Dungeons and locked chests

Rogues entitled to locked chest, only time you should have a roll is if there are multiple people who can open the lock.


What did he do wrong? I don’t get why you have a problem with this rogue.


i also hate it when people take the items only they can access which the rest of the party does not in any way aid to achieve.

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My opinion, which isn’t worth more, is that if some rogue went through the trouble of leveling his/her lockpicking, then he can have what’s inside that locked chest. I wouldn’t be able to open it anyway, so it would sit there worthless to anyone. But if there’s some rogue (or blacksmith who has keys) who could open it, then good for him/her.

I’d consider that kinda like looting mobs. Some you get, some you don’t, even when the whole group killed them. Tho leveling your lockpicking takes more effort than killing mobs in dungeons with group, so in my books that rogue deserves what’s inside that locked chest.

But that’s just my opinion.


Whining about Rogues taking locked chests and breaking some “unwritten rules” is the same type of petty authoritarian behaviour like kicking people for Needing on gems as Engineers (first and only Dungeon kick on my life) or reporting players for their names “not being RP enough” according to your own standards.

But hey, if somebody needs these little power trips to feel in charge, at least let them have this joy in their sad lives.

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i live for power

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Colloquially, that’s called “ninja’ing” and yes, generally accepted course of action is kicking and blacklisting said person. I admit that locked chests are not so clear cut, and you can’t really accuse the rogue in question of anything. But still, I will personally not invite such rogue into groups I’m forming. They have the least utility of the “pure” dps anyway, so they are on a thin ice to begin with :slight_smile:

Is classic just a competition to be the most obnoxious as possible towards anyone not playing exactly the way you want them to?

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No, that’s called being an obnoxious control freak. If I need a gem for an item, you can bet I’ll need on it. If I don’t, I obviously greed. That’s not different than an Enchanter needing on formulas, while the others greed/pass.

Btw why does the Mage class attract the worst type of people? Other than having the best chance to escape from PvP of course.


Either the rogue in your group will allow rolls, or they will take the chest. It’s pretty much their choice as if they were not there, you’d have to walk on by anyway.

No point worrying about it imo. If you want a go at the chest, remember the names of the rogues who let you have a roll and group with them more? Problem solved!

As for keys/ Engineer charges (iirc those are a thing in Classic, not started my Engineering journey yet to check) to be honest, if someones using a resource that costs something to make and not just a skill, let them have it and well done them for coming prepared.


No it is not. It is like an enchanter needing on greens because he needs the mats they will disenchant into.
Enchanter needing on formula is like Engineer needing on a pattern, which is perfectly normal thing to do obviously. Are you even listening to yourself? What kind of analogy is this?

Well if playing the way I want them to is following most basic tennants of human decency, than yes, that is what I will do in game and irl.

ok so anyone that doesn’t play how you want them to is inhumanly indecent, nice


rules must be acorded before the run, egoism in a teamplay based challenge will never be rewarded.

In my opinion, if something useful for one of the party is being looted in a chest (locked or not) it should be given to him, like any drop loot from a dung, unless you are a tank and your dps doesnt listen to your marks, nor do they focus and etc, ending up to need money for repairs.

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And you wouldn’t be able to get to them without the group


Funny quote from a paladin.

t. Budget Paladin.

If you join a group, you offer them your role to do whatever you signed up for. if its opening doors or chests then so be, dont see why people would want to deny them things.
“you cant open the chest so the rogue gets it”… ok, but the rogue has to get to it without the heal, dps, tank that cleared the room ?

And on a side note, if i were rogues, i wouldnt be too picky about it as people are whinging about not getting groups cos people are AOE farming, … dont make your class an even less popular pick ?

but also as long as its agreed before then it doesnt matter - had someone on /lfg on alliance other day LFM for a dungeon run with reserved loot, i certainly wouldnt join, but as long as its explained -beforehand-, then caveat emptor


All chests should be rolled for, as a rogue i mostly just want to skill up in lock picking.


And how about +20 to roll for those who can open locked chest?

on what basis ?
that its a skill you have to spend time and / or money on, improving your overall character ?

ok cool, im charging you 1s / mob to pay for my blacksmith recipes so i can tank better ?..

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