Dungeons and locked chests

Let me list other things rogues can do

  • High and consistent Single-target, sometimes cleave dps
  • Evasion tanking
  • Reliable CC and slows
  • A 10 second CD interrupt
  • Disarm/detect trap for some rare occasions
  • Feint/Vanish for aggro

But the only utility we bring is lockpicking?
That is rich coming from a glorified buffbot.


Oh, this one is easy to answer. Just ask the question before going to the dungeon and you will know it right away.

This thread is hilarious, rogues trying SO hard to find a reason to live


Everyone rolls, rogue opens the chest for the winner. Simple as that.

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untrue + false

Well question doesn’t need an answer, the rogue will leave half way after it completed its quest.

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Never heard about rogues claiming locked chests for themselves. Must be a rare and extremely greedy bunch.

Opening locks is just one of the skills rogues bring to a dungeon group, just like mages providing free food/water as someone already pointed out.

As for blacksmith keys/seaforium it’s tricky because those can be expensive to make.
I always carry some seaforium to open locked chests for my group even if I don’t win the roll but I wouldn’t force people to essentially spend money so someone else can get his free chest.

Being greedy only hurts you in the long run.

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So we all agree that all loot is Rogue loot?

I’ve done about 20 (non-AoE) runs of the various SM wings over this week, and every rogue I met simply opened the locked chests and bid every group membr roll for it. Without any prior arrangement. So it seems the greedy ninja-like rogues are indeed much more numerous on this forum than they are in the actual game. Thank Elune.

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What you talking about? Here, let me carry that heavy gear of yours, which is CLEARLY a hunter gear!

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Get… That… Need… Roll… Off… My… DAGGER! :frowning:

Askyl rolls 43
Nataliya rolls 44


You just have to ask a simple question. If the rogue was alone, could he get to the chest? No? then all roll.

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The best is to kick a rogue if he pulls that kind of crap in your group. You can also simply avoid grouping rogues, as this guy seem to speak for all of them.

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