Dungeons and locked chests

A fair point, but then I always hated that when running with an enchanter back in the day people would be “roll for shard”… I’m going to d/e for free and ruin my business model? then please lets roll for leather, herbs and ores too :stuck_out_tongue:

Youre in that instance together, locked chests are a reason to bring a rogue.

Id instantly replace a rogue expecting all locked chests to go to him, ill find a social one instead. (Rogues a plenty anyway)


You can still d/e through trade window in the “will not be traded” slot in Classic, right? So you announce you are an enchanter and you can shard any drops for the run, and maybe even get a small tip. Seems a fair solution.

This sounds quite fair.
At first I felt like, the chest belongs to the one that unlocks it.
If more than 1 person can unlock those 2 roll on who gets it.

In the case where you want anyone to have a chance it sounds reasonable to give the person that unlocks the chest some kind of bonus roll.
Given the fact that you wouldn’t have been able to open said chest without the person anyhow.

I personally don’t really care all that much. Yes I feel the chest belongs to the rogue but if the group really wants to roll over it, thats fine.

I rather have a good reputation and increased chance of more invites than having a bit of extra loot that run.

In my groups, the chest will always belong to the one who can unlock it. I bring rogues long as DPS, not personal chest unlockers. Imagine training up a skill and then being told you can’t reap the rewards from it.


Doing group content with useful abilities should benefit everyone surely ?

why would a rogue not want to help people out ? its totally illogical to use the “personal skill should be personal reward”.
I always take skeleton keys in case we dont have a rogue, and still let people roll on chests. And i also offer up anything in the chest to people, but then i consider it a bonus “group reward” for the instance, not something i can snaffle later

as i said before, people are complaining about groups wanting AOE DPS for speed farming etc, and also maintaining this sort of view, which is fine BUT if you paint yourself into a corner, dont expect people to go out of their way to help you out… “rogue LFG”… “nah ill take a mage, not like he will open the boxes anyway”

i don’t get your point. if i bring a key, that ive made, with blacksmithing, i expect to get the rewards from it. it’s my mats, that i spent time farming.

if you’d rather have a mage then you can do that. but in my groups, a locked chest will belong to those who can unlock it.

well if i’m tanking, using armour i made, with blacksmithing, its my mats i spent time farming, so if you’re in my group, im charging you 1s per mob killed…

sounds based

You got it wrong. It’s you who should be paying the group for each kill, if you’re tanking. Because paladins can’t tanklolwarriorsFTW!11!!!1

Ok, go ahead and click on that “flagged as trolling”… while waiting, I’ll see myself out with my bad jokes… :expressionless:

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You honestly shouldn’t.

Also charging for tanking as a lvl 60 raid-geared tank is absolutely acceptable. Not that it concerns you, as a Paladin. :wink:


I as a rogue always roll for the team. Even if I can open chests I am there to help them, not ninja looting. That includes for prof nodes inside dungeons.

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I think prof nodes are a perfect example.

To open a locked chest you need either a rogue or a blacksmith to open that chest.

If you have a group of 5 and a mining node appears in the dungeon.
Do you let everyone roll for it?
I seriously doubt it.
The miners of the group will roll on who gets to mine it. and whatever ore comes off the node is for the one that mines it.

You don’t roll in your group to see who gets to mine for the skill up and then roll again to see who gets whatever comes off the node right?

The exact same argument can be made for locked chests. Just see them as mining nodes and suddenly it makes more sense to let the rogue/blacksmith have the contents.

Everyone that states otherwise is just jealous of something that dropped out of a locked chest imo.

What about enchanter?
Should they roll on everything?

For me class abilities should help the group.
Profession is to make money so I consider the two differently.

Right but in this case lockpicking is in a way a profession that needs to be trained up, just like all professions, in order to use.

And since there is a difference between the skill and a profession you should just take blacksmithing as a rogue and use keys to unlock locked chests because then its fine if the rogue keeps it i guess.

The locked chests really are in no way different than mining nodes.

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If you have a strong opinion on it, just discuss it with the group beforehand. Don’t just silently expect people to adhere to your rules.

If they’re in my group… it’s my way or the highway…

[chuckles darkly]

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Yea, let’s expect the most sneaky backstabbing class to be the most social :smiley:

Jokes aside, locked ones go to the ones who can open them.


Opening chests is the only utility that rogues bring to a dungeon, thus they should be rolled for. Mages bring water and sheep, hunters traps and tanking pets, and warlocks soulstones and summons. Without the rogue willing to open chests for others I’d rather bring another mage or whatever. Deeps are a dime a dozen, I have no problem finding someone more useful than a rogue who won’t unlock chests.


“Opening chests is the only utility that rogues bring to a dungeon…”
stopped reading there.