Dungeons and locked chests

Do you think they should be rolled for? Or do they automatically belong to a rogue/key holder in your group?

I’m of the opinion they belong to the rogue and or key holder. Otherwise how else would you open it?

But what do you think? Let me know.


Without explicit agreements they should be rolled. Rogue can ask to get all chests before run and group can accept it or replace rogue.


I agree, locked chests should be rolled. The rogues is here to help the group. Just like the mage will give free water. The demo will tp for free, etc.


locked chests should be rolled as well.
rouges love to unlock things even if they dont get what is inside, they still benefit from leveling their lock picking skill.

But quite easily the rogue can say they can’t unlock it, wait until everyone’s left the dungeon and go around unlocking it.

They can avoid being honest and reap all the rewards.

Just cut out the middle man and let the rogue have it. You wouldn’t be able to unlock it without them anyway.

Mages can charge for their water and warlocks can do the same. They don’t have to do it for free, is what I’m getting at.

They can also do the training boxes dotted around the world of Azeroth.


if they can handle the respawns by themselves, than sure. :slight_smile:


In my experience, the mobs typically don’t respawn at the end. Maybe I’m just a really speedy tank…!


asking to take a rogue’s chest is to ask taking my leather.

draws knife

You’ll need to prove yourself in battle.


Chests are to be rolled for.

Except locked chests. Only people that can open them should roll for those. You wouldn’t be able to loot them anyway without that person in the group.


Simply put, anyone able to unlock a chest should roll for it. Whether it be a rogue, blacksmith or engineer.

Unless explicitly stated that the rogue is brought to unlock chests, noone should really complain if the rogue goes to pick up a chest. If anyone complaining wishes to unlock chests, they should roll a rogue or level BS/Engineering.

I could even bring up the argument about skinning Gyth for the elusive epic scale that he can drop. That should go to skinners, not to anyone who isn’t skinning. Locked chests belong to those who can unlock them, due to them having those skills to begin with.


i think it’s kinda rude to ask for a locked chest from a rogue bro…

[looks at the camera and winks with a devilish smirk]


Or someone with BS key will suggest to open the chest at expense of key. How will rogue feel after that? Also going in dungeon without your lockpicking is like healer who did not learn resurrection spell. It’s just not nice and he will be remembered as a bad rogue.

I don’t think people will care.


You can get ress by doing a 5-10 min quest

you need to grind hours to get lockpicking up to date with current-level content(even longer if people step in and ruin ur lockpicking xp gain by needing on dropped lockboxes during dungeon/group questing)


As a roleplayer from Hydraxian (PVE ONLY), I sympathise with my fellow rogues on RP-PVP realms. Unnlocking locks with PVP in the world must be very hard.

This is part of what I like to call economy-PVP that is BOOMING on the RP realm. (Stealing ore nodes, hides, quest mobs…)


As being miner I d like to ask if ore mines shall be rolled for everyone in the dungeon, or only for those who can mine it.


Miners do not share ore with the rest of the group.

I agree with Lawson

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Yeah, but we should roll for it anyway. As a dungeon’s a team effort. You should mine the ore and depending on who rolled highest you should give the ore over to them.


You do whatever you like. I can tell you I ran maybe 8 dungeons since launch, and out of all those groups, the only person on my blacklist is a rogue who looted locked chests in stockades without asking or acknowledging he did anything wrong. I know who will NOT get a dps spot in any of my lvl 60 pre bis farming runs. Hint: it’s that rogue.
As a side note, he was also the only person in any group I ever had in Classic to post recount numbers in party chat at the end of the run. Kinda makes you think.