Dunno why people are against RDF in WotLK

So you ignored 2x Emblem of Frost every day and possibility of running a preformed Pit of Saron and a random popped Pit of Saron to double your chances on the loot you want, are we being honest here?

You’ll have daily HC quests instead of the LFG. You’ll still get your emblems, just from the quest, not the run itself.


that’s the thing i don’t care about alternate universe ultra mega galactic wars bull crap of retail and hence why i quitted at the end of siege of orgrimmar, so feel free to go back to retail and don’t touch our favorite dishes.

So… Because of the “alternate universe ultra mega galactic wars bull crap of retail” you don’t care about, you think Wrath should have LFD? Because your time to play is limited?

more like the Sartharion weekly quest huh? Or the TBC daily? Well that makes things a bit better but still, they killed my fishing and cooking time now I will have to whisper all those egoistical tanks and healers to form a group unfortunately. The easiness that hitting a button to que up and do your thing is undeniable.

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Isnt RDF by rewarding the first random dungeon of a day instead a specific daily a much better design decision when it comes to daily heroic dungeon rewards? Every new player needs different dungeons for gearing up and once most players dont need dungeon gear anymore, these players will primarily go for the daily heroic only and not for other dungeons. So players looking for less popular dungeons will have troubles finding groups, if their desired dungeon is not in the daily quest rotation. The RDF fixes the issue by always mixing geared players that only look for the daily reward and the players actually gearing up in heroic dungeons. This reward design was one of many reasons the RDF was perceived as the better solution for many players, especially for new players or simple twinks.


Back in the days there was ghostcrawler, he knew exactly what players wanted. Today’s activision mentality is completely irrelevant it’s all about boost, vanity sales. That’s the exact reason why RDF is invented, time play limitations. Just because you are inherited wealth and able to play 19 hrs a day doesn’t mean most of us do and hence why there are ALOT of topics against the removal of RDF. If the social connection you guys make only through 10 minutes lasting 5 man dungeons it’s really sad for you, I make my connections by searching an arena partner or looking for that healer for a raid and see how much they top the meters and we become friends push above and beyond. This is a game of min/maxing. Back in the days Ghostcrawler didn’t care about casual people’s opinions he cared about raiders and that’s why they had 12 million subs a month, today’s activision cares about fortnite refugees like you hence why they are internally falling apart, will see how Microsoft threads this.

Np i’m not native english.
Yes exactly, now there is no discover, no exploration, no imersion anymore in the game it’s sad but because of that we don’t enjoy the game anymore for the same thing.

I’m sorry but i don’t understand what do you mean.
Classic is a chimera word “You will get the game as it was but not really”, like getting the last patch of the game everytime + the fact that the mentality changed.

And about the RDF, it supposed to be on Wotlk and some players prefer to get a Wotlk Vanilla like.

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lol ghostcrawler was the brain behind cata, and cata was his baby. “Heroics should be hard” but then they made the LFD heroics difficulty for toddlers anyway. All about convenience and not caring it’s an MMO, pretending it’s a single player experience where you don’t have to communicate with others

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It’s you who doesn’t. I very much do enjoy playing it, but could be enjoying it even more if I had rdf

There are hundreds of reasons why a dad gamer is not able to follow a guild’s set raid schedule.

Other than that, I agree with you post.

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Cata wasn’t bad, all thanks to Ghostcrawler. Was really flavorful, Neltharion has a big share in warcraft lore and I was amazed on Dragon Soul when you wiped he destroys the planet and you die in black nothingness of a space. Was a great xpac, only downfall was LFR not RDF. The game went through horrid changes starting with WoD. Cata simply isn’t as good as Wrath. Wrath 3.3.5a and Panda 5.4.8 are the only 2 xpacs where true class balance (as balanced as it can get in an mmo) existed while in a lore rich fantastic raid environment stuff running around. In short, rdf didn’t kill anything. Singular quest design and LFR did. Raids and 5 man meaningless dungeons are completely irrelevant.

I think rdf takes the world out of World of Warcraft, im really happy it’s out. rdf is not going to make you a grp faster if you play dps anyway, and you don’t get a 30 min debuff from leaving a grp that’s trolling.


“We” i mean 80% of players ? Boost + GDKP + monofaction mega serv proved that the majority of the players don’t enjoy the game for the same reason that 15 years ago.
I don’t enjoy the game for its graphics anymore for example and its big zones, graphics are horrible now and zones are small. There is no suspence in the game anymore “What will i have if i kill this random elite”, knowing all quests, all zone etc.

It’s like a awesome music, after hearing it 10x or maybe 100x during 5 years, hm yeah ok cool.

If this is your view why do you even bother with Classic? There’s plenty of games, not just wow.

Yeeeah. If that’s what you think then maybe, just maybe Classic Wrath isn’t for you. Blizz already stated they don’t want to take Wrath down the path of Cataclysm. I’ll say the same to you, there’s more games out there.

Just install LFG bulleting board addon and select only to list the dungeons you are interested in

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Stop being delusional. MOST players actually want boosting, that’s precisely why EVERYONE does that. And you likely don’t even play classic at all, why should you have a say in it? What’s worse, blizzard are still trying to appeal to people like you, who spend more hours on forum than ingame.

:microphone: drop :joy:

(Servers are up again btw!)

If i compare raid/dg content Cataclysm is 100x better. Ok DragonSoul wasn’t good but Wotlk ? Naxxramas, 3 raids with 1 dragon boss, Onixya, ToC, unfun dg because too easy.
Also Cataclysm content got diferent “color theme & ennemies” like Classic, while Wotlk it’s just like blue, violet, undead and humanoïdes or vrykul. Cataclysm are more varied.
And the gameplay of Cataclysm is also better, more dynamic.

Just delete ICC and Ulduar and Wotlk is not a big deal finaly.

I don’t said Classic is a bad game, i just said Classic word is a chimera term.