[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir 🏔

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Hey now there’s something helpful. Thanks!

On another note! Our reclamation campaign has come to an end. While it was tough going with the homestead being in an abysmal state. However after rolling up our sleeves and a little bit of elbow grease we managed to restore this little nook of the highlands to it’s former glory.


Love these Dwarves! thanks for the roleplay during our encounter! :beer: :gear:


We’ll have to organise something in future! :beers: :mage:

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I love following your RP posts here. But I do miss Hruroth’s screenshots! :beers:


Alas! I’m away with work for another two months :ocean: :anchor: :passenger_ship:

But rest assured a thick stack of screens is being compiled for my return. As well as that I have numerous dwarf centric plans and events in mind, alongside the excellent stuff Frolbar and the rest of the guild are doing! :mountain: :beers: :mage: :axe:

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A dwarf…at sea?! :whale: That’s preposterous!


“Keep ya’ feet on that ground!” never felt more poignant :mage:

Things have been a bit quiet lately, but that does not mean the dwarves have not been busy.
Frolbar lead us into the Plaguelands to track down a piece of an amulet which he seems obsessed with.
Anyway, we fought some zombies, some cultists, it was fun. Vedir learned that cultists have glass jaws and can be knocked out for a whole day by one punch… Either that or his punch is just that strong.

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The amount of facial hair in this thread is too damn high…

… said no one ever.

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Now I understand why elf women go for us dwarves. It’s the beard. They don’t see much of it within their own race.

Back by popular demand, and totally not because I’m over eager to please… Screenshots and art!

Hot in pursuit of a wiley Troll in order to attain the final part of a sacred amulet, the Morodnir had to cross both hostile oceans and deadly swamps!


With their foe cornered the Morodnir soon subdued them! Only for the corpse to dissolve into thousands of skittering spiders… adding to our inevitable aracna-in-beard-phobia.

Meanwhile our fine guild members have been hard at work creating some lovely bits of art!

First up by Grimner Ashbeard… is Grimner Ashbeard!

And by one of our newest members, Brerdugrul Grimband, a fine display of Orcish-Dwarven relations.


Stay tuned for more Morodnir shenanigans, same Morod time, same Morod channel!


I hate double posting but here’s another fine portrait by Morgrim!

This time of the trust mountaineer, Mogden Rustbeard!


Started to realize that most of our dwarves have a smoking addiction…


I read some good dwarf insults and sayings the other day that I definitely am considering using. One of my faves was “May your funeral be a sober occasion!”.
Now… we “stout-hearted kin” constantly find ourselves in the closest tavern for a flagon of ale, so I can hardly imagine that’d be a good thing… from a dwarf’s perspective.

What are your favourite Dwarf sayings?


Not tha’ beard!”

What? People are obsessed with messing with the beards, Gimli had it right!


Calling them Homebrews as a slur.


“Someone gave me the bird!”

Every Wildhammer known to us!!!


"Ach–!! …Ya wee NUMPTY!!"

I seem to type this a great deal on my Dwarf…


And where might a lassy find ye lads lately?