Dunno why people are against RDF in WotLK

lol. Sorry, you’re not the target audience. You do you, but kinda weird you want Wrath to be like Cata

How many years did you played on Wotlk ?

tf does this even mean? I played Wrath back in the days if that’s what you’re asking

Well, i played Wotlk over 12 years, and if i’m not the target audiance, i don’t know what you are.

reply with your classic toon so we know what we’re dealing with. Because this toon’s armory page is not impressive at all.

I also played Wrath

I don’t play on retail, i just tested it and from MoP i don’t like it.
So of course is not impressive at all.
And i don’t know what it will change with a picture of my caracter.


well, you’re saying that the majority of people playing don’t actually enjoy the game, and while I can reply with 5 level 70 toons, you’re just using a dummy level 10 retail char

So you’re aware? The Wrath launch was absolutely great. Getting off the boat for the first time, having to travel in the world to get to the dungeons and so on. People are going to play dungeons with or without LFD. Will be more fun without.

Point being, how do you even know what people enjoy if you’ve likely not even played it?

It will be hard to debate if you only understand what you want.

Not even played it ? I played on Wotlk over 12 years and i played on Classic/TBC and you think i can’t imagine what people like now ?
How many topic we get on the forum about the fact peoples don’t like lvling anymore for example ?

  • “Players love leveling” => Boosting since Classic
  • “Players love wpvp” => monofaction mega serv
  • “Players enjoy slacking in the innkeeper and talking in /say” => Not many today apparently

Should i continue ?

I never said the opposite

As you said, “the first time”, don’t think it’s the first time or the second time for everyone.

You mean, talking to the fly master on Dalaran and afk alt+tab google chrome during the 5min of the travel to the Nexus ?


Can you explain why it will be more fun ?

Bro… like. I don’t care, didn’t read. Just reply as any of your tbc mains first, I think everyone reading would be interested in seeing them. I have 5 level capped toons (means I ACTUALLY have played the game), and I am saying I want rdf. And you’re a level 10 retail character. See where I am going with it?

Hilarious when i give you some real facts that everyone knows you are giving up.

Ok as you have nothing to say you just ask me to see my main character ? And after that then what ? You will just say you don’t care or i’m wrong. I don’t care about a picture as i don’t care about your.
I also want RDF.

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You are delusional. Everyone does NOT do that. Thank you.

Do I need to say it again? YOU are delusional. If that was true, RDF wouldn’t be taken out.

Lmao that is THE most sad line in this entire forum :rofl:

Yes, ofc they are. Just not as many.

Which only 2 people do. the other 3 are teleported there.

Talk about sheep… a sad sad sheep

I played Wotlk and I have vivid memories of not having RDF for most the expansion. The reason is that RDF was introduced along with ICC.

RDF doesn’t make the game better or more fun. It just makes it more convenient to faceroll dungeons and skip bosses.


How is this relevant? If you dont have time to play games then quit but stop asking for changes what do nothing but ruin game just for sake of few people what doesnt want to play your game anyway.

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This has been explanied several times over across all platforms. Including developers them self has explained it. So go figure.

Flagged this as spam, there are already too many topics about this

Blizzard explained it very well WHY there should be no Dungeon Finder in Classic:

Obviously the RDF was part of WOTLK but keep in mind that it was introduced along with ICC and was not part of the overall experience of Wotlk.

When WoW reached it’s highest peak with over 12 million subscriber during Wotlk there where no RDF and I think it’s very interesting to note how after RDF was introduced the subscription numbers started to fall for the first time.

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That’s an interesting advice I’ll definitely look into it thank you.