the anima and covenant cosmetics as a casual. It takes time, yes, but perfectly possible within the lifespan of Shadowlands. Apart from that? KSM? Very doable by casuals.

In turn, we have the Great Vault, which is much better than the chest was in BfA. We have Valor, which is nice to upgrade a few pieces that just don’t wanna drop from the vault. We have PvP vendor, too. We have very little mandatory content, so you don’t need to spend your time grinding stuff just to remain viable - you can casually enjoy the part of the game you like.

Shadowlands certainly has its problems, but it’s far more casual friendly than any expansion I can remember.

I don’t think dungeon teleports are a “ton” of cosmetics.

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Not a lot of people willing to pay 2M per dungeon ^^

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