Dungeons are too easy

Yup I do not remember any wipes on the first ever time I did TD heroic.

I do not know… Whether someone pours a glass of water on someone’s face or an entire barrel, they can still tell that it was water or that was poured on them instead of nothing.
If a mechanic cannot even be remotely perceived without a very high difficulty setting, it is a bad learning experience.

My journey for all the timed +15 with my guild group was full of "Oh I did not knew this boss could do that in spite of doing them many times on lower difficulty).

That’s why everyone is welcome in my groups.
Bad player ?
No worries will teach you if you are ready to listen.
But if you wanna die 10 times none will kick you.
Next time you will get better …

That I can agree on, this is supposed to be a fun pastime and not a job where mistakes are not allowed


Fair enough, I can see how for some it might feel like oneshot city. I didn’t consider them hard personally, I just always felt like the playerbase was spoiled by the end of Wrath craziness and thus couldn’t tolerate what, to me, seemed like TBC difficulty. Like the playerbase felt the dungeons were harder because they themselves were temporarily worse at the game than before, if that makes any sense.

On the topic itself, I feel like dungeons aren’t too easy, but I also don’t really subscribe to the idea that the game’s been much harder before.


You’re currently the 4th best hpala in the world. I’m not sure how much you can relate to how “unfree” a +21 feels to most mortals.


Yeah, was too hard to cc 1-2 mobs, what a pain.

thats better

My goodness your gear! :sweat_smile: I was not complaining but yours is :open_mouth: How did you get those amounts of leech items too? I literally have 0. I have a voodoo totem with avoidance :stuck_out_tongue: not using it of course.

Testify… it doesn’t matter whether it’s because of the ‘mechanics’ or the timer…because the timer IS a mechanic and a test of your skill in knowing what to do to counter delay, by itself.

Outgearing content is an unavoidable result of giving players a feeling of gear and character progression, as they advance through an Expac and take on greater challenges.

It’s simple, if you find standard content too easy, you can up the challenge yourself.
Start removing pieces of your gear, not upgrading your weapon, not using talents… create your own version of the old ‘Iron Man’ challenge…at some point as your toon gets closer to totally nekkid in unarmed combat, you are going to find even with your godlike skillz of awesome knowledge of mechanics and class mastery, the challenge will kick in.

Alternatively pug a group six levels above your max Mythic+ Timer comfort zone… and become the ‘scrub’ that everyone hates on, rather than Killer King of Boosting.

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I think the problem is that much of the old skool playerbase is vastly better informed/skilled than they were in Vanilla or TBC… it is therefore more difficult for Blizz to come up with serious challenges for older more experienced players, in an organised group.

When the awesome Gods of Skillz shout ‘Why have you scrubs not done enough research / learnt your class properly?!’
Welcome to being back in Vanilla/TBC and not having the online tools or a large well organised Guild to educate you.


I remember having to alt-tab (and it took painfully long!) to look up quest info on Allakhazam and Thottbot because quests were vague and didn’t give me map markers. It wasn’t hard but took so much time. :'D

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the wow official forums are one big circle jerk of forum regulars, they auto like each others posts to make sure they can keep their Trust Level 3 which allows them to spam stupid gifs and memes. if you care about game discussion do NOT come here. there is this other guy who desperately wants TL3 and i checked his post history one time. he posts nothing than garbage in every thread hoping he gets likes. its always something short he thinks is funny or will get likes. these forums are a joke and that is exactly why forums like ArenaJunkies or ElististJerks existed back in the day when the game was actually popular. now that wow is dead and only taken serious by casuals there is no alternative. by the way. this post is going to get flagged by the same people i mentioned.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

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man, if you go into a serious thread and all you do is try to make a funny witty comment in hopes of likes then you are posting garbage and this is a fact. if you do not understand this then you are the reason the official forums are not taken serious by any of the top players. :relaxed: :kissing: :kissing_heart: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: added some emoji in hopes of making it easier for you to comprehend man.

Have like half a year TL3, never posted a gif yet.


Post something I find constructive/informative/amusing/nostalgic, you get a like… it really is that simple.
I’m personally not bothered about forum rewards, which is glaringly obvious, whenever peeps start to provocatively shoehorn ‘Alt-Right’ memes/opinions into their posts.

Nice tinfoil hat you’re wearing.


…and peeps wonder why the ‘elite’ playerbase has a reputation for toxicity.


I agree with this. It was particualry hard, just had to know some tacts on some of the mobs & boses.

No offence, but if you regard a difference of opinion as mockery or belittling, then I question why you bother using a discussion forum, which is all about discussing differences of opinions. I haven’t attacked a single person, but I will attack posts if I don’t agree with their essence, which is the entire point. Try not to confuse that for an attack on your person. If you post something publicly and get defensive whenever it’s questioned as per the point of a forum, then I don’t know what to say to you. You say Toe-May-Toe and I say Toe-Mah-Toe, everyone goes home.

As said three times, pretty much everything in the game is easy when you know how. I can link videos of me solo’ing or duo-ing various TBC dungeons or solo’ing world bosses and casually dunking those TBC Heroics with all manner of teams – but that isn’t the point. The point (which someone else started) was discerning which is more difficult - BFA Mythics or Pre-Nerf TBC Heroics - and as explained, saying one is more difficult than another is NOT the same as saying the more difficult of the two is literally ‘difficult’. Try not to confuse the two as they are two very different discussions.

TBC Pre-Nerf, leading to nerfs, leading to the spiral towards accessibility (re. more ‘casual’ approach to content) speaks for itself. Without having in-depth mechanics, relying solely on massive tank-busting damage, clearing a TBC heroic back in the day (for regular Joe) involved forming CC heavy teams and/or duo-healer teams at a time when actually bothering to use CC and be more methodical about trash was a thing. BFA may be infinitely more mechanically involved than TBC ever was, yet you cannot compare Mythic0 to those old overtuned TBC heroics - they caused more headaches than BFA ever did (for people who were not in raiding guilds and/or had geared people totally used to slumming it through the ‘harder stuff’ quite casually on the daily).

The entire era and mentality surrounding the game was different as well, which causes a massive tangent, but we won’t get into that.

Grim Batol, there’s something that gives you a debuff and if you move then BAM ! you’re dead. There’s a similar debuff in Blackrock Caverns/. Even at 120 it’ll one shot you.

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Likes are not a big requirement for TL3. You have been misinformed.


I am! Wish I was getting likes too. :frowning: